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BS: OK, What's your resolution? for 2007?

31 Dec 06 - 08:59 PM (#1923673)
Subject: BS: OK, What's your resolution? for 2007?
From: skipy

Publically I say, I will try my best to sing, as it scares me shitless & I can't do it, if I don't in 2007 then I am am out of the game forever.
Yours is?

31 Dec 06 - 11:19 PM (#1923716)
Subject: RE: BS: OK, What's your resolution? for 2007?
From: Mrrzy

Hmm - I should try again to learn an instrument, I think.

31 Dec 06 - 11:56 PM (#1923724)
Subject: RE: BS: OK, What's your resolution? for 2007?
From: Stilly River Sage

To read more books for pleasure in addition to those for work or scholarship.

01 Jan 07 - 12:10 AM (#1923728)
Subject: RE: BS: OK, What's your resolution? for 2007?
From: wysiwyg

To drink more, but enjoy it less.


01 Jan 07 - 12:18 AM (#1923732)
Subject: RE: BS: OK, What's your resolution? for 2007?
From: Bert

To enjoy more but drink less. AND to sing.

01 Jan 07 - 04:03 AM (#1923793)
Subject: RE: BS: OK, What's your resolution? for 2007?
From: DMcG

"Last year I made a lot of resolutions,
I broke each one as people always do.
In spite of that I'm not a bit discouraged:
So here's my plans for 1932.

My ma-in-law upset me,
in 1931
She said I was a wastrel,
but that was just in fun.
I hear she lies at death's door,
I'm going to pull her through
That's my good resolution,
For 1932"

etc ...

01 Jan 07 - 05:02 AM (#1923808)
Subject: RE: BS: OK, What's your resolution? for 2007?
From: Zany Mouse

I made a NYR about 20 years ago and I've kept it. What is it?


Works for me!


01 Jan 07 - 05:09 AM (#1923813)
Subject: RE: BS: OK, What's your resolution? for 2007?
From: Georgiansilver

Rhiannon..I did the same around 12yrs ago but I still resolve to try to better myself throughout each year.

01 Jan 07 - 06:00 AM (#1923827)
Subject: RE: BS: OK, What's your resolution? for 2007?
From: JohnInKansas

I rather liked, and may adopt, the resolution from one of yesterday mornings comic strips.

After giving it some thought, the character came up with:

"I resolve not to mess with perfection."


01 Jan 07 - 06:36 AM (#1923843)
Subject: RE: BS: OK, What's your resolution? for 2007?
From: Liz the Squeak

Zany - I did that too and I'm sure I posted it here.... it's the oly one I've ever kept!


01 Jan 07 - 10:12 AM (#1923948)
Subject: RE: BS: OK, What's your resolution? for 2007?
From: Midchuck

My standard resolutions:

1) To eat less, and eat a more healthy diet.

2) To exercise more, on a regular basis.

3) To practice my music daily, not just when I'm in the mood, and to have a plan for how I use my practice time.

4) To use my time on the job more efficiently, so I can spend less time in the office but get more done.

5) To be civil to everyone I come in contact with (both in the real world and on the net), even if I don't give much of a damn about them, at least until they're uncivil to me first.

I've made those resolutions (except the part about the net, obviously) every new year for 30 years or more. Why should I change now?


01 Jan 07 - 10:22 AM (#1923955)
Subject: RE: BS: OK, What's your resolution? for 2007?
From: Rapparee

I shall do my utmost to be more moderate in my moderation.

01 Jan 07 - 11:57 AM (#1924030)
Subject: RE: BS: OK, What's your resolution? for 2007?
From: Alba

I made only one...

I will SEIZE EACH DAY OF 2007 with enthusiasm! ***** SMILE *****

Happy Resolve All!

01 Jan 07 - 01:22 PM (#1924092)
Subject: RE: BS: OK, What's your resolution? for 2007?
From: Amos

I don't understand why there are two threads posing the same silly question, but ok:



01 Jan 07 - 09:36 PM (#1924440)
Subject: RE: BS: OK, What's your resolution? for 2007?

To get healthier and weigh less.

Skipy, if singing scares you, then why do you want to do it? Is it only pre-stage fright? If so, I hope you can get past it. If the whole thing scares you, well for heavens sake do something you enjoy more instead!

01 Jan 07 - 09:40 PM (#1924443)
Subject: RE: BS: OK, What's your resolution? for 2007?
From: Gorgeous Gary

The big two are (1) get more exercise and (2) make some progress on my CD.

Having just set up two dates with my recording engineer, I guess I'm making a good start on #2...

-- Gary

02 Jan 07 - 05:14 AM (#1924611)
Subject: RE: BS: OK, What's your resolution? for 2007?
From: Paul Burke

Only make resolutions that you have a chance of keeping. So here are mine:

(1) Take up smoking.
(2) Drink more
(3) Put on 3 stone by May
(4) Be less tolerant and good-natured
(5) Post more drivel on Mudcat.

02 Jan 07 - 09:25 AM (#1924720)
Subject: RE: BS: OK, What's your resolution? for 2007?
From: Alba

Ah, yes indeed Paul.
Those are resolutions that I can see myself keeping as well...*grin*
Happy New Year to You

02 Jan 07 - 04:22 PM (#1925032)
Subject: RE: BS: OK, What's your resolution? for 2007?
From: Kim C

Musically, to practice more and learn more new songs. And write more.

In general, to stop worrying about what other people are doing, especially in my workplace. If someone else wants to screw up, that's their problem, not mine. I am only going to worry about me and my job.

02 Jan 07 - 04:28 PM (#1925037)
Subject: RE: BS: OK, What's your resolution? for 2007?
From: GUEST,Chongo Chimp

Yer list sounds a lot like mine, Paul Burke. I intend to drink more too. A lot more. It will require makin' more money, though, and that's the part that I ain't got solved yet, but I am workin' on it.

I also intend to punch the next idiot that calls me a monkey.

02 Jan 07 - 04:35 PM (#1925040)
Subject: RE: BS: OK, What's your resolution? for 2007?

To stop farting in my sleep so I can meet a nice lady.

02 Jan 07 - 05:15 PM (#1925086)
Subject: RE: BS: OK, What's your resolution? for 2007?
From: Tootler


At an early age, I was told I could not sing, and for many years I believed it.

About five years ago I was at an early music summer school, (playing recorder) and an optional session was posted called "So you think you can't sing". I thought "Nothing to lose" so I signed up for it and found actually I can sing, though I was not very confident. Some months later I got a brochure for an adult education centre which included a weekend workshop called "Singing for the tone deaf", so I signed up for that too. I had a great weekend and one particular thing that a learned was finding out where your voice lay in the aural spectrum (mine was in the baritone range) About 18 months later, I went on a carol singing weekend which involved singing harmony as well, a satisfying if difficult weekend. About the same time I started going to a local folk club. The format was a singaround and at first I used to just play jigs and reels on my recorder when it was my turn. One night, however, I decided to have a go and sing and no one seemed to think it was bad, so I carried on.

What I am beginning to find now is that;

  1. I am becoming more conscious of my voice and its qualities.
  2. As I keep singing, my voice seems to be getting better and
  3. I am not nervous about singing a song when it is my turn at a local folk club.

At the carol singing weekend this year, the tutor asked who had been told they could not sing at some time. Every member of the group raised their hands, yet everyone was able to sing and to help produce and participate in arrangements.

So, Skipy, go for it. You are probably better than you think.

My new year resolution - look for a songwriting workshop. I write tunes, but have never written a song and feel I would to give it a go, but am not sure where to start. Maybe it just the need for confidence and a supportive environment to get me started - I don't know, but that's certainly what got me started composing music.

02 Jan 07 - 05:34 PM (#1925094)
Subject: RE: BS: OK, What's your resolution? for 2007?
From: Liz the Squeak

I suppose if pushed I'd have to say I'd resolved to take more time to myself and declutter my life!

What that means I'll be getting rid of I have no idea... but it's not starting too well at the moment.

I could resolve to finish what I've started but that would include the 3 boxes of chocolates, 20+ pieces of sewing, 300 yrs worth of family history, 2 bottles of gin, 3 bottles of sloe gin, a bottle of Baileys, big bag of Doritos, 2 books, several songs and those 3 crates of beer in the cellar.


02 Jan 07 - 07:37 PM (#1925216)
Subject: RE: BS: OK, What's your resolution? for 2007?
From: Cluin

To finish all my half-finished songs and art works.

02 Jan 07 - 08:37 PM (#1925253)
Subject: RE: BS: OK, What's your resolution? for 2007?
From: GUEST,Paul Dirac's ghost

to meet gargoyle in person

02 Jan 07 - 08:43 PM (#1925260)
Subject: RE: BS: OK, What's your resolution? for 2007?
From: The Fooles Troupe

Every Year we have a 30+ Million Lottery drawn on New Year's Eve. Missed it this year, but gonna try again...

Hey, I know, money can't make you happy, but after I win it, I do promise to keep you all informed just how unhappy I am...

03 Jan 07 - 07:42 AM (#1925513)
Subject: RE: BS: OK, What's your resolution? for 2007?
From: Folk Form # 1

To not buy so many CDs as I have piles of the damn things and not enough time to play them.
To read more as a lot of my reading time is taken up by listening to new CDs.
To watch a film a week at the cinema.
To not channel flick the whole time, something I have done quite a lot recently since I got a digital box.
To eat more healthily and to exercise more.
To be more courteous to Mudcatters with whom I disagree.
To take no shit from Mudcatters who disagree with me. [That's a joke!]
Learn french.
Write more.
Not to drink so much. hic!

03 Jan 07 - 12:00 PM (#1925691)
Subject: RE: BS: OK, What's your resolution? for 2007?
From: GUEST, Topsie

To take my glasses with me when I go shopping so I can read the CD labels, food ingredients (and small print in general) BEFORE buying.

Shouldn't the 'finish what I've started' list include the Mudcat Cookbook? You could cross off the Baileys to make room for it - revolting stuff.

03 Jan 07 - 03:07 PM (#1925838)
Subject: RE: BS: OK, What's your resolution? for 2007?
From: GUEST,mg

To have automatic withdrawal every month to Mercy

11 Jan 07 - 09:32 AM (#1933251)
Subject: RE: BS: OK, What's your resolution? for 2007?
From: GUEST,Resolute

How are the resolutions doing?

11 Jan 07 - 09:36 AM (#1933257)
Subject: RE: BS: OK, What's your resolution? for 2007?
From: Liz the Squeak

Topsie - the book was finished, I had and still have problems formatting it onto a disk so that it can be read by other machines. Copying it to another computer lost all the layouts and pictures, so I've been quietly working on it again, to make it Emailable in a zip file. Not very successfully yet.


11 Jan 07 - 09:44 AM (#1933265)
Subject: RE: BS: OK, What's your resolution? for 2007?
From: GUEST, Topsie

Keep up the good work Liz. I didn't mean to hassle you.

11 Jan 07 - 09:48 AM (#1933271)
Subject: RE: BS: OK, What's your resolution? for 2007?
From: Liz the Squeak

No worries.. a thoughtful prompt is often useful!


11 Jan 07 - 03:00 PM (#1933531)
Subject: RE: BS: OK, What's your resolution? for 2007?
From: Schantieman

Make more of an effort with my social life - meet more people and be nice to them - keep in touch with people - get back in touch with those who used to be friends.

Make new friends
Keep the old
One is silver
The other is gold.

(grammatically dodgy, but a good sentiment!)


11 Jan 07 - 03:22 PM (#1933549)
Subject: RE: BS: OK, What's your resolution? for 2007?
From: GUEST,maire-aine

I resolved to keep my house clean enough so that I can invite people over on the spur of the moment. And have a plan to feed them quickly. I'll start on it as soon as I take down my Christmas tree.

It's only myself and my 2 cats, so why is it always such a mess?


11 Jan 07 - 05:06 PM (#1933637)
Subject: RE: BS: OK, What's your resolution? for 2007?
From: Mrs.Duck

My resolution is to go to bed earlier and get more exercise.

12 Jan 07 - 12:25 AM (#1933993)
Subject: RE: BS: OK, What's your resolution? for 2007?
From: GUEST,mg

I set up my autopay today. mg

12 Jan 07 - 09:49 AM (#1934310)
Subject: RE: BS: OK, What's your resolution? for 2007?
From: the lemonade lady

Be open minded and understanding I think. Hmmm, yes.
