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BS: Something We Can Do: Msg to Mr. Bush

11 Jan 07 - 04:58 PM (#1933625)
Subject: BS: Something We Can Do: Msg to Mr. Bush
From: Ebbie

Here is a message from Democratic Whip, Senator Harry Reid.

"Last night President Bush had the opportunity to change course in Iraq and announce to the American people that he would begin to bring our troops home. Instead, he has made the choice to escalate our involvement in Iraq's civil war by sending 21,500 more troops to the region.

"Congress will vote in the next few weeks on the President's plan, but my position is clear: No Escalation -- No Way. Join me in sending President Bush that message by visiting:

"On Election Day, America spoke with one voice about its desire to end the war in Iraq. In the weeks and months since, I and other members of Congress from both parties have urged President Bush to heed the will of our nation and propose real change. Regrettably, the President has chosen to ignore the will of the American people. Concern about the President's escalation strategy is non-partisan. It is opposed by Democrats, it is opposed by Republicans, it is
opposed by top military leaders, and it is opposed by an overwhelming majority of the American people.

"Adding additional troops has already been tried and it has already failed. In fact, it seems as though every year President Bush announces a major strategic shift that is nothing more than a
repetition of the same failed tactics all over again, shrouded in new packaging for the media. America doesn't need another White House P.R. campaign -- we need a real change of course in Iraq.

"Democrats, Republicans and the bipartisan Iraq Study Group have all offered President Bush a roadmap to turn Iraq over to the Iraqis, begin the phased redeployment of American troops and end our open-ended commitment.

"Congress will do nothing to jeopardize the safety of our troops, but we will exercise our Constitutional authority to hold the President accountable for a change of course that turns Iraq over to the Iraqis and allows for our troops to begin coming home. The time for more troops in Iraq has passed. They and their families have served our nation courageously and sacrificed enough."

Thank you,

Harry Reid

11 Jan 07 - 05:09 PM (#1933643)
Subject: RE: BS: Something We Can Do: Msg to Mr. Bush
From: Bill D

well, I agree with him, but it would still be a skewed sampling and almost worthless as a tool for thousands of folks to just say "ditto" to Reid's wording.

Now 27,000,000 personal notes, all written individually, would be a different story.

11 Jan 07 - 05:12 PM (#1933645)
Subject: RE: BS: Something We Can Do: Msg to Mr. Bush
From: kendall

Right on, Bill. I never do the petition thing, always an individual letter.

11 Jan 07 - 05:16 PM (#1933651)
Subject: RE: BS: Something We Can Do: Msg to Mr. Bush
From: Ebbie

Right, Kendall. I NEVER use a prepared text.

11 Jan 07 - 05:16 PM (#1933652)
Subject: RE: BS: Something We Can Do: Msg to Mr. Bush
From: katlaughing

Wouldn't it still hold true that for every ONE which is signed "ditto" they can expect a thousand more or some such number to feel the same? I know that still holds true for individual letters, but I hardly think Reid, MOveON. org or any of the others would keep using internet petitions if they didn't have some impact.

Thanks, Ebbie.

11 Jan 07 - 07:11 PM (#1933771)
Subject: RE: BS: Something We Can Do: Msg to Mr. Bush
From: Cruiser

Signing a petition is better than nothing is. As a former federal employee who had to sometimes deal with logging "votes", they ALL must be counted. Sign the petition as a quick answer then send your own letter. Form letters, faxes, phone calls, snail mail, and e-mail all count. The mo', the better.

The government is all about numbers of people responding. For example, a recent government proposal was halted partially because they got a "bazillion form letters" that had to be logged in. The response got the people to realize what they were proposing would not pass because of the overwhelming opposition. The form letters likely had the same wording but each one had to be documented and counted.

At least do something and please do not discourage others from signing petitions.

11 Jan 07 - 07:40 PM (#1933799)
Subject: RE: BS: Something We Can Do: Msg to Mr. Bush
From: Cruiser

I just signed the petition. Come on Democrats, I am a Republican.

There is a box to add your own comments.

The only minor negative item is they ask you to Invite A Friend before your signed form is accepted. Just put in a fake address if you do not want to invite others and hit the Send button.

11 Jan 07 - 09:46 PM (#1933890)
Subject: RE: BS: Something We Can Do: Msg to Mr. Bush
From: wysiwyg

CLICK HERE to get there.


12 Jan 07 - 12:26 AM (#1933994)
Subject: RE: BS: Something We Can Do: Msg to Mr. Bush
From: katlaughing

Thanks, Cruiser!

I think it registers without having to send it to a friend. It said "done" after I clicked the Submit button on the sign the petition page. I've never had them require the send to a friend thing before.

12 Jan 07 - 12:45 AM (#1934001)
Subject: RE: BS: Something We Can Do: Msg to Mr. Bush
From: Stilly River Sage

Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.

This is Bush trying to pull the same trick all over again, yet expecting everyone to think it is something different.


12 Jan 07 - 02:32 AM (#1934024)
Subject: RE: BS: Something We Can Do: Msg to Mr. Bush
From: dianavan

Petitions are great and so are letters but he isn't even listening to members of the Republican party, let alone Congress. He doesn't care because he doesn't have to campaign for your vote!

The only thing that is ever going to make a big difference to the Neo Cons is if we stop shopping and stop working while we conduct world-wide strikes and protests.

12 Jan 07 - 10:39 AM (#1934362)
Subject: RE: BS: Something We Can Do: Msg to Mr. Bush
From: Greg F.

What in gods name makes anyone think that President Dumbshite & his handlers would be influenced in any way by a petition?

God has told this obstinate fool that he's doing the right thing...
no-one else's opinion matters.

12 Jan 07 - 11:02 AM (#1934383)
Subject: RE: BS: Something We Can Do: Msg to Mr. Bush
From: Cruiser

dianavan and Greg F.,

The important thing is to submit a complaint. If you do not do something people other than Bush will notice the apathy. Apathy is what got us in the mess in the first place. Now is not the time to continue to be apathetic. Our country cannot survive more of the same in Iraq.

I was always the good soldier and public servant and trusted my Commander-In-Chief, but this man is incompetent and he has lost his ability to reason. I once supported Bush, but now he has lost sight of what made this country great and he is not in touch with reality.

Please register your complaint to your representatives, sign the petition, or do whatever you can.

I know this is just the BS section of a music forum, but every voice does make a difference. If you do not do something, no matter how insignificant it may appear to be, to protest the troop increase; your apathy is as much to blame as Bush's decision to send more troops. In effect, you are registering your approval of his actions by not protesting them.

Have a conscience, do something.

kat: thanks for pointing out that it is not necessary to include a friend in the petition. There must have been a glitch with my system.

12 Jan 07 - 11:13 AM (#1934393)
Subject: RE: BS: Something We Can Do: Msg to Mr. Bush
From: GUEST,Nameless One

Would the message senders here please share their tuoughts on what will happen after this war is ended?

12 Jan 07 - 11:15 AM (#1934396)
Subject: RE: BS: Something We Can Do: Msg to Mr. Bush
From: number 6

"The only thing that is ever going to make a big difference to the Neo Cons is if we stop shopping and stop working while we conduct world-wide strikes and protests."

True dianavin ..... specifically world-wide strikes and protests. People have to speak and speak loud ... these actions a are unfortunately are the only way at this point. Bush is a despot who is going his own way.


12 Jan 07 - 11:19 AM (#1934409)
Subject: RE: BS: Something We Can Do: Msg to Mr. Bush
From: Captain Ginger

Would the message senders here please share their tuoughts on what will happen after this war is ended?
A bit like the man falling from a 20th-floor window who wonders at around the 10th floor, 'what will happen when this fall is ended?'
Bush shouldn't have jumped.

12 Jan 07 - 12:14 PM (#1934465)
Subject: RE: BS: Something We Can Do: Msg to Mr. Bush
From: Ebbie

Some of the commentary is amazing.

Last night I listened to Sen. Chuck Hagal on Charlie Rose. Not only is Hagal worried about the situation- I would almost say, distraught - but he pulls absolutely no punches.

He is a conservative Republican, he says. If there were more like him we wouldn't be in the mess we're in.

12 Jan 07 - 01:04 PM (#1934497)
Subject: RE: BS: Something We Can Do: Msg to Mr. Bush
From: GUEST,Type name here

This is a coordinated move on the part of the 2 major parties. Bush says increase, the Democrats say no increase. But the Democrats propose nothing in the way of DECREASING, aside from the usual rhetoric. Bush puts a turd on your table, the Democrats say take it away, and they compromise on half a turd. Aren't you folks smarter than this?

13 Jan 07 - 12:12 AM (#1935005)
Subject: RE: BS: Something We Can Do: Msg to Mr. Bush
From: GUEST,Nameless One

Obviously all of the retreat advocates do not have a clue to what will happen after the US pulls out of Iraq.

A bit like the man falling from a 20th-floor window who wonders at around the 10th floor, 'what will happen when this pullout is ended?'

13 Jan 07 - 02:20 AM (#1935039)
Subject: RE: BS: Something We Can Do: Msg to Mr. Bush
From: GUEST,Mr. Evelyn Archaeopteryx-Jones

Dear sirs,

I feel I must protest. I strongly object to the smell of the stuff that comes out of my bum.

       Yours, etc.
       Mr. Evelyn Archaeopteryx-Jones, Th.D

13 Jan 07 - 02:00 PM (#1935377)
Subject: RE: BS: Something We Can Do: Msg to Mr. Bush
From: Ebbie

Guests Type Your Name Here and Nameless One, the one who sent in the troops SHOULD have had a plan for getting them out. An opposition party should NOT be expected to have to solve the unresolvable. A diplomatice solution will take time. A military approach does not appear to be a solution at all.

When, as it appears, Iraq is going to go through paroxysms whether or not we are there just why are we there?

13 Jan 07 - 03:24 PM (#1935463)
Subject: RE: BS: Something We Can Do: Msg to Mr. Bush
From: akenaton

"There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part; you can't even passively take part, and you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop. And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!"

Mario Savio

Never mind the chimp.....send this to the Democrats....Ake

13 Jan 07 - 04:16 PM (#1935507)
Subject: RE: BS: Something We Can Do: Msg to Mr. Bush
From: dick greenhaus

I'd guess that what would happen if we pulled the troops out is pretty much what's happening right's called a civil war.

13 Jan 07 - 04:20 PM (#1935509)
Subject: RE: BS: Something We Can Do: Msg to Mr. Bush
From: Cruiser

From October 2004:



Washington, DC -- The Bush Administration has decided that it will stand by its approval for a book claiming the Grand Canyon was created by Noah's flood rather than by geologic forces, according to internal documents released today by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER).

Despite telling members of Congress and the public that the legality and appropriateness of the National Park Service offering a creationist book for sale at Grand Canyon museums and bookstores was "under review at the national level by several offices," no such review took place, according to materials obtained by PEER under the Freedom of Information Act. Instead, the real agency position was expressed by NPS spokesperson Elaine Sevy as quoted in the Baptist Press News:

"Now that the book has become quite popular, we don't want to remove it." {End Quote}

13 Jan 07 - 04:22 PM (#1935513)
Subject: RE: BS: Something We Can Do: Msg to Mr. Bush
From: Cruiser

Whoops! That last post was meant for the Grand Canyon Thread.

However, it does relate to Mr. Bush.

13 Jan 07 - 04:32 PM (#1935524)
Subject: RE: BS: Something We Can Do: Msg to Mr. Bush
From: Cluin

Where's Spencer Tracy when we need him?

14 Jan 07 - 01:02 PM (#1936323)
Subject: RE: BS: Something We Can Do: Msg to Mr. Bush
From: Ebbie

On January 12, I wrote about Chuck Hagel's words and demeanor in an interview with Charlie Rose. This was after I had listened to him - and others - at the hearing.

I do believe that in some countries Senator Hagel would be taken out and shot for airing his views so bluntly.

January 12, 2007 Mark Shields is speaking:

"And you take somebody like Chuck Hagel, who is a measured, serious Nebraskan, not a grand stander, not a flamboyant guy or whatever, and the emotional intensity he brought to that debate yesterday in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee I think was alarming and almost liberating to many members of Congress and to Republicans, in particular.

"JIM LEHRER: Did you see it alarming and liberating, as well?
DAVID BROOKS: I thought it was a huge event. I thought the Rice hearings were a big event, not because we were surprised that Chuck Hagel came out against, but, as Mark said, the intensity, the ferocity. It was a whirlwind directed at the secretary, showing contempt for the policy.

"And so what that does -- I think it really sets up the potential of a sort of historic confrontation between the legislature and the White House. So far, as you look ahead to how this might evolve..."

Here is More of the Jim Lehrer Newshour Feature

15 Jan 07 - 11:44 AM (#1937333)
Subject: RE: BS: Something We Can Do: Msg to Mr. Bush
From: dick greenhaus

If you wish to pressure someone, write your letters to Republicans who will be up for re-election. Bush has nothing to lose (except what little reputation he has left)

15 Jan 07 - 12:42 PM (#1937388)
Subject: RE: BS: Something We Can Do: Msg to Mr. Bush
From: Cluin

Yes, write your letters to Mr. Bush. He can always use more paper in the bathroom.

24 Feb 07 - 04:25 PM (#1978288)
Subject: RE: BS: Something We Can Do: Msg to Mr. Bush
From: Ebbie

"USA can't survive more in Iraq this every one knows that!!!!! "Guest

Your post is on the incoherent side, Guest.