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BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?

01 Feb 07 - 06:09 AM (#1954352)
Subject: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?

When is Britain going to come into the euro? It has me driven cracked - I go to London quite often and have to bring a separate purse of money with me, and have absolutely no idea what the prices mean.

But I can go to Paris, Athens, Madrid, etc and instantly know how much I'm spending, and not have a pocketful of useless change when I come back.

I know sterling is important to British people - and fair enough, it's one of the major world currencies from a trading point of view. But out of consideration to Me, I wish ye'd change!

01 Feb 07 - 06:28 AM (#1954357)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: Keith A of Hertford

You could suggest to those countries that they adopt sterling.

01 Feb 07 - 07:09 AM (#1954377)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: John MacKenzie

When will America come into the Euro?
G ¦¬]

01 Feb 07 - 07:10 AM (#1954378)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: Strollin' Johnny

The sooner the better. It'll make business and holidays so much simpler. And it'll be one less reason for everyone else in Europe to despise us.

01 Feb 07 - 07:18 AM (#1954381)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: John MacKenzie

Rubbish, the French will always dislike the English no matter what, and as long as the Europeans know that our first allegiance is to the USA and not the EU, the UK will never fit in.
What's wrong with a bit of mental arithmetic anyway, it's not so difficult to work out prices. What do you do in other countries with non Euro currencies. Seems more like laziness to me, than anything else!

01 Feb 07 - 07:22 AM (#1954382)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: treewind

our first allegiance is to the USA and not the EU
If the UK switches to the US$, I'm getting outta here!


01 Feb 07 - 07:38 AM (#1954395)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: C-flat

In truth the US dollar would make more commercial sense than the Euro. International business is usually conducted in English and dealt in $US.

I'm quite happy with the £ though.

01 Feb 07 - 07:49 AM (#1954402)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: skipy

Bring back the florin!

01 Feb 07 - 07:55 AM (#1954407)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: Alba

"Bring back the florin!"...and while your at it you can bring back the thrupenny piece, the shilling, the half crown and the sixpence ?


01 Feb 07 - 09:07 AM (#1954496)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: bfdk

Personally, I hope the Brits will stand firm against the Euro for as long as possible, because as long as there are still other countries who don't kowtow to the Brussel sprouts EU leadership on that score, I'm hoping Denmark can retain its own independent currency as well.

Mental arithmetic is good for you, GUEST, JTT, it keeps the brain agile ;-))

Best wishes,


01 Feb 07 - 09:12 AM (#1954501)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: Alba

Yes indeed Bente,
Danish Currency is easy to work with too.
It also looks much prettier than Sterling and the Euro.
Nothing like giving that big muscle in our heads a workout:)
Best Wishes,

01 Feb 07 - 12:06 PM (#1954685)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: Bunnahabhain

Roughly when Hell freezes over. There is no support for it in the Conservative party, the Lib Dems are not going anywhere, except maybe backwards, and opinions are divided within the Labour party, and the Media.

The general public are strongly against it, and without a united campaign from the media and politicians would never support it in it's current state. Maybe in a decades time, when Southern Europe's economy stop resembling third world countries, there is some chance.

01 Feb 07 - 12:19 PM (#1954700)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: Georgiansilver

I agree with the above...bring back the half crown, two bob, bob and tanner.

01 Feb 07 - 12:46 PM (#1954729)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: Strollin' Johnny

And the stocks, and bear-baiting, and the ducking stool........

Fer gawd's sake guys, get yer feet unstuck from the mud and let's move forward. It's time for FIFO.

01 Feb 07 - 01:30 PM (#1954762)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: John MacKenzie

Nah we were ripped off in 1971, not going to have that happen again.

01 Feb 07 - 01:56 PM (#1954787)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: McGrath of Harlow

Real money, pounds, shillings and pence, fair enough. But once we went decimal there's no point in fussing around with a different metric currency from all our neighbours.

It's as if we'd gone over to having ten new inches to the foot.

Now the pound weight, together with ounces and stones, those might be worth defending, because they are measures with some conveniences to set against the complications of the Harry Potter type numbers - but the pound as a unit of currency, that's just an arbitrary nuisance which makes it easier to get away with keeping prices for all kinds of things higher here than in other parts of Europe.

01 Feb 07 - 02:18 PM (#1954813)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: Cobble

Better still when are we getting out of Europe.

01 Feb 07 - 02:38 PM (#1954828)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: John MacKenzie


01 Feb 07 - 03:12 PM (#1954863)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: McGrath of Harlow

Out of Europe? Need an awfully big skip to dump the old country into before shipping it off somewhere else...

01 Feb 07 - 06:28 PM (#1955057)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: Gizmo

Bearing in mind that the pound is still pretty strong against the US $ and the Euro - I very much doubt it would be changing soon, but then again we still have Tony B-Liar in power and if he wants to make it happen, then he'll go ahead and do it, whatever the people of this country want or think.

Sadly, changing our currency to euro, won't make anything cheaper, we will still be living in the same extorionate overblown tax predatory country we're living in now, and one step nearer to being governed entirely by people from germany, just like my water is!

Pound go - hell no!

01 Feb 07 - 07:25 PM (#1955111)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: McGrath of Harlow

It really doesn't make much difference what the coins and the notes in your pocket look like. Except it makes it easier to compare prices.

I would imagine that over time euros will creep into common use as a supplementary currency, no matter what. Money is money.

01 Feb 07 - 07:43 PM (#1955124)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?

Giok - mental arithmetic doesn't make my mind more agile, it puts me into a horrible limbo where nothing is real. I'm verging on the innumerate, and fell on my knees to give thanks when decimal currency came in.

It's *so* great to be able to go to any country in Europe and spend the same money and know what I'm getting for it. When I'm in England, I spend what I think is 50 euro, an ok kind of a price for a nice T-shirt, say, and discover that I'm turning my pockets out!

01 Feb 07 - 10:48 PM (#1955213)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: Big Phil

I lament at the loss of the farthing..........

02 Feb 07 - 01:57 AM (#1955287)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: Wilfried Schaum

... and until now no one remembered the guinea (the coin, not the pig)

02 Feb 07 - 02:06 AM (#1955290)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: GUEST,Crazyhorse

still be living in the same extorionate overblown tax predatory country

Have you ever paid tax in another European country. I have, in three of them, and the UK's is not the highest.

02 Feb 07 - 02:53 AM (#1955299)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: Georgiansilver

Gizmo hit the nail on the head...the pound is healthy against the dollar and the euro and many other currencies so why change it. There are so many variables which would affect out 'equality' with other European countries...Keep the Pound.

02 Feb 07 - 04:41 AM (#1955342)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: bfdk

Gizmo hit another nail bang on the head when she said that nothing will become cheaper by changing the currency.

A friend of mine in Germany told me, that when the Germans went from Deutschmark to Euro, prices went up by at least 10%, ostensibly to cover the cost of changing all the tills, vending machines and what have you from handling the old Marks to handling the new coinage.

Only, prices were never seen to come back down again to the previous level, although one must assume that this conversion can't really have been a perpetual cost, but must be assumed to have been over after a limited duration.

02 Feb 07 - 05:58 AM (#1955394)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: bubblyrat

It"s such an awful,soul-less name --"Euro" ! Nobody wanted it in the first place. The Dutch were happy with their Guilders, the Germans were very reluctant to lose their Marks ( I was living there just before the change-over ) & the French hate everything anyway !! I mean, has anyone come up with a slang word for it,as in "buck",or "quid " ?? Probably not !! Keep the Pound ,I say,& lose Europe & the EEC as soon as possible . Vivat Regina !!

02 Feb 07 - 06:41 PM (#1956076)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?

I was in France in early january. Supermarkets were still showing prices in francs as well as euros - apparently many of the French have difficulty thinking about value for money in euro terms, and felt the switch in currency had been used by firms as an excuse to put up prices.

02 Feb 07 - 08:14 PM (#1956133)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: GUEST,sorefingers

An oveb bearing, and over exposed UKIP seems to leave no website be. Here we have them again spouting rubbish and leaving overseas readers with the impression that there is a majority in the UK against the Euro.

Well there isn't.

And whats more, a majority of Europeans now want the UK to end its claw back of European funds ( ie the contributions of other member states such as Romania etc ).

I am in favor of limited membership for the UK which does not seem to fit well among the Democracy of Europe. I think they should be offered the same status as Norway. Perhaps after ten years of poverty outside the EU the UKIP will be taken out by the good people of Britain and stood against a wall.

Oh and the UKIP is also well connected to the neoNazis in Europe!

02 Feb 07 - 08:15 PM (#1956135)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: McGrath of Harlow

Agreed "Euro" is a dreadful name for a coinage. It's a dreadful abbreviation for anything, and should be avoided by anyone with any respect for the continent we live in.

The right thing to call it would have been a good Latin word which already has monetary connections - the Quid. I'm sure if they'd done that most English objections would have just melted away. It would have felt comfortable to be able to travel over the whoel of Europe paying for things in Quids.

It's not too late. Actually I imagine if/when the English adopt the currency in it'll be refered to as the "Euroquid" anyway, and sooner or later that'll be shortened to "Quid". Who refers to "New Pennies" nowadays?

02 Feb 07 - 08:31 PM (#1956141)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: GUEST,Tom Nelligan

I'm a USer, so I don't get a vote in the matter, but I hope that the UK hangs onto sterling forever. The Euro is to currency as WalMart is to commerce -- a giant, artificial, soul-less, homogenized, one-size-fits-all engine of commerce that wipes out centuries of local history and identity. I suppose it's inevitable that eventually MicrosoftToyotaBankofamerica Inc. or some variation thereof will rule the world, but as a traditionalist who celebrates regional cultures and hopes that they can endure, I don't have to like it.

02 Feb 07 - 08:36 PM (#1956142)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: McGrath of Harlow

The same could surely have been said of the dollar in its day. And probably was.

03 Feb 07 - 03:23 AM (#1956309)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: Ruth Archer

As someone who used to travel a lot, I really miss having different currencies in Europe. I love going to non-EU countries - figuring out the currency is part of the "otherness" of the experience, and part of the joy of travelling is to experience things that have not been McCultured.

I also think that anything that contributes to a lack of homogeneity is a good thing. I'm still deeply suspicious of a lot of EU legislation whih seems aimed at ironing out the cultural differences between the member states. Well, what's wrong with a few wrinkles? They add character. I'm still trying to figure out what Europe is for, apart from trying to create another superpower.

03 Feb 07 - 04:26 AM (#1956327)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: GUEST, Topsie

I've heard people in French markets buying vegetables in 'livres', which I thought were supposed to have gone out with Napoleon (they weigh out something approaching 500 grams).

There was a time when Ireland had pounds, shillings and pence (oh, and guineas, of course), but the value slipped so that an Irish pound was not worth the same as a British pound and the currency was no longer interchangeable. What is to stop the same thing happening with euros?

03 Feb 07 - 05:18 AM (#1956349)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: John MacKenzie

We are a heavily taxed country, most of it is indirect taxation, road fuel at about $7.50 US per gallon, alchohol taxed at about 60%, car tax at an average of about £200 pa, and heavy trucks pay over £3000 pa.
Income tax is low compared with many other countries. This is lunacy, as income tax is the only one paid solely by people who are earning, and doesn't hit every one from the old age pensioner to the young unemployed as the other taxes do.
The EC has ruined our steel industry, and contributed towards the demise of most of our coal mines. As for the fishing industry, I want to weep every time I think about it. UK boats are pensioned out, the boats and their crews slung on the scrap heap for a pittance, while foreign owned boats who often ignore the rules on mesh and fish sizes, fish so close to the shore that paddling children are in danger of being included in their catch.
EC, don't talk to me about EC, we signed up to an economic alliance, and now find ourselves in a mega bureaucracy with delusions of grandeur, run by overpaid and often corrupt officials. The auditors have refused to sign off the accounts of the EC for several years, and this is because of the double dealing and fiddling that goes on all the time.
I want to keep my currency, and I would also like my country back

03 Feb 07 - 05:39 AM (#1956359)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: Ruth Archer

The thing that puzzles me most, Giok, is how this loose economic alliance has been allowed transform into something completely different. It's become some strange cultural and social behemoth, with many negative economic ramifications for traditional British industry.

The other thing that makes me feel uncomfortable at the moment is the numbers of new countries that are joining. I think Ireland has become some of an object lesson in how to benefit fron the EU gravy train, and poorer countries who might have very little interest in the cultural bond promised by EU membership are certainly attracted by the economic benefits. It's becoming a bit of a joke. As a unifying cultural concept it can mean nothing when such disparate nations with vastly different social and cultural values are joining. I mean, a union including Britain, Germany and France was wierd enough...but Turkey?

God, I hope i didn't sound like a total fascist Little Englander just now...

03 Feb 07 - 06:24 AM (#1956385)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: bubblyrat

Why is it that when,on a discussion thread,someone airs the opinion that the EEC is not really working,or that Britain would be better off without Europe, or that (GOD FORBID !! ) any of us are PROUD to be ENGLISH, and would like some of our traditional laws & customs to be preserved, someone else immediately starts making Vile, Sneering,Bitchy,Angst-ridden remarks about "Nazis " & " Fascists " ??

03 Feb 07 - 06:55 AM (#1956406)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: Ruth Archer

Umm, do they?

03 Feb 07 - 07:12 AM (#1956415)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: GUEST,Terry McDonald

I always find it intriguing that the two countries that created and dominate the EU, France and Germany, are the same two countries that have tried, in the past, to conquer the continent by force of arms....

Sorefingers - if there really was a majority in Britain for joining the Euro, Blair would have held a referendum on it already. There isn't a majority for joining as every opinion poll ever taken on the subject has shown, hence no referendum and no membership.

Finally, the comment about mental arithmetic when converting pounds into dollars - it can't be that difficult. With almost two dollars to the pound, visiting Americans have only to double the sterling price they see or are quoted.

03 Feb 07 - 10:50 AM (#1956552)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: McGrath of Harlow

I haven't seen any of that in this thread, bubblyrat.

Only [problem I can see with going over to Euros is that it's mess up the single price Pound Shops. I mean a Quid is enough to allow a remarkable range of stuff, and a Euro wouldn't be as good for that.

How did they manage with that in Ireland? Because I think that's where the Pound Shops started.

03 Feb 07 - 03:47 PM (#1956775)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: GUEST,sorefingers

You might think that bad opinion of Euros is enough to get the UK out of Europe, but ya know it isn't and it never was that simple.

For one thing Scotland would likely want its own referendum, and for another what do the English do if there is a narrow majority? Bad enough not to be reading UKIP rubbish all over the internet, but imagine a Europhile underground in England after it leaves?

03 Feb 07 - 05:04 PM (#1956847)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?

Why would Scotland want its own referendum? Try justifying such strange statements..........

03 Feb 07 - 05:05 PM (#1956848)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: GUEST,Terry McDonald

sorry - that last post was me.

03 Feb 07 - 05:31 PM (#1956867)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: McGrath of Harlow

Well, by the time there's a referendum on this, Scotland will likely enough be independent.

03 Feb 07 - 07:12 PM (#1956952)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: GUEST,Terry McDonald

We (the English) can but hope.....

04 Feb 07 - 02:03 AM (#1957171)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: Strollin' Johnny

We've already got the Euro, chaps, it's here in our midst and it's here to stay, so get over it!

Many companies in the UK already trade with other European companies in Euros (mine being one of them) but, because of the national hobbies of Head-in-the-Sand-Burying and To-The-Past-Clinging, we're obliged to take huge exchange risks. Who pays for it? You, Dear Consumers, you - it goes on to the price of what you buy.

It's a fact that we can buy raw materials cheaper in Euros because suppliers won't take the risk of selling in GBP (or, if they will, they load the price to a point where it's uneconomical), and many customers in Europe simply refuse to buy if we demand payment in GBP (or alternatively they convert Euros to GBP at a very poor rate - the old exchange risk again!).

04 Feb 07 - 05:05 AM (#1957239)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: John MacKenzie

I reiterate, what do you do when you trade with the US and Japan, or any other country for that matter?
I suppose you could always write to GWB and ask him please to pay in sterling, just so's the US can take the hit of any exchange rate fluctuations.


04 Feb 07 - 05:27 AM (#1957252)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: bfdk

Before the invention of the Euro a lot of European companies had dollar accounts and paid their bills and/or took payment in dollars. However, this didn't make anybody demand that the dollar be introduced as local currency in the countries in question, did it?


04 Feb 07 - 03:20 PM (#1957651)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: GUEST,sorefingers

Strollin'Johnny makes the point best and I don't think it needs any help by my adding more.

From more efficient business method to lower costs to consumers, in the ever shrinking Global market place - technological progress if you will - the emergence of Global currencies is almost inevitable.

Today it isn't just the US Dollar, it is both the Dollar and the Euro.

Live with it or be trampled to death by those who already know the score!

Yes UK Currency is pretty and historic and all that, but it is not used by the other 400 million Europeans in the EU. That is probably the best reason of all to think seriously about moving on. So call it a 'quid' if you want, but for heavens sake move on like everybody else.

Oh and Scotland's own politicians - the ones I know - are firm in their view that it would not be in Scotland's interests today to simply fall in with UKIP plans for their country! I think those who here on the internet talk the most about this know exactly what that means.

UKIP does not represent Scotland!, and it should stop claiming that it does.

04 Feb 07 - 03:40 PM (#1957662)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: McGrath of Harlow

UK Currency is pretty and historic

No, it isn't really, not since it went metric.

We lost the shilling, the tanner, the thrup'nny bit, the penny, the ha'penny, the farthing, the half-crown, and the florin. Plus the guinea as a monetary unit, if not as a coin. All we've got left is the pound and a trumped up newcomer pretending it's a penny (a five and tenpenny and twopenny version); oh yes and a two pound coin - what's metric about that?

Nothing the least historic about that; and I donm't think they are even pretty coins for the most part.

04 Feb 07 - 04:32 PM (#1957709)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: Nigel Parsons


It's *so* great to be able to go to any country in Europe and spend the same money and know what I'm getting for it. When I'm in England, I spend what I think is 50 euro, an ok kind of a price for a nice T-shirt, say, and discover that I'm turning my pockets out!

That "Any country in Europe" is a bit inaccurate, 13 Countries have the Euro as their official currency. Definitely not just Britain holding out.
Also frquent news stories about 'Euro' countries who wish they still had their old currencies.
We're better off out of it!


04 Feb 07 - 05:03 PM (#1957743)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: GUEST,Terry McDonald

'Scotland's own politicians - the ones I know' Really? Name names.

04 Feb 07 - 05:55 PM (#1957787)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: GUEST,sorefingers


ya faker!

Terry? McDonald ? is that like a hamburger or something?

04 Feb 07 - 06:00 PM (#1957790)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: McGrath of Harlow

One suggestion I've always liked is that everyone would use the euro, but would call it by the traditional name of the main unit in that country - in England it'd be a pound (or a quid), in France it'd be a Franc, in Germany a Mark, and so forth.

04 Feb 07 - 08:26 PM (#1957890)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: GUEST,sorefingers

I always thought, but course I was wrong, that when they did make a 'global' currency, it would bear a common side - Euro or Dollar if you like - but on the other the member emblem would be shown.

As to what it should be called, how about not naming it at all and letting users chose?

05 Feb 07 - 09:37 AM (#1957902)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: GUEST,Terry McDonald

No - just my real name. I see no reason to hide my identity.

05 Feb 07 - 10:52 AM (#1957941)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: John MacKenzie

If a common valuation had been agreed between the countries concerned, and then each country could then print their own version of the Euro, I suspect it would be better liked than it is now.
G ¦¬]

05 Feb 07 - 12:45 PM (#1958015)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: McGrath of Harlow

it would bear a common side - Euro or Dollar if you like - but on the other the member emblem would be shown.

That's how it works with the Euro. You get a handful of change, and it's interesting seeing which different countries the coins have come from. See here.

05 Feb 07 - 12:52 PM (#1958024)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: John MacKenzie

Yes I know that Kevin, but a variety of notes would be fun too.

05 Feb 07 - 01:27 PM (#1958052)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?

Why don't yall just have a "loonie' like they do in Canada..sounds great dont it ?

05 Feb 07 - 01:30 PM (#1958057)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: John MacKenzie

We have Black Throated Divers here, that's why.


05 Feb 07 - 01:31 PM (#1958058)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: McGrath of Harlow

I was responding to sorefinger there, Giok.

I agree that it's be much more fun to have different notes and different coiusn from different countries, or from different regions for that matter, and there's no reason this couldn't be done using with common units.

I suppose there might be hassles with people not sure whather a coin or notes was genuine or not, but I'm sure that could be sorted out for notes just as easily as it is with coins.

And with debit and credit card transactions there's no reason why it shouldn't be possible to do that either in euros or in pounds pretty well immediately.

05 Feb 07 - 04:19 PM (#1958241)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: Tootler

We already have different notes in Britain. Just go to Scotland or Northern Ireland and you will find they issue their own notes there.

Just the reverse of the Euro, in fact. Same coins everywhere, but different notes.

Mind try passing a Scottish or Northern Irish note in the more Southerly parts of England and see the response you get!

05 Feb 07 - 04:34 PM (#1958255)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: McGrath of Harlow

Same coins everywhere" Oh no they aren't. Just have a look at a handful of pound coins. I just checked in my pocket, and there were two pound coins - one of the from NorthernIreland, andone from Wales. Both in change here in Essex.

Shopkeepers round here don't have any problem in accepting Scottish notes. They aren't that stupid. It's money isn't it?

05 Feb 07 - 05:34 PM (#1958318)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: John MacKenzie

They won't take Scottish pound notes in most places darn sarf.

05 Feb 07 - 06:27 PM (#1958368)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: McGrath of Harlow

We had lots of Scots in Harlow building it, along with the Irish. Maybe that makes a difference.

05 Feb 07 - 07:01 PM (#1958408)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: folk1e

We already have a unified currency. It is recognized the whole world over....... GOLD! If you have individual currencies each with it's own inflation rate it will lead to speculative acuisition of that currency.
Who gives a toss what we call it, it's what you can do with it that matters!

05 Feb 07 - 07:19 PM (#1958434)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?

I'm always a bit bemused by sentimentality about money. I'll get sentimental about languages, customs, folklore, stories, the traces of the old religion under the new. But money???

The euro is the same across Europe (and yes, there are countries that have stayed out, and countries that haven't been allowed in). But my handful of change has coins from all over Europe, showing where people have travelled.

It seems to me a people-friendly thing to have a common currency, whereas different currencies may be business-friendly and politician-friendly.

05 Feb 07 - 07:25 PM (#1958442)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: Stephen L. Rich

Don't jump in too fast. The French now have a grass-roots movement going to get rid of the Euro and return to the Franc. They are very frustrated with the way things are now.

Stephen Lee

05 Feb 07 - 11:14 PM (#1958601)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: GUEST,sorefingers

Ok thanks Mr McGrath thats a nice feature, but why did they not also allow the notes to have the same feature? Great opportunity missed IMO.

Yeah, Steven, I read about that too. Well if people think they have a say, then there is always a few that would never have bothered if they didn't have a say, ganging up and ruining things for the rest of us. I suppose I mean those little almost ignored political parties such as the "Free Beer For The Workers" and similar.

Look at the mess the European Constitution is now in? Three jokers in a Cafe in Poland can now dictate the future for nearly 500 million people. They should never have allowed the 'veto' and gone ahead with a Euro or Schengen type treaty, ie let those who ratify it be adopt it, and let those who do not stay as they are.

06 Feb 07 - 12:29 PM (#1959207)
Subject: RE: BS: When's Britain coming into the euro?
From: John MacKenzie

Germany today No comment required!