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BS: Cell guns

01 Feb 07 - 08:18 AM (#1954432)
Subject: BS: Cell guns
From: kendall

What next?
Now, someone has invented a gun that looks just like a cell phone. It fires 4 .22 caliber bullets in rapid succession, and it is impossible to tell one from a real cell phone.
You can bet from now on when you go through airport security, and you draw your cell phone, you could be looking down the barrel of a Glock 9!

01 Feb 07 - 08:49 AM (#1954466)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: GUEST,jOhn

maybe they make a phone waht looks like a gun?

01 Feb 07 - 08:52 AM (#1954471)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: Alec

Rosa Klebb had one of those.

01 Feb 07 - 08:53 AM (#1954472)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: skipy

Fwd: .22 cal Cellphones!!

Deadly Decoys
Cell Phone Guns Discovered

Hitting the 5, 6, 7 and 8 buttons on the phone gun fires four .22-caliber rounds in quick succession. (US Customs Service)

By Lucrezia Cuen

L O N D O N, Dec. 6 At first sight it looks like a regular cell phone same size, same shape, same overall appearance. But beneath the digital face lies a .22-caliber pistol a phone gun capable of firing four rounds in quick succession with a touch of the otherwise standard keypad. European law enforcement officials stunned by the discovery of these deadly decoys say phone guns are changing the rules of engagement in Europe.

"We find it very, very alarming," says Wolfgang Dicke of the German Police union. "It means police will have to draw their weapons whenever a person being checked reaches for their mobile phone."


01 Feb 07 - 08:53 AM (#1954473)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: Scrump

That Russian bloke had a gun that looked like an umbrella. And James Bond had one that looks like a pen.

The phone that looks like a gun sounds fun, but when you hold it to your ear to listen you might get people shouting "Don't do it!"

01 Feb 07 - 09:08 AM (#1954497)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: Rapparee

They've been around for quite some time -- my brother, when he worked for the Illinois State Police, sent me a flyer on them. This was more than ten years ago.

"Pen guns" were used during WW2 by the OSS and SOE. There was also one disguised as a (smoking-type) pipe.

Cane guns had a vogue during the last quarter or so of the 19th Century. And there was a gun back then for bicyclists that doubled as a tire (or tyre) pump.

01 Feb 07 - 09:30 AM (#1954520)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: Donuel

There are even porpoise guns.

01 Feb 07 - 10:08 AM (#1954561)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: JennyO

And what is the porpoise of those, Donuel?

01 Feb 07 - 10:15 AM (#1954576)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: Wolfgang

Photo of this gun

(scroll to third photo on that site)


01 Feb 07 - 11:44 AM (#1954666)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: GUEST, heric

That's excellent. I need one so I can feel safer flying with air marshalls around.

01 Feb 07 - 12:05 PM (#1954684)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: Strollin' Johnny

We don't have cell phones in the UK.

01 Feb 07 - 12:37 PM (#1954721)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: kendall

Air Marshals? What about all those pilots and co pilots who are now armed?

01 Feb 07 - 12:43 PM (#1954726)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: Strollin' Johnny

Bloody hell Kendall! I've just got over my fear of flying, don't talk about guns on aircraft - too scary to contemplate!! :-)

01 Feb 07 - 01:20 PM (#1954751)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: Ebbie

Strollin' Johnny, a rose by any other name...

01 Feb 07 - 02:02 PM (#1954795)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: katlaughing

I remember in the 70's? someone involved in spying was killed by a dart or knife in a cane.

This is awful...I'll never trust another cell phone!

01 Feb 07 - 02:22 PM (#1954816)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: frogprince

Next thing you know, some pinko liberal will be trying to interfere with my constitutional right to carry one of those !

01 Feb 07 - 03:01 PM (#1954854)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: Rapparee

Well I'll tell ya, if I cain't carry ma gun on a plane I ain't gonna fly ta Chubbuck no more.

01 Feb 07 - 03:52 PM (#1954910)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: Barry Finn

Calling 911 could put your life on hold


01 Feb 07 - 05:45 PM (#1955019)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: skipy

Georgi Markov is believed to have been murdered after a tiny pellet containing the toxin ricin was fired into his leg from the tip of an umbrella as he was walking across Waterloo Bridge.

Mr Markov, a communist defector who was working for the BBC World Service, was waiting at a bus stop when he felt a sharp jab in his thigh and saw a man picking up an umbrella. He developed a high temperature and died three days later in September 1978.

A post-mortem examination, conducted with the help of scientists from the Government's germ warfare centre at Porton Down, established he had been killed by a tiny pellet containing a 0.2 milligram dose of ricin.


01 Feb 07 - 06:11 PM (#1955036)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: Bill D

new "ring tone"..."The 1812 Overture"

01 Feb 07 - 07:07 PM (#1955096)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: Sorcha

Oh, Bill D.....BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! One of my favorite pieces and you ruint it!!! LOL!

02 Feb 07 - 06:57 AM (#1955437)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: GUEST,Mr Red who noticed a red tie

look two down on the gun link. I was intrigued so I got a translation.   I looks like a pocket for MP3 players - Am I right? - Babelfish says:

Why do men wear ties? I ask for a reasonable answer, in which keins the Woertchen "one" seems, "all" or to "Business-umfeld"? Aha, silence in the forest. But everything becomes now differently, because finally (apart from freudianischer length symbolism) the over-liquid article of clothing of the world gets a practical task - owing to inserted bag as owners for the MP3-Player, he is called now iPod, zweiPod or Karl August.

I am none the wiser.

02 Feb 07 - 07:34 AM (#1955457)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: Strollin' Johnny

OK Ebbie (or maybe some Mudcat Techno-geek out there) - why 'cell'? We call 'em 'mobile phones' here, because it describes what they are - mobile! What's 'cell' got to do with it? (My ex-boss was a Texan and she couldn't explain it either - and even she called them 'mobiles' after a while!) :-) :-)

02 Feb 07 - 08:46 AM (#1955511)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: kendall

Johnnie, "Cellular" is more accurate, but, basically, "What we have here is a failure to communicate".

Why do you insist on sticking an "F" in leutenant? Or an extra "U" in humor, color, etc???

02 Feb 07 - 02:52 PM (#1955897)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: Strollin' Johnny

Kendall, I'm not getting involved in arguing the differences between The Oxford and Webster - they're different versions of the same thing and smarter people than us have failed to come to an agreement over the 'right' spellings and pronunciations of various words. I just don't get 'cell-phone' (and neither do any of the people I mix with). Wot's it all abaht then Guvnah? There must be a reason - help me understand? :-)

02 Feb 07 - 03:06 PM (#1955910)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: Ebbie

I have two words for you, Strollin' Johnny: 'Featherstone. Cholmesley'.

"Cell' is shorter than 'mobile' or 'wireless' or- you get the idea. We in the US are notoriously lazy when it comes to words.

On the other hand, you say 'lift' where we say 'elevator'. We are also notoriously inconsistent when it comes to words.

03 Feb 07 - 04:16 AM (#1956324)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: Strollin' Johnny

LOL! Proof positive of how divided we are by a common language Ebbie!
Is it a touch on the cool side in Juneau just now? We had a frost this morning - minus 2C! Positively Arctic for Lincolnshire, had to put my hat and gloves on and scrape ice off the car windscreen! LOL!

03 Feb 07 - 04:48 AM (#1956332)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: GUEST, Topsie

'cell phone' has the same number of syllables as 'mobile', which is what we usually call them here, and 'mobile' is quicker to type.

Skipy, so: Was he waiting at a bus stop, or was he walking across the bridge?

03 Feb 07 - 08:48 AM (#1956466)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: JohnInKansas

But Topsie, there were "mobile" phones around long before there were "convenient" mobile phones.

There still are a few accessible "relay networks" around that are used both by commercial comunications and by amateur radio enthusiasts that are "mobile phone" networks but are NOT "cellular phone networks."

It's the development of networks of antennas/antennae/pointythings each covering an area within a "cell," and the method of linking the "cells" together in a way that let's someone move from one cell to another without interrupting the communication, that defines a cellular network, and the rather specialized cellular phones that use that particular method of communication.


03 Feb 07 - 01:36 PM (#1956688)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: Strollin' Johnny

Thanks JiK, an answer at last! You've saved me from going nuts! LOL!
Now I understand, I'll stop rattling cages about it.
Thanks again.

PS - Still like 'mobile' best! :-) :-)

03 Feb 07 - 01:52 PM (#1956696)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: Becca72

It's always been my understanding that a 'mobile phone' is not necessarily a 'cell phone'. Mobile is used to described cordless and the old "bag" phones, too.

03 Feb 07 - 02:20 PM (#1956717)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: McGrath of Harlow

"Mobile" in England these days always seems to mean what Americans call "cell phones", and the French call "portables" (or sometimes "téléphones cellulaires").

Landline phones that aren't anchored by cords get called "cordless phones".

"Wireless" seems to mean something different yet again. For it still brings to mind the old Home, the Light and the Third programme.

03 Feb 07 - 03:22 PM (#1956754)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: Strollin' Johnny

I just couldn't figure out what 'Cell' was all about, McG, and no-one seemed able to tell me. It was, as they say, 'Doing my head in' (LOL)

My ex-boss was American, and she didn't seem to know either. Now I know, I can rest easy in my bed..... :-)

03 Feb 07 - 09:35 PM (#1957034)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: GUEST,hoot&fidget

Howzabout the shotgun flashlight?

I carry a Mag-Lite in my car for reading street signs and house numbers. Now I'll have to be doubly careful if a police officer sees it.

04 Feb 07 - 04:02 PM (#1957687)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: Wolfgang

The "German" word for these phones is "handy". Our salespeople like to invent English sounding names (and pronounced) for new things whether these names are known to English speaking people or not. So in Germany this gun would be a handy gun.

Why is a handy called a handy?
Well, when a Suebian German saw a cordless phone for the first time he exclaimed in high surprise and in his Suebian dialect: "Hen di koi Schnur?" ("hen di" is exactly pronounced like "handy" in that dialect) which means "Don't they have a cord?" Since then they are called "Handy" in German.

Wolfgang (refraining to tell you the Suebian version since when Reggae is called Reggae)

04 Feb 07 - 06:08 PM (#1957798)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: McGrath of Harlow

Remember the Pink Panther film where the cigarette lighter that looked like an automatic got mixed up with an automatic that turned out not to be a cigarette lighter?
Do we take it Suebians are used for Kerryman jokes in Germany, Wolfgang?

05 Feb 07 - 03:03 PM (#1958155)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: sapper82

McGrath, I still refer to VHF instead of the less technically accurate FM.

05 Feb 07 - 03:25 PM (#1958186)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: jeffp

From Wikipedia:

Very high frequency (VHF) is the radio frequency range from 30 MHz to 300 MHz. Frequencies immediately below VHF is HF, and the next higher frequencies are known as Ultra high frequency (UHF).

Common uses for VHF are FM radio broadcast at 88–108 MHz and television broadcast (together with UHF). VHF is also commonly used for terrestrial navigation systems (VOR in particular), Marine Communication, and aircraft communications.

So all FM radio is VHF, but not all VHF is FM radio.

05 Feb 07 - 06:50 PM (#1958394)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: McGrath of Harlow

Long Wave, Medium Wave and Short Wave...

I remember Crystal Radio Sets. No need for electric cords or batteries. They'll be back...

05 Feb 07 - 06:55 PM (#1958400)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: McGrath of Harlow

Crystal Radio Set Society

05 Feb 07 - 07:31 PM (#1958449)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: bubblyrat

The Germans were very clever at making concealed weapons. One of the most ingenious was ostensibly a large,ornate ,belt-buckle, which concealed a number,up to nine I think ,of very small calibre ( 1.5 or 2 millimetre) spring-loaded gun barrels. The idea was that, when called upon to surrender, an Officer so equipped would slowly and deliberately position himself directly opposite his foe, and then undo his belt-buckle. As he did so, the battery of sub-calibre barrels would spring out and fire a volley of shots into the guts of his captor. Of course, we English were much less subtle, and anyway,a belt-buckle gun would not have been " sporting ", but we did issue a lot of agents with the "Welrod " gun. This was a very small,easily hidden one-shot pistol,with a very short ,smooth-bore barrel, chambered for the .45 ACP round.Cheaply made from pressed & stamped components,it had no range at all, but if held up close to the body of a victim,the damage could be devastating.They were designed as a last-ditch resort, & for opportunistic assassins who could get close enough to their targets.

05 Feb 07 - 07:36 PM (#1958460)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: McGrath of Harlow

Georgi Markov - 1978: Umbrella stab victim dies

05 Feb 07 - 10:45 PM (#1958587)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns

Opps! Sorry, wrong number!

Slag from an alien computer!

06 Feb 07 - 12:38 AM (#1958638)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: Bob Bolton

G'day bubblyrat,

Without digging round to find WW2 reference books, I think you're wrong on all three points:

The Welrod was a silenced, single shot, .22" assassination weapon,

The .45" smoothbore pistol was American-made (in a car headlamp factory... ?) and dropped in quantity to French Maquis area, with 5 spare rounds stashed in the handgrip - and

De Lisle, who designed the .45' silenced carbine (made up from damaged .303" SMLE frames) also designed a belt buckle pistol housing a Browning .380" semi-auto pistol ... used in the assassination of a German general in occupied Europe.

All's fair in ...



06 Feb 07 - 08:02 AM (#1958862)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: GUEST,ozchick

Next they'll make a phone that looks like a shoe.......

06 Feb 07 - 03:03 PM (#1959385)
Subject: RE: BS: Cell guns
From: Don Firth

WOW! Seedless oranges and now this!!

This can lift road rage to a whole new level. If, when you're driving down the freeway in your six-ton SUV while talking on your cell phone, someone whom you just about ran off the road flips you the bird, you can shoot him with your phone.

That's called progress!

Don Firth