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BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast

13 Feb 07 - 09:53 AM (#1965999)
Subject: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: wysiwyg

I hear southern PA is already getting it. Up here in the north, those of us with rural experience are battening down before it even starts. Some of us may get a miss and some may get a bigger hit, but it would not surprise me if Mudcat Central gets quite a bit of snow over the next 36 hours.


13 Feb 07 - 09:56 AM (#1966001)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Midchuck

My experience of many years in Vermont is that when you get predictions of a big snowstorm well in advance, it misses us; and when you do get a big snowstorm there's little or no warning. But there's always an exception just when you think there's a rule you can count on.


13 Feb 07 - 09:59 AM (#1966004)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: wysiwyg

It's not well in advance-- it's here. What was predicted well in advance was bands of snow, rain, and icy mix. Usually, in our area, we're told it will be all ice and it usually turns out to be all rain, instead. But what it actually will be is what we're starting to get, now.


13 Feb 07 - 10:03 AM (#1966005)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: MMario

we don't expect to see it until later this afternoon - and since my supervisor has issued a "snow alert" chances are very good I will *NOT* get a snow day tomorrow. (over the past ten years it rus about 90% that when they issue an alert nothing happens)

13 Feb 07 - 10:06 AM (#1966007)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: wysiwyg

Mmario, I think you should leave now and come keep us company down here, then. Faulkner says he'll let you use one of his new dog beds, and there's a third recliner in here now too. :~)


13 Feb 07 - 10:12 AM (#1966016)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Amos

Better still, old chum, leave now and join us down here, where the gentle rays of the warming sun are even now dispersing the quiet mist-clouds rolling over the green hills, and wakening the nestled seabirds drifting on the bosom of the warm and dark Pacific. I think it is expected to be around 65 today... It does get cold in the early mornings. I even wore a light jacket to work.


13 Feb 07 - 11:06 AM (#1966076)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Wesley S

How do folks batten down the hatches up in snow country? When we get any kind of warning about ice or snow in north Texas folks make a run on the grocery store like another war is about to happen. Bread,milk,candles,batteries. It gets a little silly sometimes. And then when the weather does hit folks either drive way too fast or way too slow on it.

13 Feb 07 - 11:18 AM (#1966093)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: GUEST,LilyFestre

No weather to report on our mountaintop just yet, although the wind that is blowing is from the same direction as it always comes just before a big storm. I know the weather folks aren't always right but I think that this time they probably are.

Schools all over the state are shutting down early (from southern schools being closed to the schools around here who are letting out early).

And Vermont....I used to live there.....there's nothing quite like winter in Vermont!!!! We used to look forward to the snow there (I actually still do...just so long as we can stay put!).

I'm stocked with firewood, the gas tank was filled last week, lots of groceries...we are set. And the camera is ready...can't forget the camera!!!!

I think a quick run to town (since it is doing nothing quite yet) is in order to get some more bird food...they have to eat too you know!!!

Snuggle in and stay warm!


13 Feb 07 - 11:26 AM (#1966103)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Midchuck

I'm psyched to go XC skiing without those little "crunch" sounds from your ski bottoms hitting rocks or tree roots. I am not psyched to shovel the 10 to 15 inches we're supposed to get. Isn't there a middle ground available?


13 Feb 07 - 11:37 AM (#1966122)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: wysiwyg


Household battening here is pretty much a way of normal life once true winter is on the doorstep. By the time a day like this comes along, we have most supplies well in hand. All we need to do for now is move the van to one end of the mouth of the driveway so a tractor can haul it through a road plow's leavings and onto the road if pastoral necessity requires, while we confidently await the bigger plow that clears us up anytime a snowfall bigger than Hardi's little Deere can keep up with-- so that the rest of the winter, the Deere can push additional snow far enough back to keep the turnaround circle nice and roomy. Sometimes it also requires Hardi to wax his cross-country skis and pack a bag to go stay in town a few days. (The skis make getting around Main Street, funeral home, church, and hospital do-able.)

In farm country, we all know which neighbors have generators; if it gets really dicey we'll take the new can of coffee, a couple of freezer items, and the crockpot full of good beans, and go visiting uproad. :~) Let's see-- if we go one way there will be a freezerfull of homegrown veggies, and if we go the other way it'll probably be venison in their freezer. :~) Or if we head another way there's a friend new to the area who might need a little more help, and we might head there. Or whatever.

Biz battening, though, includes packing up a few days worth of work-at-home projects, letting colleagues know how to be in touch if necessary, being sure printer ink is on hand, and so forth. For our work, phone calls to clarify which events are on and which are off, what to do in case of this or that usual emergency, etc.

Hanging loose and being available, and keep eyes and ears open, is what it boils down to. Letting neighbors know if you can help, or need help. Letting concerned cityfolk know we're set and that even if we might not be heard from for awhile, we're cozy, safe off the roads, and doin' mighty fine.


13 Feb 07 - 11:44 AM (#1966133)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: catspaw49

It's here and in full force. Looks to be about 10-12 inches total including the ice which is still happening. It should be out of here by tomorrow morning with the temps dropping back into the deep freeze level where they've been for the past two weeks.

We had this wonderfully mild winter going and the WHAMMO........Well, this oughta' kill the nasties like fleas and the like.


13 Feb 07 - 11:46 AM (#1966137)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: MMario

Only if Cletus and the boys go out in it, 'spaw.

Latest reports here are we can expect it about sunset - and it should continue to about the same time tomorrow.

13 Feb 07 - 02:02 PM (#1966308)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Bill D

trade you a few inches of snow for the ½" of ice WE are supposed to get! We already have an inch or two of snow, but it is supposed to change over to freezing rain in awhile...
I went out this morning and covered the car with a big sheet of plastic to save hours of chipping ice off.

Stay warm, everyone.

13 Feb 07 - 02:22 PM (#1966326)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: GUEST,LilyFestre

Well, I had myself a nice little jaunt to town, took care of some normal business, picked up some bird food and some straw for the outside critters. I stopped by the local elementary school to drop off some Valentine's Day goodies (meant for tomorrow but likely there will be no school tomorrow) and as expected, the kids are all wound up...anticipation of the snow and an early dismissal will do that to a body! A stop at the pharmacy to ensure I have enough insulin for a week or so (really more like a month and a half at the moment) and it's all good. Like most folks around here, the freezer is pretty full and the pantry is stocked for just such an occassion. The roads are still clear, no snow or ice just yet in the northern tier of Pennsylvania. I overheard two old farmers at Agway saying that Williamsport (about an hour south of here) has over a foot already. It'll be here soon.


13 Feb 07 - 02:24 PM (#1966328)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: pdq

Oswega County NY has up to 12 feet of Global Warming! We're all going to die!! Oh, the humanity!!!

13 Feb 07 - 02:30 PM (#1966338)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Stilly River Sage

It's suppposed to get pretty cold here in North Texas in the next couple of days. Better head to the grocery store. . .


13 Feb 07 - 02:31 PM (#1966340)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: MMario

that's OSWEGO County - and they are still only at 65% of their normal snowfall.

13 Feb 07 - 02:36 PM (#1966348)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: GUEST,LilyFestre

13 Feb 07 - 02:47 PM (#1966363)
Subject: Sally Visits
From: wysiwyg

The "snug" old farmhouse shows off its drafts when the weather gets like this-- feels the cold in its bones? The living room is awash in dampening breezes as the many sun-catching windows start giving up their heat, and instead roll colder and colder glass-cooled air down to swirl around my shoulders no matter where I am in the house.

When the laundry room water pipes froze last week, where they come up out of the basement and run through poorly-insulated wall into the add-on porch, the landlord brought us a Salamander. We usually see the Sally next door, aimed at the spot that lets the neighbors, who've rented that house for the year, meet the most intractably-frozen pipes in the county. Sally sits there in the side yard, red-hot and roaring, aimed like a cannon of fire into a precise spot in the opened-up claboards that we've come to know well.

Well, once she'd thawed the neighbors last week, we put in our claim and the landlord brought her here fro her first visit. It only took an hour to pop that laundry supply back open, but she's still down cellar waiting for her next firing. The pipes here are fine now (although just in case I did run a tub of water into the empty washer earlier today), but old Sally makes that kitchen floor so warm over top of her that we may get her going for a bit, just to counter that draftification of the downstairs.

Salamanders are really neat-- kerosene from a reservoir makes heat, but the motor that blows the heat is cheap electric. Like Paul Bunyan's blow-dryer, a Sally has safety mechanisms that even I trust not to give us a second experience of house afire! That is, as long as we are at home and awake. :~)

In the meantime, putting the bean crockpot on will warm the colder corners of the kitchen.

The lower the barometer falls, the readier I am for a nice, long sit under my special lap robe. It's an old satin-covered comforter I doubled over and sewed into a sleeping bag shape? The satin reflects body heat, the stuffing is lighter than feathers, it's easier to pull over me than any afghan I've ever had, and it never fails to attract a nice warm lapcat. Supper is thawed and ready for a quick dash out from under the robe to dish it up. There's hockey tonight on TV, but even if the snowplows hit a power pole I'll have my oldtime radio shows and audiobooks on my MP3 player.

Sounds idyllic, except there's one detail I left out till now-- pre-trial hearings for Jessica Lundsford's killer are underway, today.


13 Feb 07 - 03:35 PM (#1966420)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: GUEST,LilyFestre

As I have been standing in the kitchen chopping up onions, peppers and garlic for a nice big pot of chili, I have watching the snow approach our mountaintop. About half an hour ago, I could see the snow falling 4 mountains over. It didn't take long to move over the other 3 peaks to here. It's a fine, misty snow but falling hard.

Now's the time to throw some more wood on the fire, curl up with a hot cup of tea and a book...and I think that's just what I'll do while the chili simmers and fills the house with wonderful winter smells.....

Meanwhile, the kittens and cats are all curled up around, underneath and on the ledge of the woodstove. The cocker spaniel has already had a spin around the yard...nothing but pure joy!!!!


13 Feb 07 - 03:56 PM (#1966441)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: pdq

Little Wing

All her friends call her little wing
But she flies rings around them all
She comes to town when the children sing
And leaves them feathers if they fall
She leaves her feathers if they fall

Little wing, dont fly away
When the summer turns to fall
Dont you know some people say
The winter is the best time of them all
Winter is the best of all.

          ~Neil Young

13 Feb 07 - 03:57 PM (#1966442)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Bill D

(filled our bird feeders awhile back...Titmice and Goldfinches ans Sparrows saying "thank you"_

2 inches of snow now, and it's beginning to bounce: The Prediction, from my weather program..





13 Feb 07 - 03:59 PM (#1966445)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: MMario

Just make congress meet out-of-doors for a few hours - that should create a warm front of hot air to melt the ice.

13 Feb 07 - 04:06 PM (#1966456)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: gnu

I hear New York State is getting pounded! 80 some inches so far. We are not getting snow, much.... just -20C with -30 windchill. I'm lovin' it!

13 Feb 07 - 04:08 PM (#1966459)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: LilyFestre

From where I am sitting at the dining room table, I can see 4 bird feeders. There are more but I can't see them from here. RidgePlucker fills them almost every other day....lots of birds here this year. We have the usual array of cardinals, blue jays, titmice, chickadees, nuthatches, etc. This year, however, we have 2 different kinds of woodpeckers visiting the winter feeders as well. When the feeders are empty, it is not uncommon to see one of the woodpeckers sitting on the window casing looking in as if to say HEY, COME FEED US!

Snow sleds are ready to go............WEEEEEEEEEEE!


13 Feb 07 - 04:19 PM (#1966469)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Bill D

Yep...the suet feeders bring Downy woodpeckers, an occasional Hairy, and a pair of Red Bellied...watching the squabbling thru the picture window is better than TV.

13 Feb 07 - 04:22 PM (#1966471)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: LilyFestre

It sure is! We have free ranging chickens (ok..that really means that they got out of the pen and we didn't put them back yet) who love to peck at anything that drops from the feeders. The roosters are especially pretty to watch. The green sheen on their feathers against the snow....gorgeous!


13 Feb 07 - 05:34 PM (#1966551)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Bee

The ground here in Nova Scotia is almost bare; we've had hardly any snow, though it's been very cold the past two weeks. That storm you're all getting is on its way here, but we're getting wind and hard rain from it, not much snow.

13 Feb 07 - 09:41 PM (#1966842)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: LilyFestre

The power rarely goes out here at my house due to underground lines but I was thinking about what I would do if the power did go out to entertain myself (not so much worried about heat and cooking as we have a woodstove).

I have a list a mile long of things to keep myself entertained (it doesn't take much!) and am wondering what the rest of you do when the power goes off during a storm?


13 Feb 07 - 09:49 PM (#1966849)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Bill D

Oh, it's terrible! We have to watch TV and use the computer using a hand crank! (The gerbils are retired)...

(well, actually, being in a metro area, by the time we light the candles, the power is usually back on. The one time we had several days outage, we cooked on BBQ grill and read books by daylight...and toured the neighborhood, looking at downed trees.)

13 Feb 07 - 10:35 PM (#1966892)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: wysiwyg

WHAT is that odd sound outside?!?!?!? Gotta go see.... peering.... straining to see through the snowy dark.....

OH! It was a CAR went by! None since dark, I think, till now.


13 Feb 07 - 10:47 PM (#1966900)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: wysiwyg

.... and I was just in time to see the plume from the snowplow making its first real run of the year, shining in the front porchlight. Gosh that was pretty! Hm, come to think of it-- looked a lot like the shower of white feathers the day the just-dropped-off rooster got it on the front of a truck one summer day. I like chickens, but we've lost a lot of critters on this damn road, and at least that one was quick!


13 Feb 07 - 10:49 PM (#1966904)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: LilyFestre

Still isn't snowing too hard here...just enough to fill in the footprints from when my honey got home.


14 Feb 07 - 07:10 AM (#1967177)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: MMario

went to dinner at my niece's last night - got to cuddle with the great niece's and found out there is another great on the way; due in august. By the time I left (about 8) there was two or three inches on the car; but at home we'd only had about 1/4 inch at that point. This morning we have a good foot on the cars....


14 Feb 07 - 07:44 AM (#1967205)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Bee

Congrats on the impending 'great n.', MMario.

I expect to lose power when the wind starts up. We almost always do. Hurricane Juan weakened so many trees, they're still falling on the power lines with depressing frequency.

14 Feb 07 - 07:46 AM (#1967209)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: LilyFestre

We have about 6 inches here this morning and more is on the way! The snow is falling HARD this morning!!!! :)


14 Feb 07 - 07:58 AM (#1967224)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: jacqui.c

We've got a couple of inches of fresh snow overnight and more expected today. No need to go out today so we'll just stay home and watch the world turn even whiter than it already was.

This is supposed to finish by tomorrow morning. I hope so - I'm supposed to be flying out of the local airport for my trip to the UK tomorrow afternoon........

14 Feb 07 - 09:16 AM (#1967311)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: kendall

pdq, there is a big difference between weather and climate. Global warming is a fact and the occasional snow storm doesn't change that.

14 Feb 07 - 10:31 AM (#1967395)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: RangerSteve

Little snow, mostly sleet and freezing rain here in Central NJ. It's a good day to be retired. I don't have to go anywhere and can just loaf. The sleet on the skylights in my bedroom kept me awake all night. According to the weather maps on TV, I'm on the border between more sleet or more rain. Either way, it's just plain disgusting weather.

14 Feb 07 - 11:07 AM (#1967439)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: wysiwyg

Well, the lightweight fluffy stuff they told us about last night turned out to be wet and heavy, but the van I left near the mouth of the drive made it through the snowplowed driveway ruts just fine and is now safely stowed out back where the kindly plowman left me a little spot out of the way of later passes to come as needed.

Hardi wisely stayed downstate at the clergy conference last night and so did not risk his life (and my heart attack) trying to go over the deadly mountain on the way home. :~) Faulkner and Ruby are surprisingly energetic watch dogs when he's away; they're on the job effectively even when the person coming to the door is someone they know well, if I don't reassure them I was expecting company. I've always wondered if Mudcat Gatherings and open-door policies with friends would change that. But they're quite a team-- one barks as big as a Great Dane and the other slides silently toward intruders to seriously stop them. That dog may be a couch-potato, but on the job he's like a missile from a potato cannon and since he started eating so well, he's quite heavy as well.

Later today I will take an ice-chopping tool to soften up the piled-up snowbanks between driveway and back door, so he can actually get to the door when he makes it home. :~) I think Faulkner will be helping me by dog-wiggling a path through the deeper drifts, and then we'll both curl up by the gas heater to warm back up! :~)

By 10:15 I was able to call shut-in friends to see if they needed me to come over or deploy any other assistance. The road, of course, is not exactly bare, but a car goes by every once in awhile, and anywhere I really need to get would be a short trip on a relatively flat road.

OK, so the car-clearing longbrush is still out in the shed on the other side of those snowplow piles (along with the assorted snow shovels). Ooops. I thought all the equipment was on the back porch. Hardi will be gratified to have a few Man Against the Elements tasks awaiting his return! :~)

The funny thing of the day so far was the neighbor, across the creek, calling her dog back in. The dog is about the size of a large squirrel, so he was not visible from her back door (or our driveway). I'm sure he tunneled his way back to her eventually, but it was so funny hearing the tone of her mystified voice! The sunless white of the snow is too nondescript to show it from here right now, but I bet when the sun returns there'll be a large, clearly-etched "mole" tunnel across their backyard snow!


14 Feb 07 - 11:31 AM (#1967483)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Bee

I once had a wandering black tomcat stay out during a huge snowstorm; worried about him all night. Next morning, as I'm trying to clear huge fluffy drifts from my door, I hear: "Mewww!" *thump*...."Mmewww!" *thump*... This continued for some time, until I see, leaping high above the drifts, a snowcovered black kitty. As he leapt into the air, he would release a piteous 'mew', then would land with a thump deep in the powder, completely disappearing from sight, only to explode upward a moment later. I never saw such a grateful cat as when I plodded over to rescue him and carry him the rest of the way.

He didn't go back out for over a week.

14 Feb 07 - 11:48 AM (#1967506)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Bill D

Well, we dodged the worst possible scenario...instead of ½" of ice, we have 3-4 inches of compacted sleet/snow....very heavy to shovel, but not dangerously slippery, and it didn't stick to trees and power lines. Some work to do, but temps will be above freezing.

14 Feb 07 - 11:55 AM (#1967511)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: LilyFestre

There are a few Jenko's (spelling?) hanging out on the back deck who haven't figured out where the bird seed is. They are hovering around all my large tomato pots that have some fall weeds that sprouted and got rather large. It's kind of funny to watch them. The sit on the deck (on the snow) and hop up to pull seeds from the weeds and promptly fall down into the 10+ inches of snow with a little POOF and the snow dances up around their bodies. They shake it off and start over.

We are lucky in that we are both able to stay in today which is a special treat, especially since it's Valentine's Day! We'll putter around for most of the day and have picked out a movie to watch for later. I'm looking forward to RidgePlucker's popcorn...he makes THE best popcorn EVER (in an old fashioned hand cranked popcorn pan)!

I'm hoping to spend some playing my new instrument by the fire this evening. :)


14 Feb 07 - 12:03 PM (#1967525)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Bee

Do you mean 'Juncos'? Little grey and white birds?

14 Feb 07 - 12:15 PM (#1967538)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Bill D

Yep, Juncos are ground feeders. They don't really like perching...if they can, they like to pick up dropped stuff under feeders. Some sort of platform above the snow would make them very happy.

14 Feb 07 - 12:17 PM (#1967542)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: GUEST,maire-aine

I'm in south Oakland County Michigan (just north of Detroit), and we got about 5 to 7 inches of light, powdery snow overnight. Our biggest problem was the wind. As soon as the plows went by, the wind blew it all right back on the highway. Some places in my driveway were bare, and some places had 3-foot drifts. Folks down toward the Ohio border got a lot more show.

Right now, the sun is out & there are a few puffy white clouds and a bit of a breeze, but it's a beautiful (altho cold) day.


14 Feb 07 - 12:34 PM (#1967563)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Becca72

Bee....thank you SO much for that visual. Poor kitty! But I needed a laugh like that. :-)

We're mid-storm here now. I left this morning with plenty of time to make my doctor's appointment at 9:30 only to get there and find the place locked up tight. And we'd only had a couple inches at that point! This is MAINE, people! I was able to pick up extra hours at the part time job because of all the absenteeism today, though. Should be an interesting drive home. My little Passat does quite well in the snow, actually.

I also lived in Vermont for a couple of years. I moved there New Year's Eve 1999. We lived just over the notch from Smuggler's Notch ski resort. I walked out one January morning to go to work and it was 42 below with the wind chill. Had me wondering why I'd left home and I'm used to bad winters!

14 Feb 07 - 01:46 PM (#1967618)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: wysiwyg

Yes, Bee, it was a riot. Faulkner, who is a black dog, did some jumping around today to help clear a path, but no yipping for help-- he was having a good time.

Following his track, my wide farm boots and strong legs pushed a good path open to the shed and I found all the shovels I needed. I know Hardi's plow pattern with the Deere like the back of my hand, so I won't need to overdo.


14 Feb 07 - 02:32 PM (#1967660)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: mmm1a

Well here in Indiana, we've managed to survive the blizzard. Ok really wasn't that much of a blizzard, but for people who were here back in 78, everyone was prepared. We spent the day watching the weather and being lazy. kids were happy not to go to school.Today the sun is shinning and temps really don't seem that bad. Our neighbor took care of the drifts in the street and ally with his bobcat and son took care of the ones blocking back door and front walk. The dogs liked being in last night but were ready to go play outside this morning. Beagle is'nt all that thrilled but as long as the lab goes first she can get around the yard.
So ok we've had our bitter cold, we've had our snow now where the heck is spring.

             who is waiting for warmer weather

14 Feb 07 - 03:09 PM (#1967697)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: RangerSteve

The sun, which wasn't in the forecast for today, came out a little while ago and hopefully, I won't have to shovel the steps.

14 Feb 07 - 03:21 PM (#1967706)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: MMario

been snowing steadily all day - suppossed to get worse and last well into the night. snow is almost up to the handles on the car doors, just an inch or so of wheel-well still visible; the bumpers are already under the surface.

14 Feb 07 - 03:25 PM (#1967712)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: curmudgeon

It's exceptionally nasty here in NH. The snow began in the wee hours before dawn and wasn't too bad, at first. Then th wind picked up and the storm intensified with all manner of snow, sleet and freezing rain. When I went out for firewood a while ag, I came in with a load of ice pellets in my hair.

The worst part is the low temperatures (18 F) and th wind gusts of up to 40 MPH, most of which penetrate this wall where I'm sitting. But, it's supposed to end by midnight and give us back the sun tomorow with higher temperatures (24 F) and more wind - Tom

14 Feb 07 - 03:37 PM (#1967724)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: wysiwyg

I'm glad to hear everyone is staying warm, seeing and hopefully enjoying the splendor, and checking in here.

I cannot believe how sleepy I am from the short hour I spent out there in it! Thank God for these amazing leg muscles, though, that I used as a snowplow. I'm sure glad I didn't wait till it got deeper, but it's time to get out there again with all the drifting and conmtinuing snow of the afternoon. I did take a moment to call the driveway plowing angel's dispatcher, to make sure he knows he's welcome in our drive at any hour for as many passes as he thinks are called for.

The dispatcher is a good friend, and we had a good laugh over what it takes to be considered past "transplant" status when you're not "from here." We reminisced about the time Hardi and I got stranded for four hours on the death mountain? How it was some other idiot's fault not ours? How we'd spent the time in a line waiting for the road to open either in front of us or in back of us (with several hundred other pissed-off people). Yes, he agreed, having had hot Thai food on board sounded pretty well-prepared. "As long as you have food and water on board, and a blanket in the back, you can stick it out for quite awhile," he observed.

"Oh, no," I said; "We had us a real luxury see-dan!"

"What's that?" he asked.

I replied, "Pee bucket onboard for the lady."

Oh my, I thought I'd killed the man with that one! But I do drive a boondocker, after all.


14 Feb 07 - 05:30 PM (#1967838)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: wysiwyg

We expect to see it taper off during the night, but we've sent it up into New England in blizzard form. Better than the pink stuff, I guess.


14 Feb 07 - 05:36 PM (#1967845)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: LilyFestre

RidgePlucker and I were approaching that mountain last year when that very same storm hit. Traffic was backed up just inching along. We hit the turnaround (across from Fry's) just as they shut the road down and were the last to make our way down the mountain. It was kind of scary but SOOOOO BEAUTIFUL. We slowly crept down the mountainside, no other vehicles around and eventually made our way into town and stopped at a local restaurant for coffee. The roads at the bottom of the mountain were fine and all the locals sat wide-eyed as we shared our adventure on Steam Mountain.

The snow that has not drifted is now thigh high and the snow continues with added wind.

All is cozy and warm here. The wind is howling, the dog snoring, the fire crackling, and Little Miss Emmy sits purring on my shoulder as I play the cello...a wonderful collection of sounds!!!!


14 Feb 07 - 06:39 PM (#1967905)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: curmudgeon

Still snowing here, I think. The wind is so ferocious that it's impossible to tell what is falling and wha t is blowing.

it's nice and warm upstairs, and tolerable near the stove, but this room with the Norhrtheast wind coming through is most unpleasant.

But there's chicken and potatoes in the oven, and   a fresh bottle of Hendrick's gin toa                  

Warm wishes to all -    Tom

14 Feb 07 - 07:47 PM (#1967985)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: RangerSteve

Now the wind has picked up. It'll probably keep me up all night again. Wind chills in the single digits. Why don't they tell us the heat index in the winter and the wind chill in the summer? It would ebe more conforting.

14 Feb 07 - 07:52 PM (#1967988)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Jeri

I shoveled earlier then went shopping. There will be home made cream of 3 kinds of mushroom soup tomorrow if I still have power. If I lose power and freeze to death overnight, then I guess I won't be hungry. I got home, shoveled some more and topped up the bird feeder, since the sweet feathered piggies were slamming it. My juncos eat out of the feeder, but I think they mostly knock the seed onto the ground and eat it there. I've had some sparrows, chickadees, titmice and the odd bluejay. Contrary to popular opinion that they're bullies, the jays were pretty well behaved.

The Weather Channel says another 8-11" tonight. Luckily the wind that makes it so frigid and pings the sleet coming out of the northeast off my windows was also (at last light) keeping my car pretty well cleaned off. I can't wait until it's time for sleep, since I'll get warm again. I remember being warm...

While I was typing, the wind calmed down considerably, so the power-out, frozen-to-death scenario got a bit less likely.

14 Feb 07 - 08:19 PM (#1968008)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: wysiwyg

If the cold keeps y'all up all night, you can always take over the Tavern thread and make it The Only Place Open in the Snow Tavern. :~)


14 Feb 07 - 08:24 PM (#1968013)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: catspaw49

Proud to say its outta' hee! Now we're just back in the deep freeze with the sub-zero wind chills keeping that fat layer of ice on everything.................nasty ass storm it was!


14 Feb 07 - 08:50 PM (#1968041)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Charley Noble


Thanks also from Maine for your vivid description of your black cat in the snow.

Our cat gang is well seasoned. They won't leave the back porch. They just glare at the snow, and wait for it to be plowed or shoveled away.

Well, we're about halfway through with this storm and we already have about a foot of fluffy white stuff. We had the driveway plowed once earlier this evening and are expecting to have it plowed again tomorrow morning. My wife went off to work at her job with the State early this morning and fortunately they let her go about noon time. It must have been pretty miserable driving with the wind and the whiteouts. I was too busy working with our new furnace installer trying to get the furnace to more than hic-cup. It's going again but it's really tempermental. And it's hard to focus on doing anything else when your basic faith in your heating system is being challenged. But it all looks very pretty!

It's really cold today, about 10 F with a blustery wind, as it's been for the last month. We sure got spoiled in December and early January when temperatures were still in the 60's (F).

Charley Noble

14 Feb 07 - 08:59 PM (#1968048)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Donuel

The 3 inches of frozen rain and sleet made for HEAVY shoveling.
It has now turned to concrete in the 19 degree night.
Hoo Boy tommorrow is going to be the EVERYONE BACK TO WORK despite the ice slicked roads and half the drivers around here only used to driving in Mexico City.

Every fender bender I came across yesterday were Hispanic or Asian women. The ones I talked to couldn't speak English. They apparently thought it was their duty to park their slightly dented cars across all four lanes of the parkway until the authorities arrived. I tried to tell them they would be safer not standing in the road but alas "NO anglaisi"

14 Feb 07 - 11:38 PM (#1968189)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: KT

y'all oughta move up here where it's warm.

15 Feb 07 - 02:59 AM (#1968247)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Barry Finn

Geeze, I thought this was a joke thread. First snow storm of the year & it's almost gone. It was snowing & blowing a bit but come on, I just went out side to see what you all are fussing about & had to put on my bath robe, it was a little cold, but by next Wenesday it'll be above freezing & it'll al be gone by the next weekend. I had to go to the drug store eariler I ran out of meds so I took the dog (for a walk stupid, I'don't swallow dogs), she had a blast with me power walking all the way. I had on sneakers but my socks were wooly thick & I had my hooded sweat shirt up over my ears & had my old work jeans, it was a little chilly at the holes though. Anyway, I blew out the oldtimers drive & walkway across the street & then did ours & now there's hardly any snow. So all you seacoasters & Downeasters if you can get over to my place there's lots of sun, well it's gone down now but if you hurry you can get some more in the morning & you won't have to worry about getting stuck coming up the driveway. There's a good size porch were we can get a lot of fresh air & do some singing, I'll put on the grill & get some ice for the drinks, I think I got some hot dogs & fish laying around somewhere. I've got insect repellant & tanning lotion. If it gets dark we can go inside I'll toast up the fire & if that's to much I never put up the storm windows this year (after all, why?) so it'll be comfie cause the screens are still in & not torn yet. Well I gotta go & take my meds' now & get ready for spring. Look at the time, I gotta go. Good nite & sleep tight, dream summer, now where'd I put those meds'?


15 Feb 07 - 07:42 AM (#1968413)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: jacqui.c

No more precipitation and the sun is out. There's probably about a foot of new snow and Kendall will be out with the snow blower to finish the job that the snowplough started. It all looks very pretty out there now.

I've checked the airline - my flight still shows as leaving on time but the flights up to 11.00am have all been cancelled so I'm keeping in mind that I may not get away today. We shall see.....

15 Feb 07 - 08:59 AM (#1968503)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Midchuck

I officially declare the snow here (Pittsford, VT) today, to be deeper than the BS in Mudcat.


15 Feb 07 - 09:30 AM (#1968540)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Jeri

Barry, be careful - I know where you live. Just one question: did you have your hooded sweatshirt on over your bathrobe or under it?

I don't know how much snow landed here because of the wind. I HAVE discovered that if birds can see the seed through a centimeter of light snow, they'll likely starve. They don't scratch like chickens, and I don't think they can either smell the seed or hear it. Bird seed typically doesn't make a lot of noise, and so is adept at hiding. Anyway, I think the most likely reason birds can'd dig through a tiny bit of fluffy snow to where the seeds were last time they ate there is that they are stupid. It's OK. They're pretty and they fly and they're usually pretty nice when they aren't eating the eyeballs out of road kill.

I'm plowed out, the bird feeder is accessible, my power's still on and I'm not dead. Not too bad.

15 Feb 07 - 09:50 AM (#1968568)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: wysiwyg

Lovely bright sun this AM lighting up all the snow crystals.

Air still very dry so at least the fallen snow is not getting heavier yet. I have to kick open the path Faulkner and I wore open yesterday between house and driveway, and I'm glad it will be light. Hardi will mini-plow it really open later today, piling it to the side that will block the prevailing wind a bit and reduce the drifting-over in it. Then we'll have a cart-wide hallway through the drifts.


16 Feb 07 - 01:41 AM (#1969378)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Partridge

Warm thoughts to you all. May your heating systems never fail.

Pat x

16 Feb 07 - 02:58 AM (#1969392)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Ebbie

Let me echo what KT said. Come on up to the North. It's raining.

16 Feb 07 - 07:29 AM (#1969611)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: jacqui.c

Wish it was here. My flight was cancelled and, after spending a solid two and a half hours on the phone, I'm flying out on Sunday afternoon.

I think I'm going off for some retail therapy today!

16 Feb 07 - 09:04 AM (#1969707)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: MMario

I almost had a six day weekend - but w*rk is open today.

16 Feb 07 - 11:06 AM (#1969815)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Stilly River Sage

It was so cold here last night that I let the dogs sleep in the house instead of their usual stall in the garage. They're yard dogs so this was quite a novelty. I shut them in my bedroom suite and the cats stayed in the other part of the house. They loved it, but were ready to go back outside as soon as my alarm went off this morning. I think we're past our coldest day. I'm glad we didn't have any precipitation with it.

I hear they've closed the state of Pennsylvania until further notice.


16 Feb 07 - 11:23 AM (#1969831)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Midchuck

It was so cold here last night that I let the dogs sleep in the house instead of their usual stall in the garage.

It was so cold here last night that the cats let us sleep in the bed with them.


16 Feb 07 - 11:53 AM (#1969866)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Bill D

Went out to get the paper and shoveled chipped another 2 feet of tire paths into the 3" of white, slippery concrete this 'interesting' storm left us. It's not really a big deal, but having a track allows the edges to melt easier when it warms up a bit. It will not be a problem to drive on when I have to go to the post office and pharmacy later....I just don't want the overnight refreezing to leave pure ice.

Todays papers says there are still 40,000 without power in my area today. Guess I have little to complain about.

16 Feb 07 - 11:59 AM (#1969878)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: MMario

Our cats have started asking for the fireplace to be lit!

16 Feb 07 - 12:10 PM (#1969891)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Stilly River Sage

Cats on the bed is the normal state of things here, and they stay put so you don't have to fight for the covers. Cats and dogs in the same room would result in pandemonium, so they had to find a different venue last night. Now that the sun is out I think the garage will warm quickly, but I notice the dogs weren't in the yard last time I looked out. They're still in their indoor dog houses filled with hay near the oil radiator heater.


Next summer when it is 105o in July I'm going to think fondly back to this cold weather. . .

16 Feb 07 - 12:23 PM (#1969911)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: wysiwyg

Hardi got home yesterday afternoon from his storm-extended trip to the clergy conference, pleased with my stewardship of the place in his absence and the measures taken against the snow. After watching the re-run of the last period, overtime, and shootout from the Valentine's Day hockey game he'd missed, we went out and started trying to free the John Deere from its snowy tomb.

Because I had been out in the snow as it fell, I knew where the shallow spots were.... Despite his grave doubts, Hardi was able to run the Deere out of its shed and into the open driveway. Deere progress continued until past dark, when it got itself stuck and I made Hardi leave it till morning. Overnight was forecast to be so cold that I filled up the washer with water, in case we awoke to frozen laundry pipes again.

The moring came, beautifully clear and sparkly. After a substantial Hardi-Special (breakfast), and my requistie half-hour in the Sun Chair, we suited up, took the dog, and went back out to resume Elemental Siege.

Egress out the back, last night, had required a trip through hip-deep drifts. So this morning I went out the shallower front-- it's usually left completely snowbound once the serious weather arrives, for various reasons. But again, having been out in it as it fell, I knew where the shallows were and thus I got out quite easily.

Hardi braved the deeper back path to get to the snowbound Deere, and I soon brought the van's hitch around, to line up with it. In about 4 seconds the Deere had been pulled through the deeply drifted mess, with no strain at all to the van, using Hardi's handy tow strap per the paln we hatched over brekky.

Faulkner had come out with us and again helped us confirm snow depths by leaping through the playland. (He also will pull against the long lead in case I need to be steadied, if I ask him to go ahead. He really does help and I think he knows it.)

F and I remained out, on standby, while Hardi tackled some usually-intractable challenges with the little Deere. With my guidance on snow depths and paths to try plowing, he was able to get quite a nice, wide path open through snow. The path is deep enough now to prevent loose snow from drifting back into the cart-wide "hallways." He did get stuck once more, but I spotted the need for help before he even asked, and was correctly lined up to pull in the right direction; we had the Deere back on good traction in a trice.

The vacation-trailering experience really paid off in this; I'm the driver when we hitch up, and he's the spotter. I'm really good at hitting the spot, first try.

We have just an hour's cleanup of Deere-plowing left and a trip planned later to get gas and groceries, with a stop at our usual Friday fish-fry to boot. Then we'll be cozily provisioned and caught up on chores in time for another GREAT hockey game tonight-- pork for BBQ is already thawing; a pot of beans is already hot in the crodckpot for chore-doers' snacking; milky coffee on a warmer is ready-to-pour.... this being-married thing is GOOOOOOOD.

Faulkenr agrees, and is doing a good job of making sure people out in the cold do get back in safely. If one of us is late getting back in, and the one inside gets nervous, F goes to the window and can hear that everything is fine, or he yips to call the overdoing-outside- chore-doer back in for a spell in the recliner to warm back up.


16 Feb 07 - 12:51 PM (#1969936)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Donuel

After all the shoveling of ice and snow blower wrestleing I feel like I have done 1,000 sit ups. My abs are so sore I can hardly cough.

My neighbor who removed several tons of trees from my yard last year without permission had her own version of the property line when it came to shoveling the sidewalk. She left a 4 foot wall of ice where I left off and her new shifting property line began.

Sometimes you really understand why some people are divorced.

16 Feb 07 - 12:57 PM (#1969941)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Stilly River Sage

Did you tell us about the trees? I didn't see that story. Was it limbs or did she log entire trees?


16 Feb 07 - 07:09 PM (#1970209)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: LilyFestre

Backroads are still messy but that is to be expected. Some of the "main roads" were RIDICULOUS this morning! Just as I left a back road to enter the land of black-topped road, I spotted a red van in a large ditch. Other passer-bys had stopped and no one was injured. I stopped and asked if they needed help. Only a wrecker. Ok. I drove into cell range, stopped and called 911. It seems that there have been many calls to 911 for help in getting pulled out of a ditch. What has happened is that people get stuck, call 911, a wrecker is dispatched and in most cases, by the time the wrecker got to the scene, the cars had been towed out by folks willing to help. That's nice but it has resulted in 911 refusing to call for towing assistance because the tow trucks have been getting stiffed. I can see their point but also wonder about those folks who haven't received the aid of a kind stranger (or friend).

My rather L-O-N-G driveway is still full of snow except for the pathways created by our driving up and down the driveway. It's not perfect but it will do. :) It serves to keep out pesky folks who don't have brains enough to have 4-wheel drive in this part of the country! *GRIN*

Seriously though, the snow is nothing new. It snows, we dig and plow ourselves out or we just sit tight. I'd rather have snowstorms like this than hurricanes, tornados (which they do have around here occassionaly), earthquakes, etc. I wouldn't want to be out driving on the road during one but feel good in knowing that both myself and RidgePlucker know when it's not safe to be out and we are both smart enough to stay home when necessary. We are very lucky in that we CAN do that.


16 Feb 07 - 08:19 PM (#1970251)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast

Gentle sideways cough and mini smirk -- I was in Vegas -- we saw it on the news and we thought of you all, we really did.

Jacqui, not surprised your flight was cancelled - the airport at LV was a madhouse--flights delayed, furious people, exhausted airline staff -- really awful. I counted myself lucky to be delayed a mere half hour and got out at 12.35 am instead of the planned 11.55 pm departure. Flights ghastly both ways -- on the outbound, we changed planes in Milwaukee -- the pilot was coming down and was, I swear, THAT far from the runway (call it 20') when he zoomed back into the air and circled the airport before coming in to land again. I now have a new definition of absolute total terror!!!!! The pilot's comment, when he deigned to come on and speak to us, was 'congestion on the ground...... oh yeah, sure, don't they notice that before you actually hit the runway??????

Returning Logan was a new definition of hell with unclaimed bags taking over the world -- so many people were redirected etc. I heard one gentleman ask the airline staff in LV, could they guarantee the flight he was waiting for would take off. They looked at him and muttered -- guarantee, who does he think he is kidding????

Kendall, if you get lonely while Jacqui is gone, and if she leaves you the key to the cellar, you know there is always a good meal at our house.......


18 Feb 07 - 11:33 AM (#1971617)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Bill D

They say it will begin warming up here in Tuesday...but I have this yard....and walks & driveway....covered with 3-4" of white, slippery concrete. (The Fed-Ex guy came by when we weren't watching, and refused to try to get up to the door)

So, in order to be able to get to the car and the newspaper without breaking my neck, I have been cleaning my walks. It's even colder and harder in the shadows by the back door.

yes...those are hatchets & pickaxes. Never in 50 years of clearing snow have I had to go that far. I have a couple of chippers for light ice...(a 'straight' hoe, and an even heavier tile remover) but this is something! Maybe 3-4 more trips out today, and I can have channels made so that the warmer weather can melt the edges and allow the melt to run off.

Lots of fun!

18 Feb 07 - 11:39 AM (#1971622)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: wysiwyg

(hi Bill)

Never in 50 years of clearing snow have I had to go that far.

Giggling madly-- now you are trained for OUR area's idea of snow cleanup! Come on up, we can use the help! :~) Still loaded with the right food, too, but you'll have to =watch the game with us this afternoon! Couch, or recliner?


18 Feb 07 - 11:49 AM (#1971636)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Bill D

I'd be there, but I can't GET there! *grin* Besides, I just discovered how out of shape I am...using a pick is something one does regularly, or not at all.

Save me a place for the next under the bed.

18 Feb 07 - 11:56 AM (#1971641)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: wysiwyg

Laughing so hard I have to go pee now-- ALL our beds are mattresses on box springs SET ON THE FLOOR! Except the unheated Mudcat Attic Dorm with Pee Bucket. But I can put you up at the church!


18 Feb 07 - 01:20 PM (#1971709)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Bill D

At the church! Hey...great. I can pray for an end to violent sports on TV. (yeah, yeah..."under the bed"...metaphor for "out of range")

(still chipping and chopping...lunch over, time for another 2 ft.)

18 Feb 07 - 01:51 PM (#1971746)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Bill D

made 3 ft! Wow..only another 6ft till we can walk 'safely' to the car.
Then, maybe a path for the postman...maybe...(40 ft, uphill and slippery,)
(The little hatchet works almost was well as the pick, and is a lot easier to swing...just have to stay 2-3" from the edge of the path.)

18 Feb 07 - 02:29 PM (#1971778)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: wysiwyg

Hockey Saves! :~) "How I got Bill to pray."

Choking now, I'm LOLling so deeply.

Aw, jes' funnin' witcha.


18 Feb 07 - 02:46 PM (#1971792)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Alec

"Hockey saves!" For many are cold but few are frozen?

18 Feb 07 - 03:08 PM (#1971807)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Bill D

So,,,Jesus was a goalie, not a carpenter?

18 Feb 07 - 04:33 PM (#1971878)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: wysiwyg


Or maybe a power forward. No reason He couldn't have been the whole team, and/or the coach. In fact, it would make a great re-write of the Bible for present day culture.

Thanks, Bill!

I'll have to have a special go-to-games t-shirt made up, "Jesus is My Goalie."


18 Feb 07 - 07:11 PM (#1972025)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Bill D

I KNEW it!

I just KNEW it (YouTube)

18 Feb 07 - 07:14 PM (#1972027)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Bill D

and here's your shirt

it's entirely too obvious an idea...*grin*

19 Feb 07 - 02:26 PM (#1972719)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Charley Noble

New heating system is now just humming along and everyone is much happier in this houehold. The installer is assured by the manufacturer that he will be reimbursed the extra $3000 of parts and labor that it took to make it function. Gosh, it seems among other things that the oil needs to be 40 degrees F to ignite properly in the burner. That requirement may be fine in Georgia but not in Maine. We now have a nifty little in-line heater (with thermocouple) that heats up the cold oil before it reaches the burner. The installer can't wait until the scheduled spring workshops on furnace installation. I'll give the installer credit; he was there when we needed him and he tried out about a dozen different things to get things running smoothly. One would think that the regional dealers would know more about installing these furnaces, rather than just selling them.

But we're all happier now, and much more cozy than we were before.

Last night we got a nice dusting of snow. It looked lovely floating down.

Charley Noble

19 Feb 07 - 04:40 PM (#1972873)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: wysiwyg

Bill, is that YOU in the video???

Now we're waiting for the ice storm that might be all snow. DAMN drifts!


19 Feb 07 - 11:14 PM (#1973236)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Greg B

Hey, this was fun!

I have a new Toyota FJ Cruiser and g/f has a new (to her) F150
off-road 4x4. We have to travel in the snow because of the
horses, which is just an excuse to goof around.

During the ice, my AUDI S4 with snow/ice tires is the tool
of choice.

But it got deep and we got to test out the off-road machines
first in snow, then in snow over ice, then in solid ice.

Did bunches of 'donuts' out in front of the barn in the snow
field. 'Professional Driver on Closed Course' disclaimer stuff.

I've decided that next-year, in spite of how good these off-road
'Revos' are, I'm going for dedicate snow/ice tires on the FJ.

I hate ice. Scares me. Blizzaks rule, at least for the California

Alas, twill all be gone this week with the warm-up.

No more donuts.

19 Feb 07 - 11:18 PM (#1973241)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Bill D

now, now, don't think I'd dress up like that, do you? I'd probably be struck down by righteous lightning!

19 Feb 07 - 11:21 PM (#1973244)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: wysiwyg


19 Feb 07 - 11:41 PM (#1973265)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Barry Finn


21 Feb 07 - 10:08 AM (#1974921)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: LilyFestre

What a strange winter it's been. Yesterday there were reports of a possible snow/rain mix, many fearing ice. Thankfully, nothing came of it, it was warm outside, 40 degrees! I just hear on the radio that January was the warmest winter on record (here in Pennsylvania) and the coldest February on record. Weird, weird, weird. Next week, the powers that be are reporting temperatures in the 50s!!!!


21 Feb 07 - 11:36 AM (#1974992)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Stilly River Sage

WHooo hoo! 80 degrees is the high today! (Unseasonably warm, it's usually in the 60s). I'll take it! Turn me over when I'm cooked on one side, I need the vitamin D. . .


21 Feb 07 - 11:54 AM (#1975010)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Bill D

48-50°F here, with rain last night. My weather program gave an 'alert' this morning - "Watch for falling ice from roofs" The ice is indeed melting. I hacked loose some more of the driveway yesterday afternoon so the melting could proceed on the edges.

I DO hope I never have to clean walks with a pickaxe again!

21 Feb 07 - 11:58 AM (#1975015)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: MMario

It got above freezing yesterday. This weekend I'm gonna be in Tampa - and the prediction is for 78 degrees and sunny. I'm probably going to swelter....

21 Feb 07 - 12:02 PM (#1975018)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: mmm1a

Here in north east indiana it's foggy with ice. Another school day that has to be made up at the end of the year. Visability is pretty much 0.
This is the kind of fog I love to go walking in esp out in the woods or by the river, unfortunately I there is also ice patches that make it kind of tricky to walk in. I like foggy days like this when it is warmer.


21 Feb 07 - 12:11 PM (#1975032)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: wysiwyg

Enough melted yesterday to clear some more walking spaces, but didn't leave the usual slick of ice in the driveway that collects pooled water and makes it a bumpy rink you can't turn around in without losing traction needed to make it up and out (till we spread the cinders we have ready). The snowplow banks are still there, but have receded enough that the anticipated Thursday snow should be handleable with the Deere. The path to the shed to re-park the good ol' Deere is open enough to put it away, and keep it open. The front walking access is open for the first winter since we got the Deere-- the van having been parked there to catch a lot of the snowfall is a strategy we will repeat and incorporate for the back walk, with the Deere, from now on.

These mountains have seen lots of February and March snows, sometimes still problematic into April, so I'm happy we have a clean slate in case the pileup continues before it melts. I VERY happy with how much of it I called in outside plowing help with, and how much I left for us to handle in our usual way-- you never know till it all comes to pass.


01 Mar 07 - 09:02 AM (#1982681)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: Midchuck

Here we go again!


01 Mar 07 - 09:10 AM (#1982688)
Subject: RE: BS: Here Comes the Snow - US Northeast
From: wysiwyg

We'll try to squeeze as much of it out as possible (as rain) as it passes over us on the way up to y'all. Right now it's sunny and just under freezing.
