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BS: Where's bobert?

13 Feb 07 - 11:26 AM (#1966101)
Subject: BS: Where's bobert?
From: dianavan

Is he taking a break or what? Does anybody know?

13 Feb 07 - 12:17 PM (#1966184)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: alanabit

Yes. I hope hope he is back soon too. He is answering PMs from his friends, of whom he has many here.

13 Feb 07 - 01:37 PM (#1966265)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: Liz the Squeak

Could it be that this thread was just now sitting atop the 'Surreptitions paternity tests' thread.... and he's keeping his head down just in case they mean him?


13 Feb 07 - 02:01 PM (#1966306)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: Bee

Perhaps he's deep in Valentine's day preparations. ;-)

13 Feb 07 - 02:19 PM (#1966324)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: Stilly River Sage

I just put out some Bobert Bait. A new gardening thread.

13 Feb 07 - 03:07 PM (#1966385)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: alanabit

Now yer thinking.. How about a thread like, "Blues Jam at Gardening Convention in West Virginia..."?

13 Feb 07 - 03:26 PM (#1966406)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: Ebbie

Don't forget he is no longer in Wes' Ginny. He and the P-Vine now live outside Luray, Virginia, a purty place.

13 Feb 07 - 03:32 PM (#1966411)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: wysiwyg

Anybody check Tweed's yet?


13 Feb 07 - 03:37 PM (#1966425)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: GUEST,LilyFestre

Bobert and P-Vine have taken a little vacation. No worries.


13 Feb 07 - 03:38 PM (#1966426)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: Alba

Well if Bobert doesn't pop in someone else might see this Thread then see Bobert, face to face like, or call Bobert and let him know Folks are asking after him.

13 Feb 07 - 03:54 PM (#1966440)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Bobert and P-Vine went to Naples, Florida to visit Bob's mom at her winter residence. They were gone for about two weeks. On the way there, he picked up a new guitar that one of the regulars at Tweed's Blues had made for him. Since returning to Virginia, he's been immersed in the new axe.

13 Feb 07 - 04:04 PM (#1966453)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: LilyFestre



13 Feb 07 - 04:06 PM (#1966455)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: Stilly River Sage

"immersed in the new axe."

What the heck does that mean? she winces, figuring it is either a typo or something totally obvious to everyone else. . .

13 Feb 07 - 04:14 PM (#1966463)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: frogprince

SRS, surely one cannot have "hung out" here for years without getting to know what an "axe" generally means around these parts? Bobert has a brand new "axe"; it's to be expected that mere mundane things may kinda cease to exist for awhile!

13 Feb 07 - 04:15 PM (#1966464)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: Bill D

Just axe, and someone will explain...

13 Feb 07 - 04:26 PM (#1966474)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: LilyFestre

We had a little girl (age 9) living with us for a time who was from Brooklyn. She would use the word axe instead of ask. One day, she said, "I'm gonna axe my Mom..." and I cut her off and gave her my best horrified look and shrieked, "OH MY GOD! WHY ARE YOU GOING TO AXE YOUR MOTHER? WHAT DID SHE EVER DO TO YOU?" Veronica looked at me, thought a minute and burst into a fit of giggles. She spent the next several days correcting herself every time she heard herself say axe instead of ask. Eventually, she overcame the AXE habit. :)


13 Feb 07 - 04:44 PM (#1966492)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: Rapparee

Hey, so he's chopping away, huh? Cool. What sort of axe did he get, anyone know?

13 Feb 07 - 04:53 PM (#1966507)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: bobad

"he's been immersed in the new axe "- he's finally cleaning up his act.

13 Feb 07 - 05:10 PM (#1966526)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: GUEST,Sparticus

Never disturb a man when he's playing with his chopper, he might have an axeident.

13 Feb 07 - 05:30 PM (#1966544)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: Stilly River Sage

I've never heard that slang for a guitar, though the context led that way. This time of year, he might be busy with his snow shovel, so I suppose he could also be using the axe to keep warm.

13 Feb 07 - 05:42 PM (#1966560)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: Ebbie

I made a funny one time. At least I thought so.

Our band was playing at a dance and at a certain point I asked the mandolin player why he had a bandaid on his hand. He said, Screwdriver.

I patted my guitar and said, Axe.

13 Feb 07 - 06:12 PM (#1966598)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: Bobert

Hey, folks...

First of all, what I am writin' now you may never read because the Luray area is in the middle of an "ice event"... We din't have ice events when I was a kid... We jus' had ice... But now adays anything bad is an danged "event"... So we've allready lost 'lectricity once today for about 10 minutes an' I don't hold much faith that we'll get thru the night, 'er thru this danged post fir that matter, without losin' it agin'...

Ummmm, yeah, I was on vacation fir a couple weeks and racked up over 3000 miles of drivin', with the P-Vine, during the "vacation" which wore us both slap out... But we had a couple squirmishes about directions & maps, you know, the normal stuff that men and womenz don't agree on, but all in all we did real well for a couple ol' folks who is purdy set in their ways...

Yeah, I did get a new guitar... It ain't like no guitar that anyone has ever seen 'cause it was a collaberation of late night ideas between me and my buddy, Ted, who built it... If anyone is interested it can be seen at and is called the "Back Porch" guitar... Real cool-axe geetar...

Okay, yeah, I haven't really been in the mood fir Mudcat of late... It started on the trip when I had very limited access to compudders an', well, it's kinda still set in me... Hey, I love and enjoy alot of folks here but, ahhhhh, the anons have been wearin' on me... Hey, I don't like complainin' 'er nuthin but it does get tiresome trying to debate a point an' have a GUEST argue back with me as 5 'er 12 different people... It makes it look as if my arguments are weak if there are 5 or 12 different people telling me I'm wrong... Reminds me of ol' fashioned Cook County politics...Vote early an' vote often...

So, yeah, that's a beef but it ain't the whole ball of wax but I ain't gonna get into all that stuff...

Well, I have really pushed my luck with this long post since I'm expecting the 'lectricity to crap out any minute and then I'll be doing candles, the kerosene heater, the generator fir basics...

Ahhhhh, I'll answer my PM's (lectrcity permittin', that is) but think I'll continue by haitis until such a time that I'm ready to jusm back into the madness...

Love to ya all... Okay, not all... But you all know who is in the "ya all column" and who ain't...

Fir those who check out my new axe??? Enjoy...


13 Feb 07 - 06:46 PM (#1966653)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: Ebbie

Well, I didn't find it. Lots of interesting guitars though. The man loves his work.

13 Feb 07 - 06:55 PM (#1966665)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: GUEST, heric

Al DiMeola released an album called Kiss My Axe. The story goes that it was in response to a music critic's review about his playing style.

13 Feb 07 - 07:29 PM (#1966691)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: Bobert

Well, I still have 'lectricity so fir anyone who'd like to check out my axe...

(Be carefull how you say that, Bobert...)


... 'er jus call Ted up at 856 404 0411 and say, "hey, dude, like where's Bobert's geetar, anyways???"


13 Feb 07 - 07:37 PM (#1966704)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: The Fooles Troupe

Looking at that picture above, from teh shape, I can only GUESS where you carry that axe, Bobert....

13 Feb 07 - 07:39 PM (#1966707)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: bobad

That's sure some axe, Bobert - give 'em hell!

13 Feb 07 - 07:39 PM (#1966708)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: dianavan

I did find bobert through a PM (why didn't I think of that) but I could not find his geetar. Also found, Slim. Unbelievable! He's just a baby, bobert. Where did you pick him up? I will have to have his CD.

Sure looks like you been havin sum fun.

13 Feb 07 - 09:50 PM (#1966851)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: jeffp

If you put the URL that Bobert supplied into your browser, then scroll down, you'll see the guitar from glue-up to finished in its case. It's gorgeous! Love the octagonal volume knob.

13 Feb 07 - 10:16 PM (#1966869)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?


13 Feb 07 - 10:18 PM (#1966872)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: Alba

Wow Bobert that is one purdy Axe!
I am just loving the way yir man tells 'The Back Porch' progress story! Bee-u-tee-full
Here's a link to the site Bobert's baby!

Take care Bobert and Best wishes to P-Vine and yourself.

13 Feb 07 - 10:29 PM (#1966885)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: Ebbie

Wow1 Beaubear, you have an heirloom there. Love the colors and I'm looking forward to hearing you play her this November. OK?

13 Feb 07 - 11:06 PM (#1966915)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: Rapparee

Now, Bobert, that ax is just beggin' for some fancyin' up. You take that an' slap a good coat of hot pink paint on 'er, an' maybe git somebody ta paint a poodle dog on it, too. An' a little sandin' of them sharp angles'd do 'er a world of good too. Now that there gitar strap ain't modern, ya know, so you git on down to the musik store an' git you one of them plastic ones, maybe in that yella-green chartruse that's so popular.

You do these things and I'll personally garentee that the girls'll be coming outa the woodwork atcha.

(Nice ax, dude. How's she play?)

13 Feb 07 - 11:11 PM (#1966921)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: dianavan

Know what, bobert? What goes around, comes around. Anyone with a guitar that special must be pretty darn special himself.

Keep on livin the good life.

13 Feb 07 - 11:18 PM (#1966925)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: number 6

Geee ... that's really kewl bobert.

ZZ Top aint gonna have anything on you baby!


13 Feb 07 - 11:42 PM (#1966943)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: Rapparee

'Specially if you paint it bright green.

13 Feb 07 - 11:43 PM (#1966945)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: number 6

Yeah ... cover it in shag carpet.

13 Feb 07 - 11:52 PM (#1966951)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: Stilly River Sage

I've certainly seen that word put to good use in this thread. Don't know how that term passed me by. Learn something every day!

That's a gorgeous instrument, and what a charming report along the way.


14 Feb 07 - 12:23 AM (#1966974)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: michaelr

Don't know if I'm first to notice, but ol' Bobert just coined a new word: "squirmishes" -- I love it! That needs to be entered in the Washington Post's Neologism contest:

squirmish (n), a minor battle that both contestants are struggling to get out of

...but I'm sure Mudcatters can come up with better definitions.


14 Feb 07 - 09:00 AM (#1967292)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: Rapparee

And it needs a lyre (one of them instrument-mounted music stands) to hold your sheet music.

14 Feb 07 - 09:52 AM (#1967348)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?

"it does get tiresome trying to debate a point an' have a GUEST argue back with me as 5 'er 12 different people... It makes it look as if my arguments are weak if there are 5 or 12 different people telling me I'm wrong..."

Bobert, you don't need to argue with anyone. Events have shown that you were right, and they were wrong. And "they" are probably reading this, and know exactly who we're talking about.

If I didn't have two gigs to practice for, a course to teach, plus my day job, I'd love to go back to late 2002/early 2003 and dig up all the posts that sneered at your predictions for Iraq, and pair them up with later news headlines.

Naaah, we all know what that would look like anyhow.

You're better off letting events speak for themselves, and I should probably take a lesson from you and ignore the "dead-enders" for a while too.

14 Feb 07 - 10:34 AM (#1967397)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: Stilly River Sage

Bobert, you're always welcome to drop in and visit MOM at the MOAB--there's civil discourse on a wide range of topics, and you'd fit right in, should you be so inclined. We cover a surprising number of music topics even though it is thoroughly entrenched in the BS side of things.


14 Feb 07 - 10:35 AM (#1967400)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: Bobert

Thankee, TIA, for yer support but it wasn't jus' me as I recolect that was predicting what has now transpired in Iraq but you and lots of others here in Mudville...

Well, the Lord looks after fools, kids and drunks so I figure that has something to do with us not loosin' our 'lectrics las night... Lookin' outside this mornin' it is unbelievable that we have power...

Now, as fir my geetar...

Fir those of you who have seen it and read Ted's story I'm sure you have been at the very least, entertained... Ted is entertainin' 'nuff jus' by himself...

I'm playin' it thru a Fender Blues Junior and it plays great and sounds even better... It's got a real ol' Telecaster kinda twang to it that come from them chunks of wood that form the body...

I'll be able to do a few songs with it during performances but I don't want to make it the mainstay of the arnsenal but something different... Which it is... Maybe if I get down to playin' in Mississippi I might use it more 'cause it's meant to be used for that heavier North Mississippi hill stomp stuff in the vein of the late and great R.L. Burnside...

The 5 strings isn't a problem at all 'cause my fingers declared their indpendance long ago and do what evr they want to and they figured it out before I actually had the guitar??? Go figure???


14 Feb 07 - 10:49 AM (#1967420)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: Bobert

Ahhhh, thanks, SRS... Do you have a link or will it come up thru a Google search???


14 Feb 07 - 01:44 PM (#1967615)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: TC Rocker USA

Hi folks, I'm Ted.

I've lurked here on & off and know a few of y'all from mousing around.

This was a special guitar for me to build because Bobert is special (and not 'cause he rode the short bus to school). Me & Bobz had some late night brainstorming sessions on what he was looking for, and when we were done, I still had no idea. Mostly we figured out he wanted a 4 string tenor guitar but not a tenor and he wanted 5 strings.

He wanted something organic like the Honey Dripper, with no bling - something Fred Flintstone would make on the way to the gig. It's strung with heavy strings (16 - 54) and Bob has his own tuning that uses letters that aren't in our alphabet.

Those pictures don't show off the wood, you have to see the Purpleheart and Mahogany in person to appreciate the beauty. The knob is Tulipwood and 'gemlike' the way I faceted it. While creating her I listened to a lot of Sidewalk Bob tunes and crafted the pickups for his playing style. We wanted it to growl, but still be articulate, sort of the opposite of Bobert! (Sorry Bob).

Thanks to all for the kind words folks - I really was inspired and honored to create this for Brother Bobert. I wound up filling the case with goodies I thought Bobz would appreciate and only stopped creating when the UPS truck pulled up.

I'm way behind in updating my website, but can't complain 'cause I'm busy building. I need to post a few new guitars, 3 new models of harmonica microphones and some hardwood guitar picks, as well as other prototypes (and failures) I developed. I'm happy to answer any questions or help you design a special instrument.



14 Feb 07 - 01:50 PM (#1967621)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: Amos

Great job, have made the world a better place. Maybe even made Bobert a better boy, altho' there are never any guarantees.


Hey Beau Bear-- we loves ya round here, ya know. Anytime you want, come drop in and pull up a rocker wid usn's.


14 Feb 07 - 03:31 PM (#1967718)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?

I love the "toebourine"

14 Feb 07 - 03:55 PM (#1967738)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: Bill D

golly, Ted..I hope you warned Bobert that the Purpleheart won't stay purple forever..*grin* (I hate working with Purpleheart, 'cause it splinters and dares me...and then changes color!)(but, to be fair, I do 95% turning)

...that Tulipwood knob will sorta make up for it, though. What a fascinating instrument.

14 Feb 07 - 04:00 PM (#1967741)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: Rapparee

Maybe iffen he painted it white, huh? Sort of a high-gloss enamel?

14 Feb 07 - 04:02 PM (#1967744)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: Bill D

Yeah! Great idea...then he could get lots of famous guitarists to autograph it!

14 Feb 07 - 05:17 PM (#1967828)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: Bobert

Hey, wait!!!

We ain't gonna go paintin' on this gitfeedle so ya' all jus' get that outta yer heads... Okay???... Good...

But I have been thinkin' of maybe, with Ted Rockerman's permission of havin' the back of the body wood burned by someone who ain't gonna mess it up 'er burn it up neither...

I told Ted one night that I was thinkin' 'bout doin' this but he din't say nuthin' but I sho nuff won't do it without his blessin' 'cause while I may be in possession of this fine geeter, it's really his art work...


14 Feb 07 - 05:19 PM (#1967831)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: Rapparee

Bring 'er on out, Bobert! I got two brandin' irons sitting right here in the Library! (I really do, too.)

14 Feb 07 - 06:09 PM (#1967879)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: Bobert

Yahooo, little doggies!!!

14 Feb 07 - 06:10 PM (#1967880)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: TC Rocker USA

One Blessing - comin' up!

I don't remember you askin' - maybe it was the night I tested out the flute...

You can gussy it up any way you please, just be careful that one of Rapaire's branding irons isn't a poodle dog and he colors it in with that hot pink enamel.

If you do decide to paint it, I can airbrush a nice wood grain graphic - have the best of both worlds. What are you thinking of having burned into the back? If it's yer set list, you'd be better off duck tapin' an index card to it. Directions home from the gig? Get yerself a talkin' GPS fer the bluesmobile. Your acceptance speech for next year's Grammy's? Recipe fer naner pudding? A portrait of Freeway Bob before the hair loss?   

Now that I think about it, you can't go wrong with puppies, everybody loves puppies. Maybe Rapaire is onto something...


14 Feb 07 - 06:40 PM (#1967910)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: Rapparee

Mah brandin' irons got the Marshall Public Library's registered brand on 'em: MPL connected with a rocker underneath. We kin brand cattle an' hosses on the left hip, sheep anywhere, staff on the left hip and right shoulder, and gittars wherever the gittar player ain't got his er her fingers.

We kin also earnotch the gittar player -- I'm thinkin' a nice jinglebob cut would be appropriate here.

14 Feb 07 - 07:19 PM (#1967949)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: Stilly River Sage

Bobert, you don't have to stray away from the 'Cat to find MOAB. She's the Mother of All BS threads to those of you who don't visit often.

(I love that crack about the short bus! But over at MOAB, we have a really really long bus.)


14 Feb 07 - 07:37 PM (#1967968)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: Bobert

I don't know, SRS, 'bout that thread... It, afterall, is the offspring of a very disturbed Khanny Khandu who has tried over and over to pull off a coup over at Tweedsblues an' while the current Mayor, the Tweezer hisseff, can be a tad on the tough side, King Khanny would certainly be worser seein' as he allready is the the King of Mississippi... Heck, kings is some buzy folks and look at just how bad King Khanny was durin' Katrina??? Jus' stpped at the Piggly Wiggly fir a 12 pack an' a box of chicken, put his kingly feet up on the coffee table and watched it on the TV??? Like how kingly is that??? Well, I'll tell ya what... "Round these parts we expect, no demand, more form out kings than sittin' back with a beer and box o' chicken...

But, sniff, ya gotta love the boy, ahhhhh, king... But when it comes to kingin'??? He ain't up to king snuff...

But I might linger in there some time as long as the King is home playin' his geetar, drenkin' beer an doin' KFC...

Oh, yeah... What wood (pun intended)I burn into the back of the "Back Porch'r"??? Maybe jus' that...


14 Feb 07 - 09:15 PM (#1968063)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: Rapparee

How about something like those naked ladies license plate frames?

15 Feb 07 - 04:24 PM (#1968982)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: Stilly River Sage

I'd paint the back with white latex house paint before I'd put one of those babes on it.

16 Feb 07 - 10:55 AM (#1969803)
Subject: RE: BS: Where's bobert?
From: Amos

YEah, Stilly, but maybe that is just you, ya know -- a bit tone deaf to the electrifying nuances of pulchritude in chrome...