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BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have

16 Feb 07 - 07:31 PM (#1970221)
Subject: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: GUEST,Nick

Dog # 1) Max (Male) a Black Chow Lab Mix adopted from Animal Welfare who was found as stray. He is 5ish Now
Dog #2) Matilda (Female) A Long Haired Dachshundt adopted from SPCA. Was found as stray in NYC. Age estimates range from 7 to 10
Cat # 1) Tortuga (Female) Long Haired Tortise Shell Rescued from under a garage. Guessing she is 7-8 years old
Cat # 2) Tinsel, Grey/White Tiger. Son of Tortuga Rescued same time as Tortuga, now 5
Cat # 3) Newkie Grey/White Tiger, rescued off nearby porch in a case of mistaken identity. Tinsel had gotten out and we put up posters for lost cat. Someone called, we went took cat, two weeks later the real Tinsel shows up at home, so now we have three.

How About You?

16 Feb 07 - 07:39 PM (#1970228)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Little Hawk

Dog #1: Miniature dachshund, brown, very large ego, rather handsome, incredibly greedy.

Dog #2: Miniature dachshund, brown, grossly overweight, extremely insecure, spectacularly lazy.

Dog #3: Full-size dachshund, black and tan, older than Methusaleh, and more paranoid than Opus the Penguin on his worst day. Lives in constant fear of strangers, visitors, abandonment, things that go "bump" in the night, things that fly overhead, and things that may even burrow underground (like in the movie "Tremors").

16 Feb 07 - 07:58 PM (#1970244)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Kaleea

I have no pets, but my neice (with whom I share an apartment) has one scardy cat.

16 Feb 07 - 08:03 PM (#1970246)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: mrdux

Mr. Sage is a 13 year old blue heeler mix, a very good boy, a little hard of hearing, but otherwise quite healthy. He used to be the fastest dog in the park, but he lost a step or three with his advancing years (just don't remind him about it -- he's a little sensitive).

His partner in doggie-dom is Iris, a 6 1/2 year old lab/border collie, a sweet, affectionate and thoroughly goofy girl, with a sensitive stomach and a penchant for eating garbage (not a great combination). And she's a whole lot faster than Sage (much to her delight and his consternation).


16 Feb 07 - 08:14 PM (#1970250)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: catspaw49

Two Weimaraners----Jaeger(12) and Sissy(9). I've owned Weims all of my adult life and these two are just a bit extra special. Jaeger is aging a lot with arthitis, deafness, blindness, and seizures, but for all of that is still a happy camper. He is the most docile and loving dog I have ever had. Sissy is Queen of the House, a serious alpha female but "Daddy's Girl" who accompanies me almost everywhere.

Five Cats-----Bixby, a classic tabby, and the Leader of the Pack. Has never been known to back down to any other cat but a GREAT lap cat when it suits him. Roamin, a black and white tuxedo,who has a pelt ratherthan a coat. Massively built but gentle and a real lover, Karen's cat. Pepper, the family wussy pussy. Loves Michael (as do all the cats) but a real wuss who sneaks around to avoid beatings by Bix. Sugar, a pure white female shorthair with gold eyes. A lover but dumber than a box of rocks. Sloop, a 6 month old black shorthair, Sugar's kitten. We have completely spoiled this guy and even Bix treats him differently. as if if he knows this is the Prince who will take his kingdom.

One Cockatiel----Maddy. He's just an incredible kick in the ass. Cockatiels when hand raised are just GREAT birds. Lots of personality. He damn near died five years ago but after investing almost a grand in bird vet bills, he made it. This shows how nuts we are for our animals.

55 Gallon Aquarium-----freshwater. We have rainbows, gourami, black skirt tetras, rosy barbs, etc. Our most interesting is a 10 YEAR OLD albino irridescent shark (basically a catfish). He's about 10 inches long and very old for a tank fish.


16 Feb 07 - 08:36 PM (#1970261)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: bassen

Orion is an 8 year old Springer Spaniel. He is big for a Springer and a loving and gentle creature who still plays like a puppy when he meets canine soul mates, especially other Springers. He's lost some of the motivation to tow us for miles on skis in winter, when there's no snow he's on the noble and never ending quest for one more mudhole to immerse his shaggy body in.

I grew up with Springers and various Springer mixes (a Springer/Lab mix named Skipper was THE dog of my childhood). My wife was never a dog person growing up so dogs weren't in the picture when we married, but when the boys started nagging about getting a dog I showed her pictures of Springers and she fell in love. Orion now rules the household with my wife as his second in command. I get to carry in the groceries and fill his feed bowl.


16 Feb 07 - 09:06 PM (#1970286)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Michael from Manitoba

My wife and I have a few Inuit Sled Dogs, the kind that the native folk in the arctic used for a few thousand years before they (most of them) switched to snowmobiles. They are:
Dog No.1 Inero, 7yrs, m, reddish and white coat, very hairy
Dog No.2 Appijuk, Inero's sister ditto
Dog No.3 Neviatok, 6yrs, m, shortish gray and white
Dog No.4 Upinak, 6yrs, f, pure white, parents came from Greenland
Dog No.5 Tallyrand 4yrs, m, gray and white, son of Nev and Upin
Dog No.6 Sivousem 4yrs, f, carbon copy only smaller of her dad Nev
Dog No.7 Cousteau 9yrs, m, black with white markings
Dog No.8 Vercors 9yrs, f, mate to Cousteau and same color
Dog No.9 Pidgarok (Piggy), 6yrs, son of Coust and Ver, white, hairy
Dog No.10 Hugo, 5yrs, m, Reddish/white
Dog No.11 Sukka 6yrs, f, mostly black, très hairy
Dog No.12 Keviok 5yrs, m. reddish, long hair
Dog No.13 Nanatak, 7yrs, f, reddish and long hair
Dog No.14 Ditmerci 5yrs, f. strawberry roan, long hair
Dog No.15 Takku, 3yrs, m, more red than any other of our dogs
Dog No.16 Toopak 3yrs,m, roan color
Dog No.17 Pikka, 3yrs, m, dark brown and white
Takku, Toopak and Pikka are Keviok and Ditmerci's pups
Dog No.18 Norsuak 8yrs, m, Mostly black, some white, pup of Cousteau
Dog No.19 Lulik, 6yrs, f,reddish brown, short, thick hair
Dog No.20 Kissimee,4yrs,f, bl w/white markings, daughter of Nos.16/17
Dog No.21 Nikki 4yrs, big and black,
Dog No.22 Renoir Nikki's brother. all black (Re-noir!)
Dog No.23 Illac 3yrs, f, black, sister to Nikki and Renoir but not same litter.
Need I say, they don't live in the same house as we do? They each have their own distinct personality and are loved and loving!

16 Feb 07 - 09:15 PM (#1970290)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Bee-dubya-ell

I can say with absolute certainty that we have two cats. We may have more, depending upon your definition of "have". If cats which hang around despite the fact that they aren't fed, aren't petted, aren't wanted, and are regularly threatened with being shot can be said to be "had", then we have four cats.

We also have a 1/2 acre pond full of koi and comets. Some of the koi weigh five pounds or more.

16 Feb 07 - 09:22 PM (#1970293)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Janie

Right now we are down to only 3 pets who own us.

Amy--a German Shepherd mix we adopted from the shelter--she's about 3 now and never met a person she isn't certain will absolutely adore her. She likes to lean against your leg, lure you to pet her, and then slowly slide down your leg, turning slightly as she goes, so she eventually ends belly up with your foot under her neck to make a nice pillow.

Stella--a 5 month old white and mackerel kitten who was bottle fed from 2 days old and thinks she is a human being. She crawls under the covers to sleep with me at nigh, and talks constantly. Chirps, meows, chortles, squeaks, purrs. Very expressive young lady, she is.

Nu-Nu a rather cranky, largish goldfish my son won at a carnival when he was 4 years old. That makes Nu-Nu about 9. He was my son's first fish, and has out-lived all of the ones who came after--most of whom probably died from the stress of sharing a tank with Nu Nu. He is a bit arrogant.

Nu-Nu's life has gotten much more exciting recently. Stella the cat would love to have him for supper, and occasionally goes fishing with one paw through the gap in the tank cover where the filter is. Nu-Nu does not seem to quite as arrogant as he was before Stella came.


16 Feb 07 - 09:26 PM (#1970296)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: John on the Sunset Coast

Since a couple of weeks ago, none. Sunshine left our hearts dark after nearly 19 years with us. We used to have a Cairn terrier mix whom we had for 17+ years. No more pets for us, but lots of pleasant memories.

16 Feb 07 - 09:29 PM (#1970297)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Janie

How sad you must be, John. Blessings.


16 Feb 07 - 09:31 PM (#1970299)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: John on the Sunset Coast

We expect to meet them at the rainbow bridge sometime...not soon we hope.

16 Feb 07 - 09:36 PM (#1970306)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: skipy

Charles, ex male cat, sleeps for England, wakes only to Meow for food or for a crap.
Simba / Zimba also ex male, comes in only to eat.

16 Feb 07 - 09:44 PM (#1970312)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Bee

Presently, and sadly, dogless at the moment.

But - we now have a six month old solid black and silver-tipped grey classic tabby, a beautiful youngster with a very appealing face. He was the most aggressive kitten I've ever raised, but has tamed down quite a lot and likes a good hour or two of sooking in the evening. He's completely fearless and likes wrestling with visiting dogs, regardless of size.

Michael from Manitoba: 23 sled dogs - wow! Feeding time must go on all day!

16 Feb 07 - 09:44 PM (#1970313)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: kendall

Seamus. An 8 year old pedigreed yellow Labrador Retriever. Loves to play and has a definite sense of humor.

16 Feb 07 - 10:11 PM (#1970319)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: GUEST,Nick

I knew this was a thread with a hook. My heart swells with the responses and I am not a mushy guy! It is my post Westminster Dog Show Hangover that brought it on.

16 Feb 07 - 10:48 PM (#1970331)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Ebbie

A going-on-six-year old pale-colored Cairn Terrier who started life as a Meghan but when her first person died and I got her (long story) I decided that a dog so eager to please and so convinced that everyone on foot is panting to make her acquaintance was way too cute for a formal Meghan; she is now Meggie.

A coal black handsome dude of a cat named 'archy' as in the Mehitabel saga is a narrow, tall, graceful, dignified 12 year old. Once in awhile he forgets himself and gambols and cavorts like a kittn. If it weren't for an occasional blink passersby might take him for a shiny ceramic figurine at the window.

17 Feb 07 - 12:16 AM (#1970377)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: katlaughing

Well, might as well...the list is dwindling at our house, but we still love our "keepers" who are:

Merlee - McNab Border Collie (shorter than with shorter hair than, and not nearly as yappie, as Border Collies, with wicked loyalty) found outside a grocery store which he had been sneaking into each time a customer activated the automatic doors, then begging food off the deli person. He's black and white and I was NOT going to keep him, but Rog thought he'd be a good dog and he really perked up our old German Shepherd/Doberman mix, the late Shu Montu aka "Montee," so he got to stay and as far as Rog and I are concerned, if we ever have another dog, which I am sure we will, it wil be another McNab. Never known a smarter dog.We've been kind of watching for a breeder, see if we could find a young'un so's Merls could bring him up right before he passes. We figure he's about 11 or 12 by now. Still going strong and always ready for pasta.

Trystan - grey tabby - King of the Walk, my baby and a terrible bully to any who let him get away with it. He is a loverboy with me...settles on my pillow next to my ear and purrs me to sleep.He must be about 10 or so now, too. Acts like a kitten almost always. Found in the wheel well of a pickup truck, yelling loudly for rescue.

Kipling - beautiful Siamese, also rescued. He is so gorgeous and funny. Very much a "you touch me when I say so" kind of cat. With patience, after all of these years, about two years ago, he finally started sleeping on our bed and let me pet him as he sleeps, but he turns into a martial arts champion whenever I try to pick him up and he must weigh about 12-14 pounds, all of it muscle. We've had him since about 1997 or so, so he's about the same age as Trys. THIS year, he has consented to actually come sit on my lap, TWICE, but left as soon as I moved. I have the feeling he would be even chummier if he was on "only" cat, but at least has accepted that we are not axe-murderers and he can be safe within our home. Obvious early kittenhood issues there.:-)

We love our Keepers very much.


17 Feb 07 - 07:46 AM (#1970520)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: GUEST,Greycap

We share Oliver, 12 yrs old, black cat from the house over the road. His lady goes to the office, he comes over for breakfast and to sleep on our couch until about six at night, when he has his dinner and then goes home to lie about starving to death.
The average day for a cat.
Dogs have masters, cats have staff

Staff Greycap

17 Feb 07 - 07:58 AM (#1970529)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: bobad

Gyp 75% Border collie, 25% rough collie, 100% lovable.

17 Feb 07 - 08:04 AM (#1970536)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Bainbo

These "blogs" by a cat and a dog have been all over the internet like fleas, but take a look if you haven't seen them.

We have a time-share in a fat white cat called Bud, who turned up as a stray about 10 years ago, was taken in by several people, and likes to spread himself around several houses just to keep his options open.

(I think that he thinks that we don't all know he uses several houses. He looks guilty if one of us visits another and catches him out at one of his other safe havens).

17 Feb 07 - 08:27 AM (#1970559)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Bee

I heard a great story of another cat that had two houses. The families were near neighbours in a big city neighbourhood, but barely knew each other. Cat would come in at evening for neighbour1, get fed, stay the night, leave in the morning. There was a death in neighbour2's family, so neighbour1, feeling a bit guilty about not knowing close neighbours, took a plate of sandwiches over. And there is cat, ensconced in an armchair. Turns out he would go straight from neighbour1's house in the morning, meow in at neighbour2's, get fed again, spend the day, get fed and put out for the night and head for neighbour1's house.

17 Feb 07 - 08:48 AM (#1970576)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Jean(eanjay)

We've had quite a variety of pets over the years - hamsters, gerbils, rats, guinea pigs, rabbits, fish, cats, terrapins, turtles. We are left with one box turtle (the other died a few months ago), 2 terrapins and some pond fish. I am a great animal lover but nothing will be replaced from now on. We are having problems with the terrapins at the moment (an annual thing) because the male is bullying the female for her attentions so we have had to separate them for a short period of time to spare her the stress.

17 Feb 07 - 08:50 AM (#1970579)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: jacqui.c

Seamus. An 8 year old pedigreed yellow Labrador Retriever. Loves to play and has a definite sense of humor.

What hasn't been said is that, when Kendall first got Seamus as a wee puppy, he was such a handful that Kendall nearly gave him away. His previous dog, Clancy, had been a model hound, well behaved and biddable. Seamus wasn't (it's that sense of humour that causes the problem!).

Luckily Seamus got a reprieve when he was seen sleeping with his paws left over right, just as Clancy had done. Now he's the indulged 'baby' of this family and friends. SINSULL would steal him if she could and he almost always comes to the song circles where he gets lots of attention.

He's still a handful - we can't let him off the leash on the beach yet but I am working on that, with treats of all kinds and a whistle. This is a dog that really lives for food! He's a very strong dog so has had to have some very firm training to heel to make sure that I don't get pulled off my feet when walking him but he has made amazing progress in that respect.

He tends to follow me around, thinking that there might be a chance for a walk or treats, and has a habit of laying on my feet so that I can't use the reclining part of my chair, or crawling under the recliner when it's up so that I have to move him out to get out the chair. He occasionally climbs onto my lap - believe me, with a 90lb dog that leaves you feeling like a butterfly under glass, but he seems to enjoy the occasional cuddle with his people.

He isn't allowed on the couch here but is at SINSULL's when he gets to stay there while we're away. He does seem to understand where the line is drawn in each household though.

I've never really been a 'dog' person and have had mostly cats as pets. Seamus I adopted when I married Kendall - it was a case of love me, love my dog. Luckily it was the easiest thing in the world to get to love both the guys in this household.

17 Feb 07 - 09:02 AM (#1970591)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: mick p r.m s.c

we have a lovely senegal parrot whos really good at stripping wall paper,he's wrecked our living room,he chew's all the wood on our picture frame's our dining table is in a terrible state,but we love him to bits.does anyone want to borrow him to help with there decorating?

17 Feb 07 - 10:39 AM (#1970642)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: mack/misophist

Most of my adult life has been spent in the company of cats. At present there are four.
    1. Orca, a black and white tuxedo cat is the doyen and only female.
    2. Hector is a tortoise shell; slender, very fast, and imagines himself to be an incarnation of Pele. He never goes to the vet because he's uncatchable.
    3. Fenris is black; built like a bear, heavily armed, and usually a coward. On the rare occasions when he decides to contest an issue, he stalks rather than chases.
    4. Melvin is an idiot. White with a blue spot between his ears, he's only interested in food and laps. Obese, of course, but with four, we can't feed them separately.

17 Feb 07 - 10:50 AM (#1970655)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: LilyFestre

Abu: A 13 year old black lab who has bone cancer. She's been the most gentle lab we've ever had, ever loyal to her papa and begrudgingly shares him with me. She's a sweet girl with a fierce bark who has always loved to play bird.

Amos: A 3 1/2 year old black cocker spaniel who has the good sense to run from rotten people. I had someone show up at my door one day (someone I knew) who was insistant on meeting the dogs (who were crated as they didn't know this person and can sometimes be a bit overprotective). I let Amos out first because he is the smallest of all our dogs. He ran into the computer room where this person was sitting on a piano bench. He sniffed her foot and hightailed it right outside..letting himself out even! Needless to say that he did NOT approve of her! Smart dog! He is full of energy, LOVES to roll about in the snow and at night, he is a cuddle bunny. He's a LARGE cocker spaniel who truly believes he is a lap dog. WOOF.

Belle: Belle is a yellow lab who is 9 years old. She is our only remaining yellow lab. She has the most beautiful expressive brown eyes and is a one family dog. She is timid around folks she does not know, often growling and snarling.

Little Guy: Little Guy is a black lab (9 years old) who is absolutely monstrous in size. He is very clever and when he is tied out, he has a THICK chain as he continues to snap the more normal sized ones. We once had a butcher come to the house to pick up some pigs and the pigs got loose. They ran down around the backbarn where Little Guy happened to be tied up. The butcher, who has arms like Popeye said he wouldn't go near there if there was a thousand dollars on the ground. LOL. Little Guy is BIG with a BIG bark but a sweet little puppy heart who loves to play KITTY or with his BIG stick (6 feet long with a 3 inch diameter...yes, an outside toy!).

Jake is a 12 year old black lab. He is very gentle, even tempered and absolutley LOVES to play with plastic water jugs. In the summer we fill a gallon milk jug full of water and hang it from a pole. He LOVES to jump at it and bite it which of course springs several leaks. He runs around under it trying to catch all the water....very funny to watch!

Elby is a 4 year old black lab. He is also very sweet natured but only with people. He chases the cats and has been known to kill a few chickens. He has a square, short nose and big floppy ears...he is absolutely a cutie pie! He loves to sit on top of his house and bark at deer in the field (when he is outside).

Fester: Fester is a gray tiger cat who is almost 16 years old. He is *my* cat and can be found sitting on the back of my chair or in my lap every single night. Frequently when I am sitting at the table, he will come over, stand on his hind feet, tap me with his front paw and give a LOUD MEOW! He (like all the other cats) are spoiled rotten. He has very few of his own teeth left and therefore gets canned cat food that he will SOMETIMES share with some of the other cats.

Daphne: Daphne is a calico cat with a sneering lip, extremely soft fur and a chaperone streak running through her. She likes to meow (or tap with claws out) when her Papa and I snuggle. She also likes to play surrogate mother to any kittens we have even though she has been spayed and has no kittens of her own in 7 years.

Goose: Goose is a gray tiger cat and is the son of Daphne. He is a big cat who will come to you when he wants to snuggle but don't even think of picking him up unless you want some nice red claw marks on your skin.

Norm: Norm is also the son of Daphne, aged 7 years old. He's another big cat who will let you know when he wants love. He loves to snuggle and kneed at night.

Millie: Millie is a very tiny, gray tiger female cat who showed up on our deck about 3 years ago. She is not very affectionate but when she does sit with you, she likes to sniff your clothing and kneed...ALOT! Her tiny face resembles the face of an owl without a beak.

Murph: Murph is a large, gray tiger cat who likes to nurse on your collar. He is a snuggle bunny and a sniffer. He is also a stunning cat, absolutely GORGEOUS!

Dan: Dan is the brother to Murph but he is smaller and far less social. He likes to sit on the edge of the tub when anyone is in the shower. He is also absolutely GORGEOUS!

Emma: Gray tiger kitten (4 months), finger biter, with thick fluffy fur.

Burnie: Gray tiger kitten with a kink in his tail. He's very gentle and loves to snuggle under a blanket with me. When he isn't playing or snuggling with me, he can be found sitting on the ledge of the woodstove, directly in front of the glass. He has singed his whiskers more than once, hence his name.

Sid Vicious: A teeny, tiny, (who almost died) kitten who loves his papa. He prefers to sleep in the crook of his papa's arm. His fur is wirey and he attempts to take on the big cats on a daily basis. He is our scrapper.

Boots: Boots is our outside cat who someone dropped off. He comes running to the car when I get home and loves to jump up in the car as well. He is gray with a white underbelly and THICK, THICK fur. He is a lover and gets lots of attention even though he is outside.

We also have 20 chickens and 7 roosters of different varieties.

And then there's Tom, the full grown Bronze Turkey. He has a wonderful gobble and shimmering feathers.

:) Michelle

17 Feb 07 - 10:58 AM (#1970666)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: LilyFestre

Oh...and then there's JACK! Jack is the "laziest cat on earth" who is a soft gray tiger cat. Half of one of his ears is missing because he decided to scrap with one of the bigger cats when he was just a teeny, tiny bundle of fur. These days, Jack is our second largest cat. He is a lover, a snuggle bunny and purrs louder than our tractor. =^..^=


17 Feb 07 - 11:01 AM (#1970671)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Becca72

I am currently owned by 3 beautiful cats.

#1 is Madmardigan (or Maddy to his friends), a white and tan domestic longhaired male. He is the son of the late Mara Jade and has been with me since the moment he was born. He's 9 years old but you'd never know it, as he is still very kitten-like. He loves to cuddle and is my little shadow, going everywhere that I go. I truly believe that he and I have known each other before somehow as I've never had a stronger connection with a pet and I've had many pets...

Then there are Mikey and Sheldon, litter mates, (who are named after my 2 favorite Montreal Canadiens players) black domestic shorthaired males who have breathed new life into the house after the loss of Mara Jade last year. They just turned 1 year old last weekend. I call them "the matrix twins" because they will fly at each other from opposite ends of the apartment, meeting in the middle in mid-air and do a really cool twisting-wrestling-who's going to land on top flip-thingie in slow motion, that is pretty impressive to watch. They both have the most striking amber eyes I've ever seen.
While kittens can certainly try one's patience I'm so glad I decided to get both of these boys and after the death of his mum Maddy welcomes the least most of the time.

17 Feb 07 - 11:12 AM (#1970678)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Sorcha

In the household, 5 dogs and 2 cats.
Mr and I have Molly and Fagin, 8 month old Tri coloured Pem Corgis.
Daughter has Smokey and The Bandit. Smokey has only one eye, lost the other to an infection. Tri headed black.

The Bandit is a med. red, equal opportunity cuddler. He goes limp when he sleeps. Impossible to move.

Max--the Grand dog. Doberman/blue heeler mix. Smart like a heeler, goofy like a Dobe. Escape artist. Knows all the police quite well.

Yentle--Standard grey tabby, about 17. Her only virtues are that she is just a Good Cat and likes to play with the neighbors dog.

Boudicca--an evil Calico, 4. Thinks she is a dog. Likes to ride on the inflatable boats in the pool. Doesn't mind water too much. Best stuffed toy the dogs ever had.

17 Feb 07 - 11:20 AM (#1970683)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: terrier

Three horses,(2 Welsh Cobs and an Irish Draft X), two outside cats who would rather not come into the house but sit on the doorstep forever cadging for food, a few hens for their eggs (they compete with the cats for food!)and lots of THESE

17 Feb 07 - 12:11 PM (#1970723)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: jacqui.c

Becca - you didn't mention the kittens' way of getting at treats.....

17 Feb 07 - 12:14 PM (#1970728)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Cats

Bathsheba Everdeen ~ A rescued long haired black and white female cat. Bathsheba called so because 'when she looks up there I'll be and when I look up there she'll be'. Absolutely stunning with a perfect mask. Rules us with a rod of iron. Supervises extremely well. Bathsheba is now 10 years old we think. She has been with us for nearly 7 years. When the kind people from the rescue centre went to collect her, the people who had her just came to the door and said here she is, we don't want her. They just gave her to them on the doorstep with nothing. When we went to look the next day she was so traumatised that she wouldn't come out of her box, so Jon put his hand in, she snuggled it and he said she's chosen us, without actually seeing her. We love her to bits.

Isolde of the White Paws ~ which are usually a bit muddy owing to her loving to go and make sure the cows are all ok and that the farm next door doesn't need any help. Again a rescued cat. Isolde is nearly 4 years old and acts like a kitten still. She loves to run about the garden, chases anything that moves but gives us all of her love unconditionally. Isolde called so because Isolde was a Queen of Cornwall and our Isolde is a Queen and lives in Cornwall. Loves to help!

17 Feb 07 - 12:15 PM (#1970729)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Liz the Squeak

Shadow - dark tabby that was preowned by someone who possibly dumped her in a box or a bag because she hates enclosed spaces. Found her 16 years ago when she was about 2. She's got one tooth left and is starting to sleep longer and deeper but she can still bounce around.

Raven - 2 yr old former male black cat, has about 12 white hairs on him, scattered all over. He's completely barmy and has been known to eat Christmas decorations. He's happy to sit on the side of the bath when you're in it, but he doesn't like the bubbles.

Then there's the Shopkeeper (aka Felix) who lodges with us despite many attempts to remove him from the premises. Known as the Shopkeeper after the Mr Benn cartoon series where suddenly, as if by magic, the shopkeeper appears. It's from the trick of appearing in the kitchen in the time it takes to open a ring pull lid on a tin of catfood.


17 Feb 07 - 12:26 PM (#1970743)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Becca72

Ah, yes...I had blocked that out of my mind. I must say these 2 are perhaps the smartest cats I've had. I left a plastic container of treats out on the table one time when Dad and Jacqui were going to be coming in (I wasn't home) because Mikey likes to make a break for the free world and they're not allowed out so they need to be distracted anytime someone is around the the time Jacqui came in they had knocked the container onto the floor, wrestled the top off and dumped out and eaten half the treats.
I put the container in the kitchen cupboard and the little buggers jumped up onto the counter, opened the cabinet and repeated the process. I've often said if they ever learn to open cans I'm out of a job...

17 Feb 07 - 12:29 PM (#1970747)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Zany Mouse

We have a mad Yorkshire Terrorist called Max. He was named after Peter Maxwell Davies, rather than our illustrious leader here in the People's Republic of Mudcat.

Max is our second Yorkie and the first one was called Max as well.


17 Feb 07 - 01:04 PM (#1970777)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: bubblyrat

Three cats,all long -haired Persians,so the living-room needs hoovering about every two hours , especially now we have global warming. They are all " rescue" cats, so are a bit neurotic. Jasmine ( Jazzy ) is constantly "chirrupping ", and often rushes around madly & hurls herself out of windows. Poppy likes to see what"s on the internet,& gets very aggressive if she can't sit on your lap,or preferably the keyboard,when you"re 'on Line '. ---She hasn't noticed me yet !!---TEE HEE !! And Gerry has a cleft palate,or something,& can't breathe properly, so he constantly grunts & snorts, like a demented pig !! And that"s it!! Believe me, it's enough !! ( although Madame Bubblyrat, AKA Anniecat, would like us to have a donkey sanctuary !!)

17 Feb 07 - 01:22 PM (#1970793)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: GUEST,Ancient Briton

Dog 1: Bob - industrial strength Jack Russell Terrier 6 yrs
Dog 2: Finn - Patterdale/Fell terrier cross 5 yrs

Bob is thoughtful, Finn is extrovert. Both are cross-grained, born negotiators and psychologists, loyal, brave, and dangerous to thieves, other dogs and small squeaky animals.

17 Feb 07 - 04:30 PM (#1970962)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: terrier

HERE are the two pets I'd most like to have. ;-)

17 Feb 07 - 04:53 PM (#1970987)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: SharonA

Presently, I have only one cat, a torbie (a tortoiseshell tabby, brown and orange with no white markings). I saw her at a local pet store that displays cats rescued by the local shelter (shelter volunteers come into the store to care for the cats, and the purchase-price money goes to the shelter). She was about 4 months old and was in a cage with kittens half her age, whom she tolerated but seldom interacted with.

She seemed very docile in the store, but when I adopted her and took her (in her cardboard carrier) and her new supplies to the checkout counter, the clerk said she was quite a noisy problem child. I've since learned that the clerk was right! She's almost 4 now, and has started to settle down into a more gracious adult cat... but she's still noisy! I've gotten many long lectures from her about keeping her food bowl full, her bathroom water tap on and her litter box scooped.

The shelter had named her Madison and I kept the name, though I added the middle name May (as in Madison May do what I want her to do, and Madison May not). I also call her Chatty Maddie the Bratty Fatty.


17 Feb 07 - 05:28 PM (#1971016)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: katlaughing

thanks for the laugh, terrier! Great video!

17 Feb 07 - 08:19 PM (#1971154)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: mmm1a

I don't dare put dog 1 or dog 2 because my 2 brats would complain if they weren't #1.

    Billie - A small Beagle who is the alpha dog She's 3. and is her Daddy's girl. Almost lost her when my husband was in the hospital after his heart attack. She wouldn't eat for the neighbors. I came home to check on things and was finally able to get her to eat.

Little Bit - an almost 2 yr old black lab that doesn't fir her name any more. We were never suppose to keep her and she was just a tiny little thing when she was born, i started calling her little bit and the name stuck. The girl who said she wanted her, back out after seeing how big she would get. and then we lost her mother so she is here to stay.The beagle used to bully her quite abit but now she is faster and a whole lot bigger. so now, oh yeah billie still bullies her but has to work alittle harder. lol

Only 1 cat a huge yellow tom cat names Bob, Bob's a happy cat ,
Bob was an amish cat up till a couple of years ago, and then for some reason his owner decided to get rid of him, and he came to live with us. Part of one ear is missing due to a disagreement with a horse, i think bob still won that one. lol He's probally the most laid back cat I have ever seen.I have given him bathes and the only thing he does is cry a little , no scratching , no trying to get out, just an occasional meow. The lab for some reason thinks he is her stuffed toy . will slobber and play with him when she can, and allows it never have seen him claw or hiss at our dogs, now the neighbors jack russel thats a different story, those 2 are never gonna be friends. He is a long haired cat who at the beginning of winter is really quite handsome. Right now his fur is matted in some places and coming out in some,(hopefully this is a sign that spring is near), He looks pretty motely.
No other animals at this time but that is subject to change


18 Feb 07 - 12:14 AM (#1971286)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have

Asha - a five year old bull mastiff officially belongs to my daughter who now lives in an apartment that does not allow five year old (or any year old) mastiffs or any dogs. An absolute sweetheart -not a mean bone in her slightly overweight body. Loves the couch. The meanest thing I ever saw her do is nose one of the five cats out of the way when she wants to plonk in front of the fire (see for a picture of the Queen).

Ahbib: oldest and first cat - possibly about 17 but going very strong. Inherited from a neighbor 12 years ago when my daughter cat sat her for two weeks. Definitely the Alpha animal around here. Grey and slinky.

Tucker: #2 cat - with us about 11 years - the story is he was checked out of the library.......they had a picture of a cat needing a home and my daughter's heart melted. He is the #1 cat in my heart, but sadly, not to be with us much long as cancer is having its evil way with him.

Felicity- #3 cat - taken in as a stray some 9 years ago. To put it in not too subtle terms, - a bitch of a cat. Mean, nasty and arrogant. One's heart goes out to the dumb younger cats who think she wants to play with them

Po: #4 cat - named for Edgar Allen. Looks like and sounds like, a black and white siamese -- most odd.

Em - #5 cat - named for his emeral green eyes. Po's best buddy - both came into the house about 7 years ago as a bribe to get my daughter to do something (the actual thing eludes me but I know I offered one kitten and she held out for two).

Cholly - was #6 cat -- packed her bags and moved to the neighbors when the dog moved in.

Millions of fish -- all unnamed.

Fortunately, the snakes, leper geckos and lizards and bearded dragons moved out with my daughter when she did - we were careful to add the language 'caged reptiles acceptable....' in her lease -- not sure if the landlord has ever counted how many of said caged reptiles she has........ daughter is going to be a vet tech (good career match!)

18 Feb 07 - 01:34 AM (#1971306)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Linda Goodman Zebooker

Two cory catfish, Timmy and Solomon, about 7 years old. Until about a year ago they were very playful, like puppies. All of our other "named" fish have departed, but we have two glo-light tetras (one is very sick). We also have three quarter-inch PYGMY cory catfish, which were easy to see when young, because they tumbled all around the tank eating constantly, but now are slower and more secretive. Also one remaining glass catfish, where you can see all its bones through clear skin. Besides these, about a hundred little snails (eew). When my son comes home from college in March, we'll get some more fish - especially some loaches to eat up these snails.


18 Feb 07 - 02:20 AM (#1971323)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Sorcha

Don't forget to spay/neuter to keep down the homeless, unwanted, rescue population, friends. Just do it.

18 Feb 07 - 03:03 AM (#1971334)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Ebbie

mmmla, what is an Amish cat?

18 Feb 07 - 05:30 AM (#1971380)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: catspaw49

You know Ebbie.....Long hair under and around the chin....Got a little black hat.......


18 Feb 07 - 06:58 AM (#1971436)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Hawker

Hawker - Staffordshire bull terrier, brindle and white, dog, loves the company of humans, cats and most dogs, loves food and well... food!
Tipsy - 3 legged cat, rescued as kitten from a farm with his brother Shadow who was blind. Shadow crossed the rainbow bridge last year after arguing with a car, folloing his escape into the world at large. Tipsy lost his leg arguing with another car when he was younger. he doesn't go out now!
Gothic a male black gerbil with attitude
Cappucino a male creamy tipped with chocolate brown gerbil with 3 legs (we like tripods in out house) which the pet store gave us when we went to get another one, as nobody would buy him as he was deformed! He is Gorgeus but timid!
Ruby and Rosie 2 white female gerbils Ruby mother and Rosie daughter (Gothics daughter too)Ruby & Gothic are now living apart for birth control reasons!
Cheers, Lucy

18 Feb 07 - 08:18 AM (#1971476)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: jacqui.c

TRUBRIT 's Asha really does live for her stomach.

We invited Deb and Tom to dinner one evening and Asha came along with them.

After dinner I was loading the dihwasher, left the door down while I was sorting something out, and came back to find Asha with her head inside the machine, giving the plates a pre-wash for all she was worth.

Here's Asha

18 Feb 07 - 08:28 AM (#1971485)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: kendall

A Bull Mastiff, with some of her teeth showing all the time looks like a burglars worst nightmare. However, you can't judge a book by the cover. Asha is a sweetheart, even if she does take over Seamus' bed when she visits. She has a strong sense of entitlement.

18 Feb 07 - 08:30 AM (#1971488)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Black Beauty

I have a horse and two dogs. Love them but good friends allow me to get the odd holiday, pets can be full time work haha

Love Charlotte

18 Feb 07 - 10:43 AM (#1971573)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: mmm1a

Amish cat lol never th0ought how strange that sounde, as we have always referred to him as that. What i meant was that He started out his life living on an Amish farm. When He first came to live with us He was fasinated by the lights and would sit and watch tv. When ever his former owner comes over to visit he (B0b) will run and hide. Guess He doesn't miss the farm.


18 Feb 07 - 02:03 PM (#1971757)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Metchosin

We have two West Highland White Terriers, our intense, self assured, slightly aloof, Maddy Gwynn Heather, named for Maddy Prior and her nephew, the very enthusiastic, Teddy's Teddy MacDuff or Duff's Duff, as we prefer to call him.

Maddy is our 8 year old genius dog, who tries so ferociously hard to understand everything, that my old father-in-law once commented, "If you could train her to hold a pencil, she could learn to read and write".

On a recent annual Westie walk, rather than join in the off leash play, with about 75 other Westies in a large field, to all assemled's amusement, Maddy ignored the madding crowd and immediately rushed the piper who had piped us in. As he stood offside to finish his tune on a small rise, Maddy assumed a rivited begging postion at his feet. We're not certain if her intense interest was a salute to him and the music that is her birthright or if perhaps, she had mistaken his furry white piper's sporran for a rat.   

However, Duff, our 4 year old, cares not one wit for the great highland pipes and rarely seems to contemplate anything deeper than holes in the ground or the subtle fragrant nuances of any convenient female dog's behind. He seems to think that, as a 23 lb. lap dog, unbridled enthusiasm, sloppy affection and even out and out smarmy ingratiation, when he's a bit unsure of himself, are the only truly important things in life. He could be right.

We also have Sailor, a 20 year old 7/8 Arab pony. Sailor's main interest now is food and taking very large dumps, although his eyes will glaze over and lips quiver, as he becomes paralyzed in ecstasy, by a good scratch on the withers.

Sailor is also fond of thistles, which he will gingerly nip with his teeth bared, carefully rotate with his tongue, to get the thorns facing in the proper direction and then chew with relish. Most horses don't care much for thistles, but Sailor seems to consider them a delicacy, along with blackberries and coca cola, which he seems to prefer over Pepsi and numerous other soft drinks.

18 Feb 07 - 02:24 PM (#1971775)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Metchosin

Oh yeah, I forgot.....probably because I'm not feeding them right now, we also have seven goldfish, well, ones a black moor, in three large wooden tubs outside of the front door.

18 Feb 07 - 07:25 PM (#1972045)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Metchosin

That's a hoot terrier! I also hope that wasn't one of yours that tried to take the hand off the handler at Westminster on TV yesterday. LOL

18 Feb 07 - 07:32 PM (#1972053)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have

I forgot the picture of Asha with her nose/body in the dishwasher.. great shot!!!I framed it for my daugher for Christmas! Animals are just wonderful but it is sad to watch them at the wrong end of life....I think our #2 (in order of acquisition) cat will have to be eased out of the world this week....cancer is a terrible thing.

Kendall, I am not sure it is a sense of entitlement rather than a sense of -- that looks like a comfy spot to settle!!! The teeth are the biggest fake in the history of the world.....if a burglar came in she would show him round the house, pour him a drink (gin and tonic) and go to sleep..........

To all - enjoying the stories of your animals so much!

18 Feb 07 - 08:29 PM (#1972102)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: number 6

We have 2 retired athletes (greyhounds), expatriate Yanks.

Otis ... when we adopted him 3 years ago he was just shy of his 2nd birthday. He came off of the Seabrook track in New Hampshire. He just couldn't cut it there having came in last of of his 4 first races.

Heidi .. she came to us from the Wonderland Track in Boston ... poor girl. I came across her when I volunteered to go down and retrieve a load of greyhounds for the Maritime Greyhound Rescue Group. She was in a cage, her hind leg swathed in bandages. I was told she had broken it about 2 weeks previously. She was about to be euthanized. I offered to take her. Got her home, found out she had a ruptured ligament. After 2 operations she is fine. A very shy girl, but do you blame her. Anyway, she was top dog on the tracks. She was a money maker, well past her 4th year (which is quite long for a racing grey). But after her accident she had no $$ value, no use to anyone in the sports world.

In the end, both these hounds won the big one after all. We won too.

We have had dogs previously, but both these hounds have not touched our hearts as these 2 have. The are sincere, endearing and show their affection without asking.


18 Feb 07 - 08:30 PM (#1972103)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Mooh

Rosie The Wonder Dog...Collie/Spanial/coyote, black with white, very long hair which grows very fast and drops everywhere, kept short-haired in fair weather. Very gentle, kind, smart, and obedient.

Cosmo The Other Dog...Lab/Corgi, black with white, short hair. Big ears, short legs, generally otherwise Lab-like. Gentle, kind, smart, but not as obedient as he should be.

Boots...Cat. Black with white. Kinda smart but who can really tell with a cat without being anthropomorphic? Belongs to my eldest, inseperable when she's home.

All get along reasonably well, and they look like a herd of cattle stampeding around the house. Eat more than the teenagers. Will make a hell of a racket when feeling threatened. The cat only pays attention to me when nobody else is around and that's still too much for me. The dogs adore me, their "Dog-Lord", and I them.

Peace, Mooh.

Peace, Mooh.

18 Feb 07 - 08:32 PM (#1972104)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: number 6

correction .... previous dogs have not touched our hearts as these 2 hounds have.


18 Feb 07 - 08:44 PM (#1972111)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: number 6

In case anyone is interested ...



18 Feb 07 - 08:55 PM (#1972120)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: bobad

Had a look at all your pics biLL, it is heartwarming to see how much you care for these hounds and how fortunate they are to have found such a caring home. Good on you.

18 Feb 07 - 09:51 PM (#1972139)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have

I.m interested -- what beautiful animals. Greyhounds have such impossible lovely long noses......yours are beautiful.

18 Feb 07 - 09:57 PM (#1972141)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: gnu

sIx.... you are a saint. Good on ya.

"Asha is a sweetheart, even if she does take over Seamus' bed when she visits. She has a strong sense of entitlement." Kendall... that dog of yours is a splendid, well trained gentleman!

18 Feb 07 - 10:05 PM (#1972146)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have

Not a saint, just the mother of an animal mad child. And there are only five resident cats -- as I indicated, # 6 literally packed her bags and moved to the neighbors when the dog moved in -- they adore her and have formally 'adopted' her insofar as her name in the vet records is now theirs not ours...... (sssshhh - I didn't like that one much anyway.....)

19 Feb 07 - 05:05 AM (#1972264)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: The PA

OK - 1 dog, border collie, 3 cats of mixed origins, 2-1/2 horses (two normal size, 1 mini shetland), 11 chickens. I think thats enough to be going on with, but have received a call from an animal charity to ask if we can take another mini shetland who is the subject of an ongoing court case. All but the dog and one of the horses are rescues.

19 Feb 07 - 05:12 AM (#1972266)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: The PA

Oops forgot their names:
Fly, the border collie
Sid, Princess and Little Princess, the cats
Red,(show name Simply Red) Welsh Section D
Sixpence, (show name Oakdene Silver Sixpence) Welsh x Arab
Hamish, Mini shetland
Bettie (soon to arrive), Mini Shetland
Sorry the Chicks dont have names.

19 Feb 07 - 02:13 PM (#1972708)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: ranger1

Sadly, Clancy Dog passed away three weeks ago, leaving us with just the stupid, parasitic cat that came home "just for the night" almost eight years ago. OK, I'm awfully fond of her, but don't tell her that.

We are currently looking for another dog.

19 Feb 07 - 02:32 PM (#1972733)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Becca72

I was at the Refuge League a couple of weeks ago to drop off some donations (I always take my old blankets, sheets & towels to them when they're worn and need replacing or just not needed anymore) and they had quite a chorus of barking going on in the back room. Sounds like lots of "kids" are there waiting for a good home...I'd offer to go with you to look but you MUST promise not to let me in the cat room for any reason. 3 is ENOUGH. :-)

19 Feb 07 - 02:55 PM (#1972768)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: GUEST,Crystal

1 cat, Luna, aka evil daemonic pussy cat of Satan, aka Get Off My Bed You Horrible Creature! She is small, black and white and adorable, very very very friendly.

19 Feb 07 - 03:24 PM (#1972801)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Gizmo

1 dog at the moment, called Pixie. She is a Staffordshire Bull Terrier and Jack Russell mix.

She used to belong to a very nasty neighbour who was so high on drugs couldn't look after herself, therefore she wanted someone to take on Pixie (she was called Patch at the time). From that moment the little thing got attatched to me and my klingons, so when the 2 week trial period came round, the dog did not want to go back to her old owner, and had already taken to following me everywhere.

After a brief two hours back with the nasty neighbour, the said neighbour dumped her back with me. So after 2 years I still have this white dog with the brown patch on her left eye, and a look very much like the HMV dog at the gramophone - I will get a picture one day.

Now 4 years old, and a more fitting name - Pixie, she is still as daft as a brush, no longer shakes and hides when you say no or get out a hairbrush, and her general physique is healthy. When I first got her the only things she was eating was dinner scraps. Her bowl had dried noodles in it.

After growing up with a Border collie/labrador/springer spaniel cross Pixie is the most docile of creatures going, and dare I say a little bit dim, but she makes up for her lack of intelligence with plenty of affection. Shes my little white shadow, and I wouldn't trade her in for anything.


19 Feb 07 - 09:00 PM (#1973154)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: GUEST,Desdemona

One spectacularly beautiful, soulful, affectionate, frisky and perfect-in-every-way beagle/Jack Russell mix called Lucy (middle name Winifred, courtesy of my youngest son). We're ever so mildly(?!) obsessed with her...


19 Feb 07 - 09:08 PM (#1973160)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: John Hardly

Weimaraners -- German Shorthairs in Sharkskin Suits.

19 Feb 07 - 09:47 PM (#1973175)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Rowan

Used to have a couple of 14 hands donkeys. Now cohabit with a mob of eastern greys, a couple of swampies and a wallaroo or two. The house is sometimes inspected by a Cunningham's skink, who deals with the huntsmen and other arthropods. A leadfooted possum visits the roof every few months and a few birds occasionally check out their image in the windows. None has a personal name but all have binomials.

Can only happen because of the (deliberate) absence of dogs and cats.

Cheers, Rowan

19 Feb 07 - 11:17 PM (#1973239)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have

Going back to Gizmo's story, about 10 years back or so a BEAUTIFUL calico kitten arrived at our house. We took her in, took her to the vets, medicated her to take care of ear mites etc. and fell in love with her, naming her Felicity Jane. Fast forward about four weeks, a friend of my younger daughter saw her at the house nad said -- THAT'S OUR CAT. My daughter cried, I said, we have to give her back. We called the 'owners' -- would we bring her over, they said. We wnt to the house and rang the bell and in answer to 'come in' entered and found a young, long, fat, man lying on a couch with a dinner plate balanced on his chest watching TV. He looked round -- yup, that's that cat. I said, well we have become very fond of her and would like to buy her? Nope he said, she belongs to my girlfriend who loves her dearly. (Pause while I fumed -- loved her dearly but not enough to advertise her loss in the neighborhood where we lived 400 yards away). Daughter crying - me saying, we have to give the cat back. Leaving the house, daughter saying -- HE WON'T GIVE HER HER MEDICINE...... me saying, probably not but we have to give her back.

Silver lining - they called us the next day, and said they thought the cat would be happier with us .... and didn't ask for the $50 I had offered.

Moral? There is good in everyone ( I hope) .

20 Feb 07 - 02:37 PM (#1973964)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Gizmo

Maybe because I'm cynical - and I HATE people who abuse animals, including humans, I think the point is Truebrit, some people want what they don't have, then when the realisation of responsibilty hits, they then want 'freedom' again.

But I'm just cynical, perhaps there is kindness in everyone deep down.

20 Feb 07 - 03:44 PM (#1974061)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: GUEST,maire-aine

Now I have 2 cats.

Molly is a long-haired tortoise shell. She's a little shy at first, but warms up to strangers quickly.

Little One is a short-haired gray and white cat, who runs away and hides at the first sound of a stranger. It was years before she would even come near me. Now both of them cuddle up with me.

They were litter-mates and are approaching their 18th birthday at the beginning of May. I had their mother and brother, but they've both passed on.

I've always been frustrated because, they'll cuddle up beside me, but won't sleep on my lap. Finally, last night, Molly stepped down from the back of the sofa, and curled up on my chest. Yes!

They were born under my next-door neighbor's porch in our old neighborhood. We brought them inside, and they haven't been outside since (well Molly goes out to the driveway to chew grass, but only with a harness and leash on). Who knew it would end up being such a long commitment?

I haven't been travelling lately, because I don't want to leave them, but once they pass, I probably will take some trips before I adopt any more.


20 Feb 07 - 07:13 PM (#1974311)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: GUEST,Nick

I just need to throw out to you guys my description of our #3 cat,(See first post of thread) the one we took in in a case of mistaken identity (thought she was the # 2 cat who went missing, but #2 was male, coulda checked that)

She resemble nothing else in this world more than a meatloaf.
(Nod to the cartoonist Kliban)

20 Feb 07 - 07:26 PM (#1974326)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: catspaw49

Hey John Hardly!   Weims ARE GSP's in Sharkskin suits!   I love both of these breeds and although they look so very much alike, they really developed in two very different ways from pretty much different hounds. The Germans really valued the all-purpose gun dog and companion and you see that in these two breeds especially.

And that companionship thing? Hard to beat either of these breeds although most lines nowadays are almost too damn companionable and suffer from the WORST cases of separation anxiety in dogdom. The best way to cure it is to always have more than one! Of course this makes walking in your home difficult as wherever you are.....they are.


20 Feb 07 - 07:29 PM (#1974335)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Peace

I have a fish. He has been floating on his back for about three weeks. Eats nothing at all. Very easy to keep.

20 Feb 07 - 07:31 PM (#1974339)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: katlaughing

Maryanne, sounds like my Kipling!

Nick, I was just going through a storage bin the other day and trying to decide whether to keep an OLD Kliban tee-shirt or throw it out as it is completely worn out with holes and all. Still have the bedsheets with THAT cat.:-)

21 Feb 07 - 11:57 AM (#1975013)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: GUEST,ib48

i have a 24 yard baltic spangle fish

21 Feb 07 - 01:16 PM (#1975096)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Scoville

American Eskimo dog. Rescued on her last day at the shelter in 1999 and currently thirteen-ish going on two-ish; I never saw a dog before that got more feisty and playful as she got older. She runs everyone's lives, and she's an incorrigible garbage thief and squirrel-killer but she's a great dog miniature person in an expensive-looking fur coat and we don't know what we'll do with ourselves when she's gone.

My brother has the creepy genius cat. Opens doors, thinks of new ways to test all the rules, that sort of thing. He was a creepy EVIL genius cat for the first year and a half of his life but is finally settling down and becoming somewhat personable.

21 Feb 07 - 01:17 PM (#1975098)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Scoville

Aargh--sorry. I've got a piece-of-crap keyboard and mouse that don't function in sync with the buttons I push. Sigh.

fixed it for you
el joe clone

21 Feb 07 - 01:48 PM (#1975124)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Midchuck

Four cats at this time.

Waylon came to us in Spring '01 with his littermate, Willie. Willie was my special buddy, but he only made it to age 4 1/2 before he succumbed to some kind of heart embolism thing.

Mona came to us through our neighbor, who got her away from a druggie niece who was abusing her, but couldn't keep her herself because her own then 20-year-old cat wouldn't stand for another cat in the house.

No pictures up of the new ones, Emmylou Hairyears ("Looloo") and Rudyard Kitt-ling ("Rudi"). They were rescued feral kittens who were fostered by a lady who did an incredible job of socializing them. Both gray and white, about 10 months old now. Rudi is a shorthair, getting very big and acts more like a Golden Retriever than any cat I've ever met - both in wanting you to throw things for him to chase, and in being terribly affectionate and generally goofy. Loo is smaller, long fluffy hair, and pretty much a slut, to the extent a neutered cat can be.


21 Feb 07 - 02:47 PM (#1975158)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: ranger1

Woohoo! We've just gotten news that our application to adopt a dog that Jason fell in love with has been approved. Only problem is that he's in Tennessee and we're in Maine. Anyone up for a puppy express?

21 Feb 07 - 04:03 PM (#1975229)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: katlaughing

LOVE the pictures, folks!!

21 Feb 07 - 04:06 PM (#1975230)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: wysiwyg

We have one live wire, and three couch potatoes.

And several shrews in the laundry room. That's OK though, my son is coming to visit, and may bring his two snakes. :~)


21 Feb 07 - 04:18 PM (#1975240)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Becca72

Damn, Tami...couldn't Jason fall in love with a closer dog?? :-) I don't mind a road trip, but Tennessee?

21 Feb 07 - 05:23 PM (#1975302)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: katlaughing

Pix of our current *crop.*

21 Feb 07 - 05:28 PM (#1975304)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: GUEST,number 6

What a contented looking *crop*.


21 Feb 07 - 06:00 PM (#1975332)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: John Hardly

I still feel a little jolt when I see pictures of Trys and Kipling. They are tin-types of my Hobie and Frankie (now gone).

21 Feb 07 - 06:11 PM (#1975351)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: katlaughing

Oh, John, I don't remember that. Sorry...I know it is tough. I have added a few more, including one of our Charlee, one of the Beige Brothers, who passed on this last Fall.

Thanks, biLL.:-)

21 Feb 07 - 07:16 PM (#1975439)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Sorcha

Uh, we're not any of us Hoarders are we? Grin......

15 May 08 - 05:37 PM (#2341682)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: GUEST,Hamstersrule12

#1 1 year old kitten
#2 another 1 year old kitten
#3 a 11 year old cat
#4 1 fish
#5 another fish
#6 one more fish
We are going to move to Tennessee very soon. Are these pets allowed?

15 May 08 - 06:29 PM (#2341749)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Riginslinger

A one year old Weimaraner named Walter

31 Jan 09 - 04:04 PM (#2553907)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: katlaughing

Thought you all might enjoy a peek at my Silly Kipling trying to stand on his head on youtube.:-)

31 Jan 09 - 04:05 PM (#2553911)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Rapparee

My brother's daughter has a ferret. Does that count?

31 Jan 09 - 04:33 PM (#2553926)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Catherine Jayne

we've got a black and white cat called Merlyn the Mogificent. She's 8 years old and a real lap cat who tries to sleep under the duvet!

31 Jan 09 - 04:36 PM (#2553929)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: John MacKenzie

I have a pet rock

31 Jan 09 - 05:15 PM (#2553951)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Sorcha

Kat, Kipling needs a guitar player!!!

12 Jan 17 - 05:52 PM (#3832175)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: keberoxu

the advantage to THIS thread is that it is not exclusive to canines and felines.

12 Jan 17 - 11:15 PM (#3832218)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Mrrzy

(chronologically) dachshunds, basset hounds, housecats. I've bird-sat (which the cats did not like) and had turtles come through.

13 Jan 17 - 08:16 AM (#3832307)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Jack Campin

Three cats:

- Chloe (very old and almost toothless lilac tortie longhair who purrs almost all the time, but wheezes like she's worn out the clutch in her purr transmission)

- Marblecake (13 year old shorthair tabby who likes nothing better than to sit on the bed and be stroked while purring and drooling huge puddles onto the duvet)

- Ollie (her son, 11, born on our bed, ginger shorthair; goes out a lot to do Bloke Things around the block, the only one of our cats who still bothers to go outside)

Ollie and his mother have been arguing continuously since he was weaned and regularly get into scraps - they both cuddle up with Chloe but never together.

They got some catnip for Christmas. The one it most affected was Marblecake, who rolled around the floor in ecstasy while Ollie looked on as if thinking "oh god, Mother's on the gin again".

We had a succession of rats while Marion's kids were at home.

My brother had a neat choice of pet when he was a student in NZ - two peripatuses in a terrarium. But they didn't last long, it looked like one of them ate the other and then died itself. They're lovely little things with utterly disgusting feeding habits.

13 Jan 17 - 12:04 PM (#3832359)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: keberoxu

So now I will have to look up the New Zealand peripatus.

14 Jan 17 - 01:53 PM (#3832594)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: keberoxu

Any Mudcat households with horses or ponies?

14 Jan 17 - 11:05 PM (#3832666)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: punkfolkrocker

Bathroom spiders...

My dog died aged about 12, within a year of me moving away from home
to live up North with my first serious girlfriend - I'd have been about 20 when I received the sad news from my parents...

I've never wanted the responsibility of looking after any pet since.
.. and probably never will again.

But since moving into this big old crumbling Victorian house in my early 40s
I began to take an interest in the bathroom spiders that occupy their own territories
on the ceiling in the corners...

It's relaxing sitting or standing to perform my natural functions,
and observe them growing day by day, moving about in search of food and mates...

In summer, when I'm bored, I amuse my self by catching mosquitoes and flies
and feeding my favourite spiders with tweezers.

They all eventually disappear, and as much as I put that down to the mysteries of mother nature..
I also suspect my wife has a hand in flushing them down plug holes to certain cruel death.....???? 🕷

14 Jan 17 - 11:12 PM (#3832667)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: punkfolkrocker

... the wife doesn't know I feed them with her make up tweezers... 😈

16 Jan 17 - 01:12 PM (#3832995)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: keberoxu

Who has pets that are different than dogs or cats?

16 Jan 17 - 07:20 PM (#3833044)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Bee-dubya-ell

I didn't think I had fish, but I do. I have a pond, around a half-acre in size. My wife stocked it with ornamentals like koi and comets. She likes them, I'd rather have fish that can be eaten. Anyway, the pond had a leak, so I ignored it for about six months. It had dried up to nothing but a couple of shallow puddles, and I was sure the herons had eaten all the fish. I finally got around to sealing the leak and refilled the pond a few months back. So yesterday, my wife walks in the door and says, "Guess what we still have? Fish!" So, I walked up there today and saw a dozen or so myself. How they could have survived in that tiny bit of water with no food while subject to predation by birds, snakes, and raccoons is pretty incredible.

17 Jan 17 - 06:21 AM (#3833113)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: banjoman

Two rabbits who regard themselves as part of the family and regularly take over the settee in the living room.
A large tank of tropical fish (40+) and four large goldfish in an outside pond

17 Jan 17 - 12:43 PM (#3833190)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Llanfair

Dogs, 3, Cats, 3, chickens, 2, the spider who lives in the bath....I keep a sieve by there to fish him out at bathtime, and the spider who lives in the van, named Geoffrey.
I've recently had a resident rat. I put poison down and left the 3/4 full container where he was getting in.
2 days later I checked, and it had chewed through the plastic container and scoffed the lot.
I think he's gone now.........

Incidentally, my standard poodle, Rupert, is looking for a short-term relationship with a view to making doodle puppies. WLTM a wolfhound, deerhound (DeeDoodle), great dane, or girl dogs of that ilk. He's a VERY big poodle!!

18 Jan 17 - 07:25 PM (#3833451)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: keberoxu

No equestrians out there?

19 Jan 17 - 12:20 PM (#3833571)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Bee-dubya-ell

A rather timely question somewhat related to this thread might be "What kinds of pets does Donald Trump have?" Well, the answer is "None," which leads to an alternate question, "What kinds of pets should Donald Trump have?" Here are a couple of candidates:

Trumpapillar: A "hairy" stinging caterpillar

Golden Pheasant

Or, if he must have a dog, this one would be appropriate.

20 Jan 17 - 12:46 PM (#3833718)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: keberoxu


21 Jan 17 - 03:11 PM (#3833936)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: keberoxu

Have any of you eaten your pets ... what brought THAT on

22 Jan 17 - 07:38 AM (#3834061)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Felipa

all dogs -
Misneach - border collie (name means Courage, pronounced Mishnach- a terrified dog when I got him as an adult, a bit braver now though he doesnt live up to his name)
Dileas - smooth collie (name means Loyal, Faithful}
Tintra - whippet (Tintreach means lightning and he was a good racer when younger)
Dóchas - whippet (name means Hope)
Maisrie - whippet
[ going by their characters, I could redistribute some names: Misneach renamed Dileas, Dileas changed to Dóchas and Dóchas changed to Misneach! As a vegetarian I should trade them in for pygmy goats and/or pigs.]

I'm reminded of a discussion on Gaidhlig-L ( Scottish Gaelic discussion list); I was surprised to find a few of the participants had pet tortoises.

does anyone here have Axolotyls?

KEBEROXU - what about you - do you have any pets? did you eat any pet? do you have any equines? You ask these questions yet give no information.

22 Jan 17 - 09:10 AM (#3834074)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: punkfolkrocker

From the age of about 8 to 14, my ambition was to be a marine biologist..
I read every relevant book in the local library and became an obsessive self taught precocious expert on tropical fish;
commandeering one of my dad's sheds to house my fish tanks.
I also had a serious interest in amphibians and kept and bred newts and toads,
that I'd netted in local ditches....

As I neared 15 I became far more interested in girls and guitars,
and neglected the daily chores of keeping the tanks clean and healthy..

The amphibians were released back into their natural environment, and the fish dispersed to anyone my dad could give them away to.

So that was the end of that...

This is the first time in many years I've even remembered that phase of my life....

22 Jan 17 - 10:21 AM (#3834088)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Stu

I kept tarantulas for many years. I used to buy them as spiderlings (or 'slings' as they're known in the hobby) at which stage I'd keep them in a 35mm film pot and feed them micro crickets. I used to raise them up to full adult and then give them up for breeding; males are especially sought after as they don't live long after their adult moult and only lived a couple of years max.

At one point I had about 18, one of which was Theraphosa blonde the Goliath Bird Eater, the larges spider in the world. She was a real beauty, 10 inches across with a bit of an attitude and I when I brought her as a spidering she'd fit on my small fingernail.

I'm thinking of getting a chameleon, but need to check the husbandry requirements; I take looking after my pets very seriously.

22 Jan 17 - 03:54 PM (#3834145)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: keberoxu

On the BS thread about pet dogs, I posted about the family dog from my childhood years.

Since leaving home and family, I have never had a pet anything. But I vicariously enjoy the pets of others.

23 Jan 17 - 03:46 PM (#3834352)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: keberoxu

Bee dubya ell, congrats on your resurrected fishpond.

23 Jan 17 - 03:56 PM (#3834355)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Senoufou

punkfolkrocker and Stu - GAAAAAAAH!!!!!!! Huge spiders!!! TEN inches across??? And pfr, feeding bathroom spiders with your wife's tweezers??? OMG! OMG! Bless us and save us!!! I shan't sleep tonight now. I need brain bleach. :(

23 Jan 17 - 09:47 PM (#3834422)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: kendall

We only have one cat that lives in the house. Another feral cat that won't be touched comes by every day. we also have a Possum, two skunks, a pair of red Foxes 5 Deer and two dozen wild turkeys.

17 Mar 20 - 03:16 PM (#4040316)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: keberoxu

So you say you're bored being at home.
But how are your pet animal friends' attitudes
towards having you at home?

17 Mar 20 - 03:50 PM (#4040323)
Subject: RE: BS: Ok what kind of pets do you have
From: Mrrzy

If I still had my cat I would be a lot less bored.