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Lyr Req: Aunt Martha's Sheep

05 Jan 99 - 11:54 PM (#52205)
Subject: Aunt Martha's Sheep
From: George Seto -

Well, I've gotten my little old brain in a tizzy. With the singing of Christmas carols, it for some strange reason, reminded me of a song which first came out in the late sixties or early seventies.

IT's a Newfoundland song about the theft of Aunt Martha's sheep, and at the end the RCMP had come around, but stayed for supper. Of course supper was the missing sheep, but the Mountie had not caught up with the offenders.

Has anyone seen the words to this particular song?

06 Jan 99 - 12:36 AM (#52214)
Subject: RE: Aunt Martha's Sheep
From: Joe Offer

Hi, George - somebody posted the song quite some time ago, but is looking for sequels that may exist.

Click here

to go to the previous thread. It's probably best to do any discussion of the song in that thread, so everything stays together.
-Joe Offer-

06 Jan 99 - 05:46 AM (#52241)
Subject: RE: Aunt Martha's Sheep
From: George Seto -

HA! Thanks. That was quite fast. I had searched the database, but hadn't thought of searching the Forum. It seems I had come across one of the sequels, but don't recall which one now. That was a few years ago. Thanks again, Joe.

26 Mar 99 - 10:05 AM (#66094)
Subject: Trying to find song re. RCMP & Sheep Stealing

Hi! I have been trying to track down a folk song that we used to sing in university. I would like to find the artist, the album, and if possible, the lyrics. It's a Canadian folk song about some guys who steal an old lady's sheep and run off to roast it. The old gal finds out and telegrams the RCMP, who send out an eager if not overly bright officer right away. He goes looking, comes across the thieves, who not only convince him that it is actually moose but to stay and have some! He leaves, satiated, to continue his fruitless quest and none the wiser. It's a really funny song, but none of my friends believe that this song exists!! Looking forward to an answer or some helpful ideas of where to look, Sarah

26 Mar 99 - 10:44 AM (#66102)
Subject: RE: Trying to find song re. RCMP & Sheep Stealing
From: MMario

let's see if this works... I'm trying to copy a link from another thread...

Click here

Click here

for a thread discussing this.


26 Mar 99 - 04:02 PM (#66170)
Subject: RE: Trying to find song re. RCMP & Sheep Stealing
From: sarah

Hey MMario! Thanks! This is exactly what I was looking for! I don't know how you found it, but now I don't feel quite so alone in the world, knowing that there are others out there who can't resist a poke at the Mounties!

Thanks again! Sarah

26 Mar 99 - 04:21 PM (#66171)
Subject: RE: Trying to find song re. RCMP & Sheep Stealing
From: MMario

Sarah - I used the forum search feature....

and searched on "sheep" - waded through a lot of threads - but I read fast, am blessed with a T1 line access *eg* and recalled having seen the thread earlier. That helps.


27 Mar 99 - 01:53 AM (#66251)
Subject: RE: Trying to find song re. RCMP & Sheep Stealing
From: Jack Hickman - Kingston, ON


From an old Mountie, what did the RCMP ever do to you that you have to poke fun at them.


27 Mar 99 - 03:50 AM (#66265)
Subject: RE: Trying to find song re. RCMP & Sheep Stealing
From: Banjer

NOI ALERT!!!! We all poke fun at and get fun poked at us sometime. I myself was drawn to this thread wondering what the RCMP was stealing sheep for. I guess I'm glad I found what I did. What I expected to find was much worse..***SLY GRIN*** (TIC - NOI)

27 Mar 99 - 04:01 AM (#66266)
Subject: RE: Trying to find song re. RCMP & Sheep Stealing
From: Jon Bartlett

For Jack the ex-Mountie:

Didja hear the one that starts:

Some say that our Arctic is empty Thirty five square miles per man But some heroes are there who are doing their share To populate our northern land.

Chorus There's priests and preachers and teachers Hudson's Bay company Bush pilots and whalers and reefer barge sailors As well as the RCMP.

28 Mar 99 - 09:38 AM (#66459)
Subject: RE: Trying to find song re. RCMP & Sheep Stealing

The central idea of the song sounds suspiciously close to one of Roald Dahl's stories about a leg of lamb (or was it mutton?). - Susanne

28 Mar 99 - 08:41 PM (#66546)
Subject: RE: Trying to find song re. RCMP & Sheep Stealing
From: Pete M

Well Banjer, I just assumed that was why the RCMP wore those long boots. It must get very cold up there in the frozen North and I given that sheep are white, I wonder how they make sure they don't end up with an ugly one? :-)

Pete M. PS Wasn't there a song about it "A good sheep is hard to find?"

28 Mar 99 - 08:54 PM (#66549)
Subject: RE: Trying to find song re. RCMP & Sheep Stealing
From: Banjer

That must be the purpose of the boots....Stick one hind leg in each boot, that leaves the hands free! Having reached that point of desperation I don't know that looks would enter in to it at all, Pete...