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BS: What makes you choose a thread

06 Mar 07 - 02:28 PM (#1988462)
Subject: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: Partridge

I was wondering what makes you open a thread and what makes you avoid one. I never open the "closed threads" or the political ones anymore. If someone needs a hug or something like that I always open that and contribute as I know how comforting it is. Sometime the strange titles will pull me in.....what about you?


Pat xx

06 Mar 07 - 02:34 PM (#1988468)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: Alec

Usually a thread title that interests me or intrigues me will be the primary incentive.(Your title did both)
Witty and/or informative (or downright surreal) contributions will keep me returning.

06 Mar 07 - 02:35 PM (#1988471)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: wysiwyg

A lot of folks don't open them til they hit ten posts, just because a busy thread tickles the curiosity.


06 Mar 07 - 02:39 PM (#1988475)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: Jean(eanjay)

I always open something if I think I may be able to say something. I don't usually bother opening one if I absolutely know that I won't be able to contribute.

06 Mar 07 - 02:58 PM (#1988498)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: GUEST,Seiri Omaar

Usually, I pick a thread because I'm either interested in the topic or the title provokes a "What the hell?" kind of response.

06 Mar 07 - 03:02 PM (#1988501)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: Jerry Rasmussen

There a re a whole variety of reasons why I open a thread from:
   1. Curiosity (often because of an intriguing title)
   2. I think I have something to contribute
   3. I want to learn more about the topic
   4. Request for prayers and good thoughts
   5. Morbidity (the Closed and Deleted thread.)

I ain't proud of the last one, but apparently I have company in that regard...


06 Mar 07 - 03:04 PM (#1988503)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: Jean(eanjay)

You do, Jerry; I'm one of them!

06 Mar 07 - 03:07 PM (#1988507)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: Donuel

I never speak to people without imagination or curiosity anymore.

06 Mar 07 - 03:13 PM (#1988511)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread

This is one of those threads I never open, so I can't comment.

How come you haven't been pulled into the 85 Billion thread Partridge? Strange is our watchword.

06 Mar 07 - 03:14 PM (#1988514)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: Ebbie

Often for me too it is the title. There was a time some years back that it bothered me that I never opened a great many threads. (I remember that at one time Catspaw said he opened every one; I doubt that he does that these days. There are so many.) It doesn't worry me any more- there are just too many of them, and often if someone thinks I might be interested in one they'll pm me, which I appreciate.

Obviously I have too much time on my hands today because I just counted all the threads - above and below - that I have NOT opened. There are 124 of them!

Hmmmmm. Just had a new experience- my 9 got stuck and went scooting across the page line after line. I must have brushed against it. Wonder if that's what happened to jOhn9's keyboard?

06 Mar 07 - 03:18 PM (#1988518)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: Bee-dubya-ell

I open threads that are boring, uninteresting, maudlin, excessively Anglocentric, overly esoteric, or populated by people with bad dispositions. Mind you, I don't do this intentionally, it just happens.

Sometimes I'll accidentally open an interesting thread, usually after everyone else has already gotten tired of it. So, I'll compose a witty response, post it, and watch the thread drop off the page like it has a 500 lb. kedge anchor attached to it.

06 Mar 07 - 03:25 PM (#1988526)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: Big Al Whittle

1) the Irish versus the English threads - great entertainment value, and same cast of nutters - rather like a Carry On film.

2) threads about guitars

3) threads about folksongs I've sung

4) threads about people I've known and places I've been

5) threads about subjects I feel emotionally close to

06 Mar 07 - 03:41 PM (#1988551)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: fat B****rd

Most of the above reasons. I try and send birthday wishes and get well soons. More often than not I welcome new members but they do occasionally sink without trace. I don't bother with local gigs etc because I'm not going to them. I love the diversity of topics here and always try to be kind , helpful and witty.
I'll get me sickbag.

06 Mar 07 - 04:45 PM (#1988629)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: Bill D

like any rescuer, I go where I'm needed......

now I think I'll go over in the corner & cower.

06 Mar 07 - 04:50 PM (#1988640)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: Amos

Oh, Bill, if you only knew how many tortured, illogical, whimsy-driven, superstitious, undiscipline, raggedy-mind, fuzzy-brained, sentimental souls in our little world owe their sanity to your constant, steady voice of clear reason, logic, evidence and a full set of data, why, you would never cower.

You'ld walk proud, with your chest out and your chin high, and your eye on the ball and your nose to the grindstone and a spring in your step. You betchum!! :D


06 Mar 07 - 04:52 PM (#1988645)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: GUEST,lox

Ball? what ball?

06 Mar 07 - 05:02 PM (#1988653)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: GUEST,lox

Watching his step, with his eyes on springs and his balls to the grindstone.

Sorry Bill D - a moment of uninspiration came over me.

I think I'm feeling better now ...

06 Mar 07 - 05:06 PM (#1988662)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: Bill D

*peering out from the corner, fearing Amos is baiting a trap and lox is warning me...*

well, it's TRUE, Amos, but so few understand! I'm so glad YOU do!
06 Mar 07 - 05:27 PM (#1988686)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: Bernard


I often start typing a post, then change my mind... been bitten too often, I guess.

06 Mar 07 - 05:51 PM (#1988707)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: Joybell

As well as several of the above --
A thread inhabited by Mudcatters I know to be imaginative, interesting, funny, clever.
Also ones like "Who are the most imaginative/interesting/funny/ clever Mudcatters?" in the hope I'll be named there.

And here I am already.
Cheers, Joy

06 Mar 07 - 06:10 PM (#1988736)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: Liz the Squeak

One way to get a lot of people to choose your thread is to put tits in the title. My tits have scored hundreds of hits in the last year or so, ever since I first made public the effect of their fat balls on my pussy.

I open threads that have fewer than 30 posts, because I can't be bothered to wait for the MOAB to load. Sometimes I scour the threads for those near a '00' hit... Sometimes I just open at random.

I don't open anything with GW Bush or Iraq in the title.


06 Mar 07 - 06:17 PM (#1988745)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: JohnInKansas

I usually make a first scan down the thread list to see if there's anything I might be able to contribute something to, so threads asking for something get at least a quick look. It's depressing that after posting a few hundred songs to the DT we've just about exhausted all we know about music/folk subjects, so I don't get a chance to offer much there.

When that fails to produce any need for comment (quite often) the second pass is to pick up the ones that might be "just interesting."

The real problem is trying to check the ones I posted to in the previous visit, to make sure I didn't do something really embarassing, and that usually occupies me for a little longer than I really should be here.

Donuel lies, 'cause I've seen him a lot, and even talked to him. But I didn't notice that Bee-dubya-ell was reading all my posts on purpose. He needs to speak up more.


06 Mar 07 - 06:18 PM (#1988746)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: skipy

It has to match or contrast whatever I am sewing, or be fit for purpose at the right price to survive the envoiriment that it will serve in.
Thinking about making my own dresses (not really)

06 Mar 07 - 06:26 PM (#1988758)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: Liz the Squeak

Oh Skipy, I know that problem. Be careful of the decorative ones, I had a pair of trousers fall apart mid-evening because the lovely shiny black thread I'd used was very weak and broke easily. Just enough strength to get it through the tug test and the sewing machine, but not enough to get it through an evening of eating.


06 Mar 07 - 06:31 PM (#1988766)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: Bernard

Liz - too much information!!


06 Mar 07 - 06:31 PM (#1988767)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: skipy

Hi LTS, know who I am yet?

06 Mar 07 - 06:37 PM (#1988776)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: Liz the Squeak

Nope.. got a terrible memory for names, and an even worse one for putting faces to them. Faces, I remember!


06 Mar 07 - 07:05 PM (#1988807)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: The Fooles Troupe

I always keep hoping to find a gem like

My wife is wide, I cannot get o'er
Neither have I wings to fly
But first it bent and then it broke
So did my love prove false to me

I reached my finger into some soft bush
Thinking the fairest flower to find
But not so deep as the love I'm in
I know not if I sink or swim

I pricked my finger to the bone
And left the fairest flower behind
But love grows old and waxes cold
And fades away like the morning dew

or something like that...

06 Mar 07 - 07:07 PM (#1988810)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: The Shambles

For the novelty of finding one that has not been closed.

06 Mar 07 - 07:21 PM (#1988830)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: The Fooles Troupe

The Tug Test....


06 Mar 07 - 07:30 PM (#1988854)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: Little Hawk

The subject matter, the title, how popular it is (or isn't), and the possibilities for a good laugh or two.

06 Mar 07 - 07:53 PM (#1988894)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: The Fooles Troupe

Now that I've got my breath back...

I think we should apply 'The Tug Test' more often to BS threads....

06 Mar 07 - 10:29 PM (#1989026)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: wysiwyg

Bill, I actually owe a good part of MY sanity to your sillier side. :~)


07 Mar 07 - 01:54 AM (#1989102)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: Partridge

I've learned some interesting ideas from the spiritual threads - and some odd ones!

I've really enjoyed the secret santa ones - when are they to be outed by the way?

I sometimes look to see who has posted, this can be a signpost to a thread that interests me, or not.

Best of all is on a saturday or sunday when I have time to lurk or post.

Pat x

07 Mar 07 - 03:52 AM (#1989159)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: jacqui.c

Events threads where I know, or may get to the event.

Good wishes and new 'Catters threads.

Lyrics added or info on songs.

Some news threads, particularly UK news that might not have got onto the American radar.

Those with intriguing titles.

Threads involving friends - that list just gets longer and longer...

Mostly I just lurk and save the posting for when I really have something to contribute.

07 Mar 07 - 07:52 AM (#1989313)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: Scrump

I avoid any thread with "hugs" in the title :-)

07 Mar 07 - 09:10 AM (#1989398)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: Rapparee

I only post to threads to which Amos has posted first. Amos is my beacon, my guiding light, the lighthouse which prevents me from crashing upon the rocks and shoals, my leader, my hope, the star by which I navigate. There is no one like Amos, who watches over me and insures that I follow in the Paths of Righteousness and Goodness all the days of my life.

Either that or the thread must be interesting. I'm not all that interested in topics like "The US Being Awful To Iraqis" or "Bush Is A Lying Wuss" or "The US, UK, EU and Canada Suck Ditch Water and the Aussies Stink Too."

07 Mar 07 - 10:25 AM (#1989489)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: leeneia

I avoid threads with extra ?'s and !'s in the title, for example:

John Jacob Niles - fraudulent SOB??!?

I figure the poster is over-emotional.

07 Mar 07 - 10:43 AM (#1989515)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: Liz the Squeak

That's me buggered then!!!!


07 Mar 07 - 11:35 AM (#1989572)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: Scrump

"Language, Timothy!"

Tut, tut, this forum is getting worse.

Today alone I've seen 3 "bugger"s, 1 "arse", 1 "buttocks", 1 "fuck" and 2 "bloody"s.

Actually make that 4 "bugger"s, 2 "arse"s, 2 "buttocks"s, 2 "fuck"s and 3 "bloody"s, to allow for the ones above.

No hang on, make that 6 "bugger"s, 4 "arse"s, 4 "buttocks"s, 4 "fuck"s and 5 "bloody"s, to allow for them all including all the ones here.

07 Mar 07 - 05:48 PM (#1989956)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: wysiwyg

Originally posted in the Mudcat FAQ thread:

Some people are not aware that when a change is made within a permathread, the thread does not necessarily refresh back onto the daily threadlist. (I learned this in my own work on the Spirituals permathread.) This is because if a change is made in a post already occupying the thread, it doesn't constitute a "new" post and therefore doesn't bring the thread back up.

I found that quite disconcerting at first with the Spirituals permathread, when I did a LOT of work to reorganize and update it and yet it remained off the day's threadlist as if I hadn't done a thing. But I got used to it quite soon. Now I like being able to work on that project without necessarily inviting all of Mudcat to insert jokes or other comments into the middle of what I may spend several days re-coding and re-writing before the whole is ready for public consumption.

What it means, though, is that we can't take the permathreads for granted and assume that we necessarily know what-all is inside them-- we have to be grownups about it and actually look at them to see what's current. IMO that's a good thing.


So heads-up to folks who sometimes don't find anything of interest in the threadlist-- you may find something really cool in one of Mudcat's several permathreads, if you look in. (In case you don't already know this-- there's an index of those permathreads in the drop-down menu just under the Mudcat FAQ entry at the top of the threadlist.)

BTW-- a lot of folks have posted that they don't open threads unless they feel they can contribute-- and that's fine! But.... don't you also open threads where you might LEARN from others' contributions? Especially in the music section? I would hope that at least SOME of our collective Mudcatting is done from our "listening" sides! :~)


07 Mar 07 - 06:29 PM (#1990014)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: ragdall

I have the same reasons as Jerry Rasmussen. I usually look for threads with a low number of responses, though, because I have trouble opening the larger ones and crowds frighten me.


07 Mar 07 - 08:16 PM (#1990096)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: Janie

Above the line, I am most likely to open threads about vocals, about songs I am interested in, or folklore topics. And I LOVE reading through the "Origin" threads regarding songs-even a song I have never heard tell of. It's like sitting at the feet of the Masters. Sometimes, I'll search for posts made by certain people, especially people like Q and Jim Dixon, because whenever they post, it is educational and informative, and a great history lesson.   I'll open tech threads if it is an issue I have had problems with, or just to read John's informative posts--which are often waaaay over my head, but even if I only get 1 little piece, I have learned that much from some one who obviously knows what they are talking about.

Below the line--well--my feeding habits have changed a good bit.

I just deleted a long paragraph about all the threads I don't read anymore.

I tend to open threads that call for congratulations, support or condolences, threads that look fun, the story threads, or threads on apparently non-political topics about which I have either an informed opinion and/or about which I am curious to learn more.

I now avoid threads where people tend to tilt at windmills, lest I be tempted to tilt at people who tilt at windmills.

I also try to avoid threads heavily populated by posts from the very few on this forum who are terminally self-righteous, who are sure anyone who disagrees with them are part of the 'Axis of Evil,'---------- and/or are absolutely closed systems. -----

Don't know what I did to cause all the dashes to suddenly appear.


08 Mar 07 - 09:30 AM (#1990435)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: Rapparee

I must admit to avoiding threads started by someone named only GUEST.

08 Mar 07 - 09:40 AM (#1990446)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: Scrump

I tend to avoid threads I start, even to the point of not starting them sometimes.

08 Mar 07 - 03:22 PM (#1990751)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: Schantieman

I like short threads - the long ones take too long to read and I have a short att.

08 Mar 07 - 03:22 PM (#1990753)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: Schantieman

What was that again?


09 Mar 07 - 10:20 AM (#1991511)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: Scrump

I tend to avoid threads.

09 Mar 07 - 10:57 AM (#1991547)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: Mooh

The best Mooh.

09 Mar 07 - 01:25 PM (#1991696)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: Partridge

I've just posted to a thread that I never would usually, its the USA poverty one. The thread originator says that Canada caused poverty in the USA - I just don't understand it.

Perhaps because its friday and its been a hard week at brain has turned to marshmallow.

Pat x

20 Apr 07 - 08:48 AM (#2030966)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: kendall

Lyrics req. If I know the words, I'll post them.
Politics. I like political discussions, especially with someone who does not agree with me. I have never learned anything from someone who agrees with me.
I'm also intrigued by minds that support politicians that I find incompetent or crooked.

I hate name calling and other personal attacks. Calling someone a "arshole", or fucking idiot just because you don't agree with them is a no no to me. Some of the more mild ones are, Bushite and Democrap.They do not call for a nuclear response.

Guitar threads interest me. Threads about places I've been or plan to visit always get my attention.
I don't post to all threads, but there might still be something there that interests me. Just because I have nothing to add doesn't mean it's not a worthwhile thread. Hell, I might still learn something, and that is never a waste of my time.

20 Apr 07 - 09:40 AM (#2031024)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: Donuel

There are things to learn here plus I can avoid doing crap .

If I sit down here I can forget about the kid's poo poo undies that are stinking up their bathroom, or the dog pen full of crap.
then there is the dog poop in the front yard from opd.

This crap beats that crap.

21 Apr 07 - 08:30 AM (#2031881)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: kendall

Well said.

21 Apr 07 - 11:22 AM (#2031977)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: leeneia

I open it if:

I might be able to help someone
I might learn a good new tune
It involves science
It looks literary.

I avoid it if:

It looks like a political wrangle
It's about something on TV
It's about parody, which I consider puerile
It's vulgar
It has too many ! or ?'s.
example: Prince Charles in the Antarctic!!???

13 May 07 - 07:18 PM (#2050969)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

What makes me choose a thread?..........Well, the colour usually. It has to match the clothing I'm mending.

Er....OH! I see...sorry!

Don T.

13 May 07 - 09:06 PM (#2051031)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: mg

If it is about a song I like or a group I like..I don't like very long threads especially those that started way back when. I prefer to start new ones, on the exact same topic and if people want to have a message that links them all together, that is great. They can do it. I don't like opening something up and seeing 1999 as the first post. Life has moved on since then. I like lyrics requests. I also tend to avoid the ones that seem silly or vulgar or have Bush in the title. Or Blair. Or the ones that just seem to be around for the sake of seeing how many posts they can get. Or parodies. I don't like the disagreeable ones but I think sometimes you have to stand up and be counted. I don't enjoy bickering and I will not tolerate abuse. No cat threads. Especially no songs about cats threads.

So that leaves all the rest...all the goings on in Hull ...where is everyone from Hull these days..(these are the ones I will choose) and elsewhere...technical questions that I will never know the answer

13 May 07 - 11:26 PM (#2051097)
Subject: RE: BS: What makes you choose a thread
From: Bill D

I am beginning to think that threads choose ME!