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BS: Will Ulster get a government this time ?

08 Mar 07 - 07:58 PM (#1990943)
Subject: BS: Will Ulster get a government this time ?
From: GUEST,Ricky

News here shows Ulster had an election today This guy Paisley said he won it and will not sit in a government center with Irish republicans. So what will happen now ?

09 Mar 07 - 05:34 AM (#1991214)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Ulster get a government this time ?
From: Grab

This guy Paisley said he won it

A little previous there! BBC (as of 09:47 GMT) shows only 72 of 108 seats decided, and the DUP have a 1-seat lead over Sinn Fein.

will not sit in a government center with Irish republicans

So no news there, then.

For myself, I'd like to see it go ahead whatever. If some of the representatives don't want to participate, fine - the world can go on without them, and decisions can be taken by the people who *will* participate. The British government needs to grow a set of balls and not let Paisley hold the process to ransom. Given a choice between either having NI run by republicans, or sitting in the same room as republicans and having NI run by unionists (assuming they win the vote, which they probably will), the unionists might wise up.


09 Mar 07 - 01:46 PM (#1991722)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Ulster get a government this time ?
From: ard mhacha

Can anyone believe that should Paisley decide to sit down with Sinn Fein that all will be peace and harmony?, it will be a short stay, does anyone have any concept of the hatred of anything Irish or Nationalist that exists in Paisleys followers, if you do, then you will agree with me that the Assembly will disassemble in jig time.

09 Mar 07 - 02:52 PM (#1991773)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Ulster get a government this time ?
From: Den

He's certainly running out of excuses though Ard. How much longer will he be able to stall the process and if he had any credibility to begin with how much does he have left in the eyes of the British and Irish Governments.

09 Mar 07 - 02:59 PM (#1991780)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Ulster get a government this time ?
From: Big Al Whittle

Theres a fair amount of hatred on both sides.

What puzzles everybody this side of the Irish sea is why these apparently extremist parties seem to have the confidence of the average Irish voter.

I remember a Question Time programme many years ago when Norman Tebbit was booed by a Belfast audience for saying that the problem with Irish politics was that the Irish people of Northern Ireland only voted on one issue. Whilst I was no fan of Norm, I could see what he meant.

As Ard says, there is sadly little prospect of a sustainable solution in the results of this election. But hell, let's hope they surprise us.

It would be so good if Paisley and Adams could see that culturally they have more in common with each other than either of them have with Tony Blair.

09 Mar 07 - 03:09 PM (#1991791)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Ulster get a government this time ?
From: GUEST,Tìr Chonaill

Extortionate Water Rates and joint Dublin-London Rule is the alternative, Den.
London will just slip quietly backwards into the shadows over the next years, and Home Rule will happen, if the March 26th deadline isn't adhered to.
Sinn Féin are also expected to do well in the 26 County Elections in May, God Bless them, so hope springs eternal....

... one way or another.

09 Mar 07 - 03:11 PM (#1991793)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Ulster get a government this time ?
From: Den

Culturally they have more in common with each other than anyone else in the rest of Britain and Ireland. The problem is Paisley has seen this situation coming and he is clutching at straws. He knows that in reality he is the last of a breed. Sinn Fein, regardless of what anyone may think of them are on track to being the most popular party in Ireland and that makes people in Dublin a little nervous too.

09 Mar 07 - 03:12 PM (#1991797)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Ulster get a government this time ?
From: Den

I was posting as you were Tir great minds think alike eh;-)

09 Mar 07 - 03:21 PM (#1991809)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Ulster get a government this time ?
From: GUEST,Tìr Chonaill

Believe it or believe it not, weelittledrummer, Sinn Féin is not an extremist party.

The DUP are fundamentalist Christians with their own brand of Presbyterianism, and apparently will sing hymns at the drop of Big Ian's big hat.
(Smaller parties also catered for, I believe)
Not, thoug what you would call 'representative' in the wider scheme of things.

The reason most people your side of the sea have been puzzled over the years is largely down to the manner in which the 'situation' has been reported to you.

09 Mar 07 - 03:23 PM (#1991814)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Ulster get a government this time ?
From: GUEST,Tìr Chonaill

Good to see you again, Den, my man.
How're ye ard mhacha....?

09 Mar 07 - 03:58 PM (#1991855)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Ulster get a government this time ?
From: Big Al Whittle

I know nice decent people who vote for both Paisley and Adams.

The problem isn't convincing ME that SF are a party of moderation.

They both have a recent history of fairly crazy stuff. But thats to an outsider.

The problem is that you think the other guy is crazy here and now - and your chap is A-Okay. And he thinks that about you.

Untie that Gordian Knot, and it will be all plain sailing.

09 Mar 07 - 04:57 PM (#1991914)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Ulster get a government this time ?
From: ard mhacha

Bye the way, 40% of the electorate didn`t vote, that indicates the apathy which this election had on the people, there is one solution, a united Ireland, and looking at the advances Sinn Fein have made it will eventually happen.

09 Mar 07 - 05:41 PM (#1991972)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Ulster get a government this time ?
From: Big Al Whittle

eventually........ but when for chrissake.

surely the immimnent possibility of a conservative government in England should say to SF, 'accept the apparently unacceptable police service and get on with the of establishing some sort of independence from England'. That's basically all thast Paisley has to sing and dance about, as far as I can see.

Blair, for a thousand reasons, must be a much better friend than Cameron will ever be.

09 Mar 07 - 05:57 PM (#1991989)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Ulster get a government this time ?
From: Captain Ginger

Strange - as someone who has endured the attempts of the Republicans to make me history, I still think Paisley is the greater evil than Gerry Adams. As Max Hastings (I think) once put it, if there is a God, why hasn't Ian Paisley died from bowel cancer?

10 Mar 07 - 12:36 AM (#1992274)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Ulster get a government this time ?
From: Den

Sinn Fein voted overwhelmingly at a special party conference Jan. 28 to support the Northern Ireland police. Apparently this was the last stumbling block in implimenting the Good Friday agreement. If you check WLD the ball is bouncing ever slower in the DUP court.

10 Mar 07 - 01:21 AM (#1992288)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Ulster get a government this time ?
From: Big Al Whittle

Well I suppose that's a whole six weeks of overwhelmingly supporting law and order.

Still, all the best. I'm sure everybody in England hopes that you find some grounds for friendship and cooperation with your political opponents.

10 Mar 07 - 06:18 AM (#1992391)
Subject: RE: BS: Will Ulster get a government this time ?
From: GUEST,Harry Galloway

John Prescott is over in Ulster today and said on local radio here he sent congratulations to both party leaders and he fully supports local government. Pity he wasn't involved in the talks with them, I feel he would of sorted this out years ago.