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Mudcat codes

16 Mar 07 - 11:42 AM (#1998665)
Subject: Mudcat codes
From: GUEST,Sandra

I am reasonably new to Mudcat so please excuse me if this subject has already been covered.

Can anyone explain what various 'codes' mean. I can work out 'WTF is it all about' myself (dunno what that says about me)but there are loads I don't understand.

16 Mar 07 - 11:48 AM (#1998672)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: s&r

Click here


16 Mar 07 - 11:48 AM (#1998673)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: MMario

WOBH - "Whale oil beef hooked" - something you will probably only see here....

Easier if you post the ones you want to have explained -- as there are hundreds out there, most internet generic and not mudcat specific...

16 Mar 07 - 11:52 AM (#1998676)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: Scrump

RTFM :-)

(the ":-)" implies the remark is not meant to be taken seriously!)

16 Mar 07 - 11:54 AM (#1998678)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: Bill D

"Blicky" = "blue clicky thing" - a URL before it has been clicked. might be semi-Mudcat specific....

16 Mar 07 - 12:04 PM (#1998687)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: Georgiansilver

IMO and IMHO....In my opinion and in my honest opinion although there should be no difference.

16 Mar 07 - 12:10 PM (#1998697)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: Amos

I believe "blue clicky thing" originated in the befuddled brain of Rick Fielding.

Don't confuse Mudcat with the whole Internet. Abbreviations for phrases like LOL and IANAL (I am not a lawyer...) are common shorthand across the 'net .

16 Mar 07 - 12:11 PM (#1998701)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: Grimmy

IMO and IMHO....In my opinion and in my honest opinion although there should be no difference

I don't do Honest opinions - only Humble ones, and precious few of those I can tell you ;-)

16 Mar 07 - 12:13 PM (#1998704)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: PoppaGator

I always thought the "H" in "IMHO" meant "humble" rather than "honest."

Not that it makes any difference...

I'll have to look up "RTFM"; I usually have a strong suspicion about what an "F" stands for, but that isn't ALWAYS correct. For example, the "F" in "ROTFL" stands for the very innocent word "floor" ("rolling on the floor laughing").

WOBH is a new one on me ~ I've been mostly absent from Mudcat since August 29, 2005 ~ and I'm glad that MMario saw fit to provide an immediate translation. (Even with the "answer" completely spelled out, it took be a minute to catch on.)

16 Mar 07 - 12:17 PM (#1998705)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: PoppaGator

Jeez, how could I NOT know about "Read The Manual" or the alternatative "Read The F. Manual" ~ I work as a tech writer, for crying our loud, and produce the very manuals that our customers so stubbornly refuse to open!

At least, in this case, I was right about what the "F" stood for...

16 Mar 07 - 12:20 PM (#1998707)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: MMario

another you will probably only see here-- and then not that often...

NYCFTTS - "Niel Young center for the Terminally Screwed" (a cyber hospice/clinic/sanitarium/retreat that I believe came from the fertile mind of Catspaw)

16 Mar 07 - 12:27 PM (#1998714)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: GUEST,Sandra


well I'm not quite there yet but I have had my moment reading various threads

thank you all and in particular s&r's click here

16 Mar 07 - 12:40 PM (#1998730)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: Jim Lad

IOU04I80 ... I owe you nothing for I ate nothing!

16 Mar 07 - 07:25 PM (#1999121)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: Mooh

Saw the thread title and thought, "Golly, now I too can be among the chosen few, the inner circle, the Mudcat elite, the favoured ones!", but alas, it's not about secret handshakes, encripted passwords, or decoder rings. Think I'll go away and sulk, I'm outa here, see if I ever come back!

Pause for silent contemplation and reconsideration...

Okay, I'm back.

Peace, Mooh.

16 Mar 07 - 07:50 PM (#1999138)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: Joe_F

If you wear a Sandy's Music T-shirt, and a blue handkerchief with white polka dots in you left back pocket, it means you're into old timey.
If you wear a Mudcat T-shirt, and a blue handkerchief with white polka dots in your right back pocket, it means....

16 Mar 07 - 08:03 PM (#1999150)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: Rapparee

MOAB. The Mother Of All BS Threads. Some things are left off due to laziness.

Then there's Shane McBride and his brother Don, Cletus, the Little Pissant, the Reg Boys, Winston, Penelope, and a host of quasi-human and -nonhuman beings.

Then there's Dr. Guitar.

16 Mar 07 - 08:07 PM (#1999153)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: Amos

Not to forget the Temple of the Golden Curve and the Brotherhood Of Mammary Contemplation, led by Fr. Tacitus Gentilissimus.


16 Mar 07 - 08:13 PM (#1999156)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: bobad

A lot of the generic, non Mudcat specific acronyms can be found here.

16 Mar 07 - 09:28 PM (#1999208)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: JohnInKansas

But esp. for the newcomers, please note that mudcat is different than a lot of other sites where information(?) is exchanged.

At mudcat (and almost exclusively at mudcat) it is possible, and recommended, that one may use complete sentences, spell words out so meanings are clear, and it is permissible to type with your


You are not limited to using your two (or more) thumbs - although what some us of produce might look like it.

The freedom to have, and at least to attempt to express, IDEAS, THOUGHTS, and INFORMED OPINIONS is an exclusive and proprietary property of mudcat, unknown at most other websites1.

There is some variation in usage among our group, but for the most part acronyms, abbreviations, and codes are not necessary here, and for the most part we are not forced to rely on them to express ourselves. They seldom appear where it's NECESSARY to know what they mean, although mostly, when used, they're as used elsewhere on the web.

1 based on survey results I made up fresh just this morning.


16 Mar 07 - 09:49 PM (#1999214)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: Peace

"At mudcat (and almost exclusively at mudcat) it is possible, and recommended, that one may use complete sentences, spell words out so meanings are clear, and it is permissible to type with your


Ya know where John says 'one may use complete sentences'? He doesn't really mean that. He means like lots more than one can use complete sentences, because if only one did, then like we'd be screwed, huh? And his thing about spelling. That's ecellent. And about the complete sentanses. IMHAHO. Actually I'm not. But ya know . . . .

17 Mar 07 - 01:29 AM (#1999294)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: Jim Lad

. End of sentence.

17 Mar 07 - 02:46 AM (#1999318)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: Liz the Squeak

KAKSOD - Killed Another Keyboard Squirting (or Spitting) Out Drink - for those moments when you are drinking your coffee or tea or beer or whatever, and read something so funny that your coffee, tea, etc ends up exiting your nose or mouth at high velocity and hits your screen or keyboard.


17 Mar 07 - 04:24 AM (#1999339)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: The Fooles Troupe

I have nothing to say.

17 Mar 07 - 05:43 AM (#1999362)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: Roger the Skiffler

Send $1,000 to Max and get the official Mudcat Decoder ring. Or send the same amount to Catspaw and get the Mudcat Amish Moustache tuner.


17 Mar 07 - 06:04 AM (#1999371)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: danensis

Could we hae a very short code for "yet another thread about what is folk music really and loads of different opinions that make lots of noise and there isn't really an answer anyway"?


17 Mar 07 - 06:37 AM (#1999380)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: MartinRyan



17 Mar 07 - 07:37 AM (#1999403)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: JennyO

HWGA - that could apply in quite a few other areas too, such as politics, deleted and renamed threads, GUESTS, joke threads, Ireland, pedantry, Sidmouth ...... to name just a few.

17 Mar 07 - 05:34 PM (#1999726)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: EBarnacle

IM'O   In my 'umble opinion

17 Mar 07 - 09:06 PM (#1999860)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: Georgiansilver

FOYB   means go away you illegitimates.

18 Mar 07 - 01:08 AM (#1999952)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: Peace

"Could we hae a very short code for "yet another thread about what is folk music really and loads of different opinions that make lots of noise and there isn't really an answer anyway"?"

How about this?

18 Mar 07 - 02:25 AM (#1999965)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: Ebbie

Don't you think Sandra should know about Lane Fielding Patterson and Swan, the thoughtful guys who will lay about for you when you are too busy to do it yourself?

18 Mar 07 - 02:25 AM (#1999966)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: Ebbie

For a price. Of course.

08 Sep 11 - 10:25 AM (#3220045)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: GUEST,leeneia

IM'O - good one, Barnacle!

IIRC - if I recall correctly

08 Sep 11 - 03:01 PM (#3220186)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: Amos

Another PWO--a highly humorous occasionproviding an Opportunity for one to Wet their Pants laughing.

08 Sep 11 - 03:45 PM (#3220214)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: olddude


Bear sniffing my Balls

08 Sep 11 - 03:55 PM (#3220222)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: gnu

You been out to the Left Coast Dan? I hear that Craig Ferguson talking about them out west on the late night TV. Dunno what he's on about.

08 Sep 11 - 04:03 PM (#3220228)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: Jim Dixon

For a long time, I often saw messages at Mudcat that said thing like, "That song was written by Richard Thompson, IIRC," and I figured IIRC must be one of those honorific abbreviations that some Brits put after their names, like OBE.

(By the way, I just looked up Richard Thompson, and I found out he really is "Richard Thompson, OBE.")

08 Sep 11 - 04:46 PM (#3220261)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: Joe Offer

Some people seem to be compulsive about saying, "LOL." You'll sometimes see it three times in a post, especially posts from younger people. It conveys a feeling of nervousness and social discomfort, I think.


08 Sep 11 - 07:02 PM (#3220348)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity

From: GUEST,Sandra
Date: 16 Mar 07 - 12:27 PM


Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off.......

Something resulting from Mudcat entertainment!


09 Sep 11 - 12:41 AM (#3220454)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: Little Hawk

WSSBA - the William Shatner School of Baaaaaaad Acting!

Located just outside beautiful downtown Orillia, Ontario, Canada, the WSSBA campus has facilities and courses totally devoted to the life and works of William Shatner, Canada's foremost gift to the world. 50 different courses are offered at the WSSBA from The Dramatic Pause 101 to Advanced Shatnerization 404. Upon entering the campus, one's attention is immediately drawn to the giant statue of a Tribble on the Shatner Oval, the immense Rotunda (the fattest building in the world), and the towering Shatner-In-A-Speedo marble statue that looms over the campus, gazing boldly down from Kirk Hill, rather like a latter day Zeus contemplating the Earthly domain over which he rules.

JTRCFCB - the James Taylor Rehab Centre For Catatonic Blandness

Ask Spaw about that one.

09 Sep 11 - 12:39 PM (#3220690)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: olddude

Joe you mean when I keep doing LOL,LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL,
and I aint young .. nor nervous


09 Sep 11 - 12:40 PM (#3220692)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: olddude

gotta tell ya GNU that a few times in my life out in the bush I come close to BSMB

09 Sep 11 - 01:11 PM (#3220712)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: Jim Dixon

KMA - Keep me advised.

Very useful in business correspondence.

09 Sep 11 - 04:47 PM (#3220827)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: gnu

Jim... AYEC.

Dan... British Society for Matrix Biology?

09 Sep 11 - 06:15 PM (#3220865)
Subject: RE: Mudcat codes
From: Dave the Gnome

OMG! It's like Dan Brown wrote it. I bet Max and Joe are Masons...

:D tG