With the topicality of this thread, I think it's time to hear from Jeremy Taylor on the vexatious subject.
POT SONG Jeremy Taylor
I smoke a lot of pot, man, It helps me to keep sane. I sometimes have a shot of cocaine. Just a little puff, Helps me to unwind. And when I've had enough Oh, I really blow my mind. Ring a Ring 'o' roses, a pocket full of pot, Hash and cannabis resin, I've smoked the lot.
(spoken) Now a lot of people ask me why I smoke the stuff. The mari-ju-ana or 'old bedsocks' as it's sometimes known. Well, the fact is, man, I'll smoke anything.
(sung) Now hash a bye my baby, high on the tree top, When the wind blows your mind, you'll be safe on pot.
(spoken) One thing it has done for me now, I must say, it has broadened my 'percepteral' horizons. I mean, that hole in the ceiling that lets the rain in used to be just a hole, but now it's a whole scene, man, you know, it's way out, and groovy, and still lets the bloody rain in.
(sung) My vision is amazing; I can make things fit. People see me gazing and say I'm a stupid twit! But I'm thankful to The Times, for helping our campaign To legalise can-ar-bis, and help me to keep sane
Transcribed from "Spike Milligan & Jeremy Taylor 'Live' at Cambridge University 2/12/'73" NP