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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Legal Eagle Would YOU Buy a Mudcat Computer? (10) RE: Would YOU Buy a Mudcat Computer? 21 Aug 99

I'm too far away to buy direct ,but I need two new computers. Silicon Alley in the UK have some Mitsubishi 450 pentiums at a good price, but it is a basic spec without modem, soundcard, video card, etc. An expert could use them as a source machine.

I would not on principle buy a compaq. Some years ago they used corporate muscle and money to steamroller a client of mine into the ground on a more than somewhat arguable computer lawsuit. I can't work for free, but I tell you I would have really liked to. The guy lost his business (which I think was clean, not pirate), lost his house, his wife, and his marbles. COmplete nervous breakdown. A bunch of other guys lost their jobs too.

I will never buy anything made by compaq.

Apart from that I like the idea.

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