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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,James BS: Histories Mysteries (91* d) BS: Histories Mysteries 05 Apr 04

I have been at home recuperating from surgery and I have read a LOT of are some things that I would like to have been around to see, as a fly on the wall sort of thing....How about anyone else. Are there things you would really like to have been there for ?

Is there an authentic Portrait of Shakespeare?
What became of Lord Lucan ?
What Really happened at The Battle of Waterloo ?
Did Richard 111 Kill the princes In The Tower ?
Who Betrayed Anne Frank ?
Did Shakespeare write ALL of those plays ?
Where did Amelia Earhart go?
Who Killed Michael Collins ?
Hundred more..I just would like to be able to go back in time and see what really happebd.

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