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GUEST,Larry Graves Lyr Req: Blues (My Naughty Sweetie Gives to Me) (71* d) Chords Add: BLUES MY NAUGHTY SWEETIE GIVES TO ME 13 Apr 04

My thanks to Tony re:

From: Tony Burns
Date: 14 Apr 99 - 05:00 PM
In The Mudcat Shop: River

The words jogged my memory and the chords started coming back to mind. I modified the words a bit to match what I'd learned in the 60's while serving in the Navy with an officer who said he played this while a member of The Back Porch Majority.


There are blues that you get from loneliness
And there are blues that you get from pain.
And there are blues when you are lonely
For your one and only
F#                  B7
Blues you can never explain.
I said there are blues that you get from sleepless nights,
Oh, but the meanest blues that I've seen:
                   E                  E7
They're the blues that I've got on my mind,
   A            A7      A
I mean the very meanest kind,
D7                               G         
Blues my naughty sweetie gives to me.

                              Fret: 3 2 1 Open
Single string rundown on 6th string: G F# F E last note into Em Chord
Rundown matches 1st three words.
Also, nice effect if each chord in the next 6 lines is hit as one single stroke as the words are sung. Seventh line continue normal strumming.

3    2    1   Em
Well there are blues you get from women
When you see 'em going swimming
       Em                            Em
And you haven't got a bathing suit yourself.
There are blues you get much quicker
When you're drinking lots of liquor,
       Am                            Am
And somebody goes and takes it off the shelf.
And there are blues you get when everything's in hock,
When your sweetie doesn't answer when you knock,
And there are blues you get from getting

In a taxicab and fretting
Every time you feel the bumper jump a clock.

And there are (Em)blues you get from trying
To keep your Uncle Bill from dying,
And he afterwards forgets you in his will.
And there are (Am)blues you get from kisses
When you're walking with your Mrs.
And another baby shouts, "Hi, Bill!"
But the (E7)blues that make you hop and wanna stop and shake and shiver
(A7)Blues that make you wanna go and end it in the river,      
(D7)Blues my naughty sweetie gives to (G)me.

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