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Deda BS: Rush Limbaugh is aired to US troops (90* d) RE: BS: Rush Limbaugh is aired to US troops 05 Jun 04

Is anyone seriously suggesting that in order to "balance" a statement that "The sky is blue", you'd have to give equal time to someone who insists that it's actually maroon? Rush Limbaugh's constant distortion of the facts, his assertive dissemination of total fabrications, are matters of record. Why does a blue-faced liar need to be "balanced" by anyone or anything? As for his popularity -- well, I understand that "Mein Kampf" sold pretty well in its day.

And if the soldiers in Iraq put in a request to live on a steady diet of MacDonald's french fries and chocolate bars, would they get it? And would I have an option of not letting my tax money go to pay for it?

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