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Franz S. Lyr Req: A Song for Grace (Ted Egan) (11) RE: At the Going Down of the Sun - Who? 24 Jun 04


That's the one! I hope you are familiar -scratch that, I'm sure you're familiar with the unalloyed pleasure one gets from solving a mystery like this. Phillips may not care where his stuff comes from, but I do. Actually, since his first career was as an archivist, he cares too.

The "click here" led me to "No such address". I do have a recording of the song, in the radio program.   Like to learn the program, although I am very much a non-techie. I don't understand what follows "ABC Format" in your post. Since I've seen it before, I'll explore the archives for an explanation.

Thanks very much.   You have made my day.


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