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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Leadfingers BS: I am not racist but I vote BNP (214* d) RE: BS: I am not racist but I vote BNP 12 Aug 04

I dont give a shit wether a man/woman is black or brown or yellow or white - (or tartan or even bloody polka dot) . If they are going to work to provide for themselves and NOT be parasites off those who ARE working then Good Luck to them . IF on the other hand any one wants to come to this country and be a sponger , wether Black etc etc I have NO time for them at all . Sadly , the B N P is attracting the sort of person who simply sees an 'Asylum Seeker' as a 'Threat' to
the 'British ' way of life . Equally sadly , there are far too many Liberal thinkers who are only too quick to shout 'Racist' at ANY attempt to maintain a standard of any kind . An immigrant from the Indian Subcontinent who's only words of English are 'Social Security'
is NOT an asset to the country , any more than an Irish Tinker , who
only knows how to trade in scrap , or an Australian Back Packer who
is free loading his way round the world . It is because we ,in our simplicity , let all and sundry in to Britain , that the people who
ONLY want to cause trouble are constantly given more ammumnition to
stir up unrest among those who , for whatever reason , are only too
susceptible to the blandishments of organisations like the B N P .

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