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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
j0_77 Most difficult tune or song (31) RE: Most difficult tune or song 22 Oct 99

First I admit (blushing even) that I love above all else finger picking Guitar :0) But there is one tune that player I know picks even Doc W has recorded it but darn my socks I just cannot get it to 'go'. Tried everything, Rick may well one day show me (hopes...duh prays) Deep River Blues.

Advice for Fiddle beginners is free - *T*H*R*O*W* the stave/sheet music in the trash - get a good traditional teacher and LISTEN real carefully to them and good recordings of REAL trad fiddlers _ there are lots of posers out there $$$$ ya know money, that's why they do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Use only your fore arm to move the bow- DO NOT TRY TO PLAY LIKE Kenny Baker or Mark OConnor from day one! It will not happen.

Notes can confuse and mislead!

The notation includes somethings that cannot be done on a Fiddle! In does not include things that are routinely done by every folk fiddler I know of. It is just a way to keep a brief 'map' of a tune. It does not include a bowing even if marked for slurs.

Miss Mc Clooods reel. Well the best advice I know is get some bowing for it ( ups downs an slurs ) and learn that well. If you are lucky enough to know a good fiddler who can show a bowing do that. Yuppers about slowing down - in fact unless you are playing 1899900 years it is better to slow everything down. I have big problems in that department. I love to Fake a bar if I cannot get it and carry on as if I had played it. I only get noticed if playing with a group and then it's - hey what you play back there?

Soldiers Joy and ummm D A string cross bowing - yup that takes time - My friend here in Oklahoma played fiddle since he was 6 years old - now 76 :0) He plays it really simple and he could make a bunch of extra notes but does not! Taught me a pile of old timey tunes. Soldiers Joy can be a joy to listen to as well --->as in Lagh lagh lagh lagh la la la - 4 L-O-N-G bows 3 Shrt bows and a rest!

Soldiers Joy -
aD----- fU------- aD------- fU------- /SILENCE go take
a coffe break - /now play dDdUdD / Go sweep the floor.

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