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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
denise:^) Obit: Folk, bluegrass radio in Detroit (113* d) RE: Obit: Folk, bluegrass radio in Detroit 22 Sep 04

Listeners to 'specialty' shows don't usually pledge? Maybe, in some cases, but--

Everyone that I know personally who listened to "Folks Like Us" and "The Arkansas Traveler" also pledged money during these programs. How do I know? Not only have we discussed it, but I've spent many hours answering the phones during WDET pledge drives--and usually knew many of the callers I spoke with! I also see them wearing the shirts or hats; using the coffee mugs--and answering the phones along side of me...

As for "give our new format a listen," HA!! I'm sure there are many folk/bluegrass devotees who also enjoy jazz and blues. I am not one of them.

If I die and go to hell, they'll be playing jazz and blues there, I'm sure--keeping in mind, of course, that 'hell' is relative to the individual...

I'm sure we can't stay vocally angry for the remainder of time and all eternity--who would want to?--but we *will* go away from WDET; our *money* will go away; we won't be there to answer phones and take pledges, as we were before; our 'fundraiser' events from Paint Creek Folklore and Oakland County Traditional Dance will no longer be for the benefit of WDET...

The only thing more ignorant than this programming decision is that obnoxious form letter they sent me today!

denise :^)

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