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Ooh-Aah2 Going vegi (57* d) RE: Going vegi 20 Nov 04

No it doesn't. Many vegetarians rely on high-protein foods such as soya-beans etc that grow in warm climates. The environmental and social damage of poor peoples growing them as a cash crops to sell to rich countries, and the environmental costs of getting them to temperate countries are astronomical. Much better from a social justice and environmental standpoint to eat a chop from a sheep that has had a happy life and painless death somewhere local.

Les, I don't find your visions of farms consisting of cereal crops inspiring or sustainable. Have you seen a wheat prarie? If you have seen a well-run organic farm (lots in the Welsh borders) you would realise that they are they way to go - happy animals and healthy crops burgeoning on their manure, a healthy symbiosis which is as close as possible to natural systems.

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