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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
darkriver BS: Anti Lawyer jokes (80* d) RE: BS: Anti Lawyer jokes 11 Feb 05

The devil materializes in front of a lawyer, working late in his office.

"Here's the deal," quoth Satan. "I can get you a full partnership and that corner office you've always wanted.

"In addition, your new secretary will be a fantastic secretary AND also stacked, fun-loving, and amoral.

"Finally, you'll live to be 103 years old, everyone will love you, and Harvard Law will endow a chair in your name.

"All I ask for in return is that your soul, plus the souls of your wife and all your children, burn in hell forever.

"So whaddaya say? We have a deal?"

The lawyer rubs his jaw.

"What's the catch?" he asks.

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