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j0_77 BS: BS (58* d) RE: BS: BS 29 Nov 99

Bill D ...hmmm yup you are correct - others may not understand why but I certainly do. Reading the quote from Joyce reminded of all that is bad in the exclusive publishing world. Joyce could have written a very very very long 'run on' sentence if he wanted to and we the consumer could not do anyting about that, here however we can do something about such silliness. Complain!

Now where is that spaw??? Joyce is tiresome to read, I used try to but quit! If he has something to say it goes on and on and on and on ... Bullshit is bullshit!

The internet is providing another door for the literate. I used to wander into a bookshop and browse, now the interenet has more variety; not only can we read 'authors' on line but have the chance to contribute as well. This revolution benifits muddie, we don't have to read any particular author, we can choose 'Spaw' or 'Bseed' or whoever.

In fact it is now possibile for a person to gain popularity on the basis of his/her posts where ever they may be. I notice some folk on muddie contribute lots of stuff, others less and we all have our favorites :0)

The internet is providing a whole new world for serious and creative bullshit. The rules have changed too for the sucessfull writer, it is not enough just to be in print you have to be 'online' as well. There are some writers who have gained fame and never worked a day for a publisher, Matt Drudge now has his own Radio Show! So being online is some of, though not all that is needed to become a 'writer'. Talent helps too.

In printed media long paragraphs and complciated sentences used be popular but on the net the opposite is the case. The shorter the paragrah/sentence the better since the aim is to convey information not impress. Perhaps in the day of the 'Book' fancy language created the impression of intelect, here it simply looks arrogant.

Bullshit needs to be accurate and easy on the eye, I don't care if Okiemockingbird is a Ph D phd BA MA MD, what he/she writes is real hard to read and boring to boot! I think Spaw called it 'philobabble', very apt! Good Bullshit is plain talkin.

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