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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Joan BS: Rudeness (89* d) RE: BS: Rudeness 05 Dec 99

A noisy group in the room who aren't there for the music? Bars are nearly impossible to control since the management would much rather have people be rowdy and imbibing rather than sitting quietly, listening to songs--they're not going to ask anyone to pipe down. So you stare into the cluster that's generating the main noise, and they either never notice they're being eyeballed, or are fully aware, and stare back insolently. Tough gigs, are bars, unless you have someone performing with a BIG voice, and an audience that is familiar with the singer and his/her repertoire.

Folk clubs in the UK are nearly always above, below, or along side of pubs, but the folk audiences come to listen and sing, mostly, stepping out politely for the occasional pint--and remembering why they came to begin with. In the US, there's likely coffee and cookies, and people come to listen and participate if possible. Luxurious.

I love some of the comebacks here so much I almost wish I still had the opportunity let some fly.

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