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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
wolfdog from Wolfdog - help me learn about Mudcat (40) RE: Mudcat FAQ - Newcomer's Guide 12 Nov 05

I'M a writer and musician and I can not figure out how to use mudchat, dont know what a thread is. I need something to download that answers these questions. Please. I lived with Tom Hoskins and John Hurt in the 1960. Have written many songs and played with many people under stage names( usually made up at the moment ) Gene @ Adelphi will confirm I'm real. I got shot in the head and brokeC1 vertabre and am recovering in the mountains of Highland County in Virginia. I aquired Tramatic Brain Injury but I am learning to talk and am ready to try writting more songs and investigative reporting. Your site interested me but I need to learn about it. My real name is David Nicholson
   General Delivery
   Williamsville Virginia 24487          I dont mind using my real name because only people who knew Hurt and Hoskins would know it and I want to reestablish contact with them. 1 540 925 2416

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