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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Brendy - elsewhere Enlighten me - stuck pig? (65* d) RE: Enlighten me - stuck pig? 22 Feb 00

There is a story in Co. Clare from years ago, where a man (farmer) was bringing his pigs to market.
At one stage he went into the pub for a few jars and a bit of haggling.
When he came back out to check on the pigs, the amount of booze, apparently, made him a bit unsteady on the old props!
As he was climbing the railings to get into the pen, the story goes, he fell into it, and the pigs, not to make too fine a point of it enjoyed what could be referred to as an early lunch.
For the person who was to buy the pigs went up to find yer man, and only could find various bits of masticated farmer.

In the story I gave further up the thread, I was minded of this incident as the pig was charging me - Ah, the things we do for food!!!!


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