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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Richard in Manchester BS: Replacing a bathroom (U.K.) (34) BS: Replacing a bathroom 03 Jan 07

Any Mudcat plumbers out there?

Where does one start? I need to replace the whole lot - flooring, suite, tiling, shower unit, everything - but what order do you do it in?

Floor covering (currently carpet - yuk) to be replaced with vinyl.
The new suite (bath/wc/wash-basin, electric shower over the bath) will go in the same position as the old one, so hopefully no need to move pipes etc.
Tiling will be replaced, but will also cover the same area as the existing tiling.

Should I replace the floor covering and then the suite, or do I put the suite in and cut the new floor covering to fit? Should the tiling be completed before the new suite goes in, or can the suite be fitted 'loose' (temporarily) and the tiling completed afterwards? The existing basin is fixed through the tiles, whereas the wc cistern has been fixed directly through the plaster and the tiling cut to fit around it. Which is the better way?

All suggestions gratefully received.

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