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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
dianavan BS: Virginia Tech Shooting, 20 dead? (432* d) RE: BS: Virginia Tech Shooting, 20 dead? 17 Apr 07

"...the feebleness of the response to the deaths of two young people..."

Feeble is putting it lightly.

I suppose because they 'assumed' it was a domestic dispute, there was no need for a lock down? That tells you how seriously they take domestic disputes! Don't they realize that those who kill during a domestic dispute are enraged and are a danger to everyone? Pity the women of Viginia.

I work in an elementary school and I can assure you we have emergency response procedures in place and we have drills at least once a year. We all know the difference between code yellow and code red. It is far more likely that you will find a gun on a university campus so what kind of excuse does the administration or the police have? Absolutely none!

It is sad and disgusting that anyone would even want to commit such a horrible act but the response was equally apalling.

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