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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
dianavan BS: Even we can't be this stupid (53* d) RE: BS: Even we can't be this stupid 20 Apr 07

I don't get it. Why protect the Sunnis when it is the Shiites who are the victims? The death and carnage of late has been happening in predominately Shiite neighborhoods. The Sadriya district is Shiite.

Are they walling the Sunnis in to protect them or to contain them? Whats the point if the bombs are mostly from al Qaeda? Why do the coalition forces know nothing of this plan? Whose idea was this and who wants it?

"U.S. Maj. Gen. William B. Caldwell IV, the top spokesman for coalition forces in Iraq, was quoted as saying Wednesday that he was unaware of any effort to build a wall dividing Shiite and Sunni enclaves in Baghdad and that such a tactic was not a policy of the Baghdad security plan."

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