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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
dianavan BS: Virginia Tech Shooting, 20 dead? (432* d) RE: BS: Virginia Tech Shooting, 20 dead? 25 Apr 07

Of course I don't think target shooting is a danger to children. Don't play the fool, Mick. If it takes restricting my right to own a gun to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and/or the mentally unstable then so be it.

Its too easy to obtain handguns and its too easy to conceal them. There are far more guns being used for criminal purposes than guns being used legitimately. In this case, I don't think my right to have fun should have any bearing on the issue. As to teaching kids responsibility, I think that there are other methods. In other words, legitimate gun owners can find alternatives. So can criminals but we don't have to make it easy for them.

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