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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
dianavan BS: Virginia Tech Shooting, 20 dead? (432* d) RE: BS: Virginia Tech Shooting, 20 dead? 29 Apr 07

Kat - good link!

Interesting that she mentions a higher incidence of mental health issues among immigrant children. I can certainly understand why. They have so much to overcome. I also believe that some cultures reject children with mental health issues.

I also found it interesting that criteria for in-patient care seems to differ widely from State to State and country to country. I know that in Canada, the jails are full of inmates that should be in mental health facilities. Instead they are part of the revolving door from prison to street and back again. What a sane idea to consider the history of the person rather than wait for imminent danger or an assault. Why should families endanger themselves for lack of adequate facilities?

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