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GUEST,Pootytang BS: illegals prove they are not needed ... (122* d) RE: BS: illegals prove they are not needed ... 04 May 07

Here's an incredible, short article. A Freedom of Information Act filed by Judicial Watch turned this up. The head of U.S. Homeland Security admits the U.S., Canada and Mexico are being merged. This is sooo illegal. No treaties unless ratified by the Senate (in the U.S.) The article mentions one report that's "heavily redacted" to hide the names of those involved. Hell yeah it's blacked-out. They're traitors to their respective countries.

The Security and Prosperity Partnership and the North American Union are here. They began in 2005. In March the European Union had big Fiftieth Anniversary celebrations across the continent, but the average European thinks the EU was initiated in 2000, right? Wrong. They implemented it by subterfuge in 1957. Same thing is going on now in North America. The North American Union began in 2005 (see article) at Waco, Texas.

And now, the govt-owned media is stirring up the "immigration" issue, so I suppose we're expected to fight a civil war pretty soon. Then the new unified North American Police Force can put things right...round up the illegals for the concentration camps (and a few of us problematic citizens too), then show little "Pedro" in the camp being denied the American Dream and, what the hell, let's just get rid of the borders. And where'd those problematic citizens go, by the way?

Don't fall for it. Kick the illegals out of the U.S., and let them send our criminals back, too.

That's all I have to say on the subject. Read the FOIA document. Those are high crimes and treason.

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