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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
dianavan BS: illegals prove they are not needed ... (122* d) RE: BS: illegals prove they are not needed ... 06 May 07

"Now all we have to do is to convince the Roman Catholic Church." - Riginslinger

Its not just the Roman Catholic Church, its the pro-life movement and their successful lobbying of the government that is making laws that prevent people from controlling the population. Don't blame the illegals who have no vote.

"Americans just can't afford to work for the substandard wages the slave drivers pay to the Mexicans."

So fine the employer! Organize unions!

"how would if help if the US is adding millions of people each year to its population?"

Are you saying its easier to imprison human beings and build walls than pass adequate environmental standards? Whether immigrants are legal or illegal does not effect the environment.

"if an alien couple has a baby there, does the new born automatically become a Canadian citizen?"

As far as I know, this is true. I was an American citizen at the time of my daughter's birth. She automatically became Canadian. I had to apply for her U.S. citizenship and she became a dual citizen.

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