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Kara 42 days to no smoking (UK) (488* d) RE: 42 days to no smoking (UK) 05 Jul 07

I haven't read all this thread as it is so long, so if I am repeteing what has already been said I'm sorry. I live in france where there are still a lot of people who smoke, and going into bars is so unpleasantly smokey that I try to avoid it. There is a plan to ban smoking here in bars but it is getting a lot of resistance. Its is strange though that the same people who support fair trade and buy organic are also supporting a business that has been built on the back of slavery.

There are big posters in most bars here now saying " In one year my business could be closed because of the smoking ban"

In the last 3 years I have lost 3 good friends to lung cancer, thats not a "could be" thats a done thing.

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