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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Bud Savoie BS: I'm scared of Americans and Guns (117* d) RE: I'm scared of Americans and Guns 19 Apr 00

On another thread, a UK woman appeared from time to time in various incarnations with various aliases, bemoaning American patriotism, capitalism, lack of gun control, and what not. Now Lizzie, if you're the same gal, please don't open one of your endless cans of worms (that's American for Pandora's box). The two cities in the USA with the strongest anti-gun laws are Washington DC and New York; they also have the highest rate of violent crime. If you think that outlawing guns will solve the problem, then all Britain has to do is outlaw them in Northern Ireland and voila! everything is peaceful and problem solved.

If you are another alias of Red Barbie or Plane Jane, please cut out the anti-American stuff on this site; it doesn't belong here. If you are someone else, well, God help us! Two of you over there?

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