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GUEST,anythinglovecantbuy-youtube Lyr Req: Blues (My Naughty Sweetie Gives to Me) (71* d) RE: Lyr Req: Blues My Naughty Sweetie Gave to Me 29 Sep 07

The John Denver lyric:

Blues My Naughty Sweetie Gives To Me

This song was first released on the John Denver Sings album. It is the only album it has been released on.

Now there are blues that you get from happiness
There are blues that you get from pain
Blues when you are lonely for your one and only
Blues that are hard to explain

And there are blues that you get from waitin'
Oh, but the meanest, the meanest blues that be
There are kinda I got on my mind
Blues there are all very meanest kind
Blues my naughty sweetie gives to me
Oh, yeah

Oh, there are blues you get from women when you see 'em goin' swimmin' and you haven't got a bathin' suit yourself
There are blues that start to flicker when you had a lot of liquor and someone goes and takes it off the shelf
There are blues you get from waitin' on the dock, and you wonderin' if your little boat is gonna rock
Blues you keep a-gettin' in a taxicab a-pettin' every time you hear the meter jump the clock

There are blues you get from tryin' to keep your uncle Will from dyin' and he afterwards forgets you in his will
There are blues that get from kisses when you are walkin' with the missus and another baby shouts, "Hey, Bill!"
Blues that kinda make you hop and can't wait to shake and shiver, kinda make you want to end it all in the river
Blues my naughty sweetie gives to me
Oh, swing that thing!

Now there are blues you get from women when you see 'em goin' swimmin' and you haven't got a bathin' suit your own self
There are blues that start to flicker when you had a lot of liquor and someone goes and takes it off the shelf
There are blues you get from waitin' on the dock, and you wonderin' if your little boat is gonna rock
Blues you keep a-gettin' in a taxicab a-pettin' every time you hear the meter jump the clock

There are blues you get from tryin' to keep your uncle Will from dyin' and he afterwards forgets you in his will
There are blues that get from kisses when you are walkin' with the missus and another baby shouts, "Hey, Patrick!"
Blues that kinda make you hop and can't wait to shake and shiver, kinda make you want to end it all in the river
Blues my naughty sweetie gives to me
Let me hear it again
Oh, blues my naughty sweetie gives to me
Just one more time
Blues my naughty sweetie gives to me

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