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Spider Tom Lyr Add: The Cull (Anzac Day song) (31) RE: Lyr Add: ANZAC DAY song THE CULL 25 Apr 00

What can I say that hasn't been said already?
I'm a lucky one, I've not had to be shipped to a culling or a killing, but am secure in the knowledge that we are governed by people who would use us or allow us to be
used again in this callous way.
I just got upset watching ouw P.M. Patronize an old
soldier, knowing that he is currently at war with all
Aussie workers, as for me explaining all about Anzac Day, What would I know?
Cheers to Bob Bolton and Billy the Bus
To the Shambles, as you can see the real wonder is that Auzzies and Kiwis fought together, and not, each other.

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