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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
freightdawg Rethinking my 1962 D-28 (27) RE: Rethinking my 1962 D-28 07 Dec 07

I just realized...I was made in 1962. Does that make me vintage? Am I worth more now than, say, 10 or 15 years ago?

I could really get some mileage out of this with the Mrs. Freightdawg.

On the serious side of things, I agree with Poppagator mostly with one exception - aren't classical guitars made with a slighty wider neck to facilitate the chord shapes and individual notation that is customary with classical music? Now granted, unusual chord shapes are found in every genre of guitar music. However, in blues and jazz many shapes are built off of barre chords. Barreing a classical width fretboard with the normal curvature of the neck would be brutal - hence the flatter fretboard to compensate.

I may be all wet - and please, I'm not picking an argument. I just thought these features might be an answer to the question. I've just noticed that guitars that are designed primarily for rythm have much narrower necks, guitars that emphasize classical or fingerpicking styles have wider necks.

the "vintage" Freightdawg

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