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Spider Tom St Albans - Aussie 'catters (108* d) RE: St Albans - Aussie 'catters 04 May 00

How sad that you would even think such a thought.
That I would be in the least bit insultive to your poor lonely sad tragic self.
I may have given you this impression as, looking through rose coloured glasses at the world as you obviously do, you may have thought the best of me.
No harmoniclive, I was not being insultive to your special self.
I was mearly being honest, as in a fashion I'm sure you thought you were.
I would suggest that you don't trouble yourself about the purile meanderings of one such as I.
Go out into the streets in search to the answer to a question I pose;
Why would a solo player have the word harmoni? as part of their tag, when it should be Monomoniclive?
I am crawling back under my rock now it's where I keep my sense of humour, makes life that little more bearable.
Would you like to try some, or don't you like the taste?
Maybe yours is stuck fast to your heel.

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