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GUEST,Eric Hayman Help: Bridie Gallagher: biography? (66* d) RE: Help: Bridie Gallagher: biography? 14 Jan 08

My first girlfriend was Irish, from Dublin. From that and from my romantic nature grew a liking for Irish folk music, despite much of it recalling the first "Troubles" (how Irish to call Eire's war of independence "Troubles"). I built up a large collection of Irish music on tape and on disc.

I went to see Bridie live at a Glasgow theatre in 1960 and was so enthralled by her that I went back the next night for another helping of the same. And there I was introduced to the reality of show business.
All went well until she came to when she said she had been asked by a member of the audience especially to sing a certain song. That's right:
exactly the same explanation as the night before, and exactly the same song. All the magic went in those few words, and I saw someone doing a job, just as the man who raised the curtain was doing his job. For that
memory to stay in my mind for 48 years says something, doesn't it?
Sure, the humour is off me now.

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