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Kara Tech: Pop and crackles on my sound card (35) RE: Tech: Pop and crackles on my sound card 19 Jan 08

Thanks for your help. It is so annoying when you get a new toy and it doesn't work properly

How can you tell if there is a problem with the power supply?
I've been in the device manager and on all the USB ports it said that the system was authorised to turn this off to save energy, so I unclicked those, but it doesn't seem to have made any difference.

I have tried connection to all three different usb ports, and tried differnet USB cables but non of it makes any difference.

The clicking and popping goes on no matter what file type I play and what player I use.

There is less popping with the advances driver ON, and having the buffer size as big as it can go impoves things , but its still there. If I could make the buffer size even bigger that might help, but I don't know if there is a way to do that?????

Do you???



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