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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Spider Tom BS: MORE!!! About Breasts!!!! (133* d) RE: BS: MORE!!! About Breasts!!!! 16 May 00

Thanks for all the womens secret stuff,
It would appear my wearing frilly knickers is a turn off, well you live and learn. That would explain why many women get a funny look on their faces when I say I would like to get into their pants, they must all wear frilly ones.

You suggested wearing a cod piece?
A problem there.
I went to the fish shop and they had run out of cod,the only thing they could offer me was tuna.

I have worn this twice now, the first time, the only female response I could get was to watch them tilt the nose in the air, spin an the heels and walk away.
The second time, I couldn't even get close to a woman though it did make getting a seat on the bus easier than usual.

I would suggest, Sorcha that you may have a fish fetish,
A FETISH, which is evidently not shared by most women I encounter.

I will carry a tin of sardines with me in case we meet,

At the least, we could do lunch.

Spider Tom

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