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Spider Tom Riverdance. Good or bad? (74* d) RE: Riverdance. Good or bad? 21 May 00

Riverdance was and is, an ambitious endeavour.
From the "acorn" planted on Eurovision, to the grand
stage production, it has given the world at large a sample of a remarkable endureing culture.
Like many things that attempt to do so much, it struggles to tell a huge story, and this it does well to the likes of me, a mongrel Aussie with a good swig of Irish blood in my body and soul.
Yes, it does this as a sort of romance.
As we, the disenfranchised children of a culture we will never truely know, grope for our inheritance, at least we can now do so without losing the dream.
And if it portrays the Irish as a nation of music loving dancing legs, at least it is closer to the truth, than the previous image of the stupid and ignorant, as was so fashionable in the Irish Joke times.
Another thing too, there is a story of hope and resurrection, through times of struggle.
Something that brings hope is GOOD.
I also loved the Dance and the music.
Spider Tom

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