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Big Phil BS: Message for the GREAT leader, Flash. (22) RE: BS: Message for the GREAT leader, Flash. 29 Oct 08

Well it was more fun than listening to the "hockey mum" over the pond. What a joke that turned out to be, a car crash waiting to happen.

Flash - Flash Gordon, Gordon - Gordon Brown (Prime Minister). Mandelson (probably the most hated man in British politics, regarded as a bit of a rat)- brought back into the Governments plans, one month in, spends time on Russian billionaire's Yacht, and ruins the Great Leaders comeback. (Rats and ships)

Come on keep up, the American Do-Dah is now over, Obama will walk it, get over it. Time for a change over the pond anyway. What a mistake to bring Palin into the limelight, what a disaster waiting to happen, obscurity beckons.


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