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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
semi-submersible From Max: Mudcat Update (356* d) RE: From Max: Mudcat Update 12 Nov 08

Since I first arrived, I've observed certain Mudcatters having a moderating effect by the power of their words. They speak briefly and kindly, with patience and purpose. Humanity touches humanity, and the response I feel inside me makes up for all the pettiness. Handsome is as handsome does.

Visible "Moderator" badges would actually take away from that sense of human contact, and inhibit bystanders like me from trying to volunteer. Whose "job" is it to pour oil on troubled waters? Not mine: I'm not authorised.

Not that I've done much; but I feel like it's up to us, not somebody with a uniform, to make this community a good place. It works, Max.

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