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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Sneakin' in... BS: shooting in DC? - U.S. Holocaust Museum (134* d) RE: BS: shooting in DC? - U.S. Holocaust Museum 12 Jun 09

Who knows how many posts I have left before ***they*** lock down on my computer... Seems as if ***they** have effectively locked down on my handle so far... If I try to post anything under my handle or as "logged in" I get "access denied"...

Hmmmmmmm??? BB gets to froth off at the mouth freely here and I get "Acess Denied" and have to go underground to post... Purdy fucked up!!!

But, hey, seein' as I might have one last post that get's thru... How about Fox having it's license pulled??? Fox promotes hate and lets folks out there who think it's okay to assasine progressives that that is just fine in their book... The airwaves are owned by all of US and I reject the idea that they can be used to promote right winged terrorism...

Now that should polish off my ISP as well as my handle... Don't wnat no friggin' commies here in this nice little comfy folk musicans web site, except of course the righties who can froth at the mouth 24/7...


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