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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Rob Naylor Tech: Should Mudcat be updated? (187* d) RE: Tech: Should Mudcat be updated? 12 Apr 10

I appreciate that this site is maintained on a voluntary basis, and that those involved with it also have to earn a living.

I also agree with keeping it simple... but not so simple that it actually becomes more complex for users who are perhaps patient with "clunkiness" than those of us who grew up when *everything* in the computer world was clunky.

And I too programmed in FORTRAN, once upon a time, so I know how complexity can mushroom. I also know that modern PLs can be a lot easier to use than FORTRAN, which is why I haven't touched it for 15 years.

These days there are a lot of standard routines and modules available which could be used for some of the suggested enhancements. It's not as if (despite the comments from some) anyone's suggesting an all-singing/ dancing Java-based site with animations, glitz and bling all over it.

A few robust mods would do it. Done whenever Max can fit them in...but not so far into the future that all we geriatrics have died off and there's only tumbleweed blowing amongst the headstones in here.

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