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Bud Savoie Orange song sound files on line (131* d) RE: BS: ORANGE SONG SOUND FILES ON LINE 01 Sep 00

Spaw, spirited debate is not just acceptable--it's the life and spirit of Mudcat. I love the give-and-take and merciless needling, as long as it is done in the spirit of fun. Conrad and those of his ilk are not a whole lot of fun.

And I apologize to Fionn if I misunderstood him (or is it "Fionna"?). I like Irish people of both colors, as long as they leave their shelelieghs [sp? Why can't the Irish spell things the way they're pronounced?] at home.

And finally, that Ballymartin Orange pipe band is a bunch of idiots with no music in their souls. How many great jams would never have taken place if no one would jam with people of the "wrong" religion?


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