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Dave Earl What's happened to Sidmouth? (230* d) RE: What's happened to Sidmouth? 04 Mar 11

Well Richard,if you can only fit in a couple of days, you can always find a Fringe or Free session somewhere during Folkweek and look into one of the things that Joan has programmed.

People on this thread probably know where I spend most of my time when I'm at Sidmouth (I also do stewarding work for Folkweek )but I'm not trying to force my taste on yourself.

I think dogs can be catered for to a certain extent but probably your clients (I know your profession)will have to do without you while you are in Sidders. - There's also mobile internet option these days of course.

Hope you can get down for a day or two but if not I'll catch up with you at one or two other places around or corner of the country won't I?


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