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GUEST,Ralphie 'Occupy English Folk Music!' (608* d) RE: 'Occupy English Folk Music!' 07 Nov 11

A slight aside (but germain to the discussion I think) Back in the 80's I wrote a tune (My only one BTW) for the Molly side I was working with at the time. It's called "Fairlop" (after a Central line tube station.) Imagine my surprise when I found it being lustily played in a session at a festival a year later. I'd just popped in for a light lunch (not even playing)..Half an hour later, I asked the chap who had started the tune about it's provenance. He said "Oh, it's hundreds of years old....!" I didn't have the heart to tell him that I'd made it up 3 years earlier!
I didn't inform this chap that he was wrong. And in a strange way, I quite like the idea that a tune that I wrote has wormed it's way into the tradition. Am I upset? Not at all.
I do agree that the tune side of the scene is more forgiving and encompassing than the singers perspective. Songs obviously have a lot more power, as they are making statements in words. Tunes just noodle around.
Everything is right. Nothing is wrong.
The idea of "Occupation" is pants.....a bit like knitting fog.

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